'Murica! (81 Viewers)

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
I never thought about it as a cult, but that’s really what it has become. I’m not having kids either. And I’ll never hear the end of it from certain cult members who think they know best.
My girlfriend wants kids. Only doubt I have in the relationship. Seems like it will place such a damper on the things we can do for 20 years.

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Jun 16, 2020
Any reasons in particular that you feel this way?
You’ll appreciate your freedom until its too late and your wife gets to old, at least that’s what I always thought. I don’t see the luxury of not having kids anymore at a certain age, especially when your friends probably have created families already. As you get older and the feeling of going out and stuff regresses it will probably become a quite empty life

If I may compare my life with kids to some of my friends who don’t have kids honestly the arguments I mostly hear are not being able to going out anymore or having the freedom to book a trip to a random country whenever you please. To be frank I’m happy that the highlights of my life aren’t getting drunk on a Friday anymore.

The affection you feel towards your own children just hits different, having said all of this it isn’t a decision you should take overnight and especially getting children with the right woman is the most important aspect. Raising them will go naturally. For me it added a lot to my life and it got the best out of me.
Apr 12, 2004
People should not procreate at all and the world population needs to be cut by 70%.

I volunteer as tribute.

- - - Updated - - -

I think not having kids is a life choice anyone will regret as they get older.
By saying anyone, you mean one in that entire dataset. So, I agree.

As I get older, I am super happy I only date Pro-Choice women.


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2006
I think not having kids is a life choice anyone will regret as they get older.
There is probably a 1% chance humanity will make it to 2030...With out of control fascism and nazism in Russia, China, right wing lunatics in the West and exponentially evolving AI, which will leave hundreds of millions of people jobless and potentially lead to bloody revolutions, the future is more bleak than ever.
We do not even need sentient AI to exterminate us. We will do this to ourself long before that.

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May 27, 2007
I think not having kids is a life choice anyone will regret as they get older.
Here's my thought on this.

I actually don't mind (CARE is a better word) If somebody decides not to have kids. But I do think people will regret it at a certain point. However, what I find horrible is how people lie to themselves when giving reasons on why not to have kids. Saying stuff like "world is already overpopulated" "people are destroying the planet" (TV Show Utopia is great, though), "I don't want to raise a kid in THIS world", etc. Such things are fucking bullshit. World nowadays has shitload of flaws, that's for sure, but compared to the past it's still quite great, no, since parents used to lose like 4 out of 5-6 kids in the past as just one example. Secondly, I find it silly how some certain people put themselves in a role of God, worrying about planets resources LOL, I mean c'mon give me a break. There's a handful of people marrying older women who can't have kids so they have to give some sort of reason to lie to themselves since it's brutal to say it's because of their age imo. As for a financial standpoint, I don't want to comment on it as people from the West live entirely different life compared to me, so their expense is something that I never had myself most likely, so I don't even know the feel of missing out, but still, it's not like I'm crying over some things that I can't have. We're just mere mortals. I don't know why some folks give themsevles an idea of knowing how the world is going to be. What if world doesn't end in a war and we don't die, what if AI doesn't destroy us all? What if in 15 years it turns out that life just continues, like it used to continue until now? It's easier for men. But it's women that won't be able to get pregnant and we won't be able to get that time back. The "mistake" of that is unmeasurable imo.

Life is great. Literally great. Imo it's quite selfish not to give it someone else, but rather enjoy it yourself. Spend your money on what? Cars? Houses? Travels? Food? Sure, it's all cool and great, but on a bigger scale it's a dogshit and can't come even close to a family.

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