Recent content by Lilith

  1. Lilith

    Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!]

    This was definitely the king of all episodes. Potential prince that was promise = Both Dany or Jon... but what if we get a holy Trinity of sorts...Dany, Jon and Tyrion. Also why was Bran breathing out cold air? Is he somehow connected to the W.W. now that he is touched? Will he become one of them?
  2. Lilith

    Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!]

    Omgomgomgomgomgeeeeeeee!!!! So! We finally have the W.W. origins and Bran created a time loop of sorts! If I had to venture a guess on why the W.W. turned on the children it would be that you can't control something with a cold heart. - - - Updated - - - P.S. I am so happy I didn't watch...
  3. Lilith

    Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!]

    He cared enough to help conjure up red wedding when Robb didn't marry his daughter as promised...
  4. Lilith

    Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!]

    Frey was one of the trio who orchestrated red wedding. I don't think Jon will take too kindly to a man who murdered his family.
  5. Lilith

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    It is not that you cannot. It just that some things take a little more time and some effort. Keep working at it and you will be good to go after a while. I didn't always think like this. When I was younger crap like that would have totally gotten to me so I do understand why you feel that way...
  6. Lilith

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    As in a woman who doesn't mind a good joke? :P I think sometimes we take life too seriously. Personally something like this would make me laugh because 1. It is unique. 2. I tend to have social anxiety so I am a little bit more difficult to talk to than the "regular" woman. My point is...
  7. Lilith

    Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!]

    Insight into Arya: At 12:28 there is a spoiler to her final fate so skip that part if you do not want to know.
  8. Lilith

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    This seems neat for anyone of you trying to get a girl's number: I think it is a good icebreaker as well. And yes the formula works. I tried it with my own number.
  9. Lilith

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I am inclined to agree with you. That is not to say that we do not experience temptations ourselves, we just have better self control I think. In fact temptation happened just as recently as Saturday. Of course I did not act on it but it was there. But I have noticed something with your gender...
  10. Lilith

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Define faithful? Some say it is the minute you delete a text that you don't want your partner to see. If that is the case the majority of us are probably guilty as hell. But if we are talking about hardcore cheating, some days I think humans are not meant to be monogamous and maybe I should not...
  11. Lilith

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Naw this lot is way too hedonistic for that. I honestly do not believe that many people are that faithful. Not saying it is right, just saying it seems to be a fact of life these days. - - - Updated - - - Go study astronomy!
  12. Lilith

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Good for you E! As long as you gave it your best shot, you have nada to worry about. Guys like you are SOOO rare, don't you dare change that for anyone. Lol I am barely a responsible adult myself so not quite yet. :D You are most welcome. Personally I want my equal but I do not think it...
  13. Lilith

    Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!]

    Agreed but I would describe it as akin to chess; You need to set up all your pieces before you can get to check. These storylines are so intricate that they need to be told in the finest detail. The beauty is not in the final result alone but in each character and how they develop...provided...
  14. Lilith

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Lol I only mentioned you because I thought you were the exact opposite of what he was describing. - - - Updated - - - I swear I began typing everything you just said there in answer to Aaron last night and then I got really hungry and could not function after that and dumped the entire post...
  15. Lilith

    News that makes you say WTF!

    I am moving to Canada! Politics make people crazy.