utterly embarassing game....the only ones who can keep their heads held high are Zamby, Grosso, and Rossi
Canna is old, and Legro proved that he's not changed a bit on the field, only off (being a born-again Christian)
Montolivo, Gila, Pepe, and Di Natale should NEVER be called again....PERIOD !!
Pirlo tried to be a one man show out there, and it turned into a one-man comedy...he was about as bad as I've ever seen him
Toni's time is up....Vieri would even be a better selection right now
We got screwed out of a legit goal by Grosso, and the ref seemed to lick Brazil ass with all the bullshit calls, but no excuses here, we were worse than I've seen our Italy play in a long while (even compared to the DONEadoni days), and I knew there was trouble when i saw Lippi's selections for the team as well as the starting lineup. He's got lots of work to do, because we played like CHUMPions today, and not the world champs
Lippi blamed the fact that he only had 2 days with the team, but didnt the Brazilians have the same amount of time together ????