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  1. Seven

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    Just when I thought you were getting somewhere.
  2. Seven

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    They should shoot you. I was going to suggest something that would cause you to suffer before you would die, but then I thought that I prefer you to die as soon as possible. A bullet will suffice.
  3. Seven

    Movies you've seen recently...

    I'm going to watch Public Enemies with some mates later tonight. Problem is: one of them is one of those guys that talk a lot during movies. I don't like that.
  4. Seven

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    She talks in the most atrocious way. You're right, what's so great about being vulgar?
  5. Seven

    Movies you've seen recently...

    Jew III: The Muslim. Good stuff. A little bit more action and insults this time and that's what I like in a movie. I really didn't think they could make a good movie again. Jew I was awesome of course, but Jew II: The Christian sucked donkey balls.
  6. Seven

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  7. Seven

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    I haven't seen the movie yet, but the book is definitely worse. Utter shite and a disgrace that he made so much money of it. The Da Vinci Code was extremely poor as well, but this one is plain retarded.
  8. Seven

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    Juno was a feelgood movie. Kind of liked the soundtrack.
  9. Seven

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    Meh, I don't like them.
  10. Seven

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    Whether you like them or not.
  11. Seven

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    The discussion was about whores.
  12. Seven

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    She looks nice, but I don't particularly like women looking like whores. It's godawful outfit.
  13. Seven

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    Of course it was average. What the hell were you expecting?
  14. Seven

    Movies you've seen recently...

    Man, I detest Brugge. Such an artificial city.
  15. Seven

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    What the book tells you is: no one cares. Makes the movie more interesting to watch if you start out with that basic thought.
  16. Seven

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    That is one awesome movie. And you're right, the acting is terrific. "Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?" And it's true, you know...
  17. Seven

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    And I have to admit: he's brilliant at what he does. The big problem I have with romantic comedies is that they lack cynics. In Notting Hill there's this moment in which Hugh Grant is discussing with his friends whether or not he should go after Julia Roberts.. you know, after she has said the...
  18. Seven

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    I like Hugh Grant when he gives away interviews though. Funny guy. "This time I'm doing something completely different.. a romantic comedy"
  19. Seven

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    Hm. I understand what you're saying, but he was a great, great actor. I find Cassano an absolute prick and wouldn't want to be in the same room with him, but he does know how to play football.
  20. Seven

    Movies you've seen recently...

    Watched Revolutionary Road yesterday. Pretty awesome movie, but I chose to watch it with a girl. Which might not have been the best option. "So the marriage is off then?" :D