The truth about Beijing Olympics (14 Viewers)


Sep 23, 2003
I have to watch the games. It's going to be like watching Farrah Fawcett on late night television, all dolled up and liquored up backstage. It will be the sublime suspense of taking in the fantastic spectacle while waiting for the inevitable complete cultural faux pas resulting from a global disconnect.

Buy on


Sep 23, 2003
to those who doubt the sovereignty of PR China in Tibet, these are my suggestions: google the maps of China back to 700 years ago; go to wikipedia; contact your local government to see what they will tell you
Pffft. You wave around 700 years like it actually means something.

Go back to your maps 80 million years ago, buddy. The Himalayas were friggin' under the Indian Ocean. And since my ancestors happen to be web-footed creatures that inhabited the depths of the Indian Ocean there at that time, that land rightfully belongs to me, not China, thank you very much. China is just a bunch of squatters on my land, talking shit and making outrageous claims about my homeland.


Senior Member
May 10, 2006
Pffft. You wave around 700 years like it actually means something.

Go back to your maps 60 million years ago, buddy. The Himalayas were friggin' under the Indian Ocean. And since my ancestors happen to be web-footed creatures that inhabited the depths of the Indian Ocean there at that time, that land rightfully belongs to me, not China, thank you very much.
ok, how about 100, 50. I can argue about these numbers with u for a whole day, and guess what, the Chinese government still rules tibet, officailly.

and thank you very much as well from the Hawaii and american indian aboriginals. plz pack you stuff and go back to your blighty


Sep 23, 2003
ok, how about 100, 50. I can argue about these numbers with u for a whole day, and guess what, the Chinese government still rules tibet, officailly.

and thank you very much as well from the Hawaii and american indian aboriginals. plz pack you stuff and go back to your blighty
But my web-footed, bottom-feeder dwelling ancestors never crushed their neighbors with tanks, made the practice of their religion illegal, and called their spiritual leader a terrorist -- so we're even.

I guess domestic abuse at your neighbor's house is acceptable if you just look the other way. If the husband beats the wife to death, that's his business!!


Senior Member
May 10, 2006
But my web-footed, bottom-feeder dwelling ancestors never crushed their neighbors with tanks, made the practice of their religion illegal, and called their spiritual leader a terrorist -- so we're even.

I guess domestic abuse at your neighbor's house is acceptable if you just look the other way. If the husband beats the wife to death, that's his business!!
are u sure about that 1st part u've been posted? I think you have to ask those indian survivors about that

I wonder what would you do when you find out your neighbor beats his wife to death becoz she cheats on him and you happen to be the one who sleep with his wife


Junior Member
Dec 11, 2006
Dude, shut the fuck up. The Olympics should never have gone to China. The country is a travesty and it's only because it's so damn powerful no one is doing anything about it. And don't get me started on Tibet. Seriously, you indoctrinated fuck. What on earth are you blabbing about?
give me some details you got on Tibet,or i'll send u the mother fuckin to the hell because i got plenty details about tibet and if u dont know nothing true about it just shut ur fucking mouth and go the helll, u only reminds me of inter fans


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
give me some details you got on Tibet,or i'll send u the mother fuckin to the hell because i got plenty details about tibet and if u dont know nothing true about it just shut ur fucking mouth and go the helll, u only reminds me of inter fans
You remind me of someone who suffers from Tourette's syndrome.

Why don't you present us those facts, chief.

Save your back talk for the chiropractor.


Senior Member
May 10, 2006
give me some details you got on Tibet,or i'll send u the mother fuckin to the hell because i got plenty details about tibet and if u dont know nothing true about it just shut ur fucking mouth and go the helll, u only reminds me of inter fans
calm man, calm. stop whining, it doesnt help others to understand your point of view

You remind me of someone who suffers from Tourette's syndrome.

Why don't you present us those facts, chief.

Save your back talk for the chiropractor.
why dont you present your so call facts first?


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
give me some details you got on Tibet,or i'll send u the mother fuckin to the hell because i got plenty details about tibet and if u dont know nothing true about it just shut ur fucking mouth and go the helll, u only reminds me of inter fans
I'm sorry, I don't think we speak the same language. I don't understand a word you're saying, mate.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
to fender: a coward who has no gut to admit he/she is Chinese

to those who doubt the sovereignty of PR China in Tibet, these are my suggestions: google the maps of China back to 700 years ago; go to wikipedia; contact your local government to see what they will tell you

to those who scream for free tibet: ye, you are in a free world, you have the right to vote for the leader of your government to F**k yourself(see g. brown & bush jr.), and guess what, your ppl enjoy it, ask for more and even invite others(your iraq brothers) to joint you

to those who crow over what happen right now in China: what you will react if I say f**k them to those victims in new orland, the victims in german concentration camp in WWII and so on... are those lives lost in this disaster equal to those ones lives around you?

to those who I mentioned above: say whatever you want, but if you can not change anything at all, then plz shut the fk up and go back to enjoy your daily life. you could only talk when your country has the power to overcome ours like what your father or grandfather did to my country 100 years ago

the Olympic game is a sports event and let it be, plz
If your country is Britain then that is more than 200 years ago.


Senior Member
May 10, 2006

Au Capitaine Butler,

Le 25 novembre 1861

Vous me demandez mon avis, monsieur, sur l’expédition de Chine. Vous trouvez cette expédition honorable et belle, et vous êtes assez bon pour attacher quelque prix à mon sentiment ; selon vous, l’expédition de Chine, faite sous le double pavillon de la reine Victoria et de l’empereur Napoléon, est une gloire à partager entre la France et l’Angleterre, et vous désirez savoir quelle est la quantité d’approbation que je crois pouvoir donner à cette victoire anglaise et française.

Puisque vous voulez connaître mon avis, le voici :

Il y avait, dans un coin du monde, une merveille du monde : cette merveille s’appelait le Palais d’été. L’art a deux principes, l’Idée, qui produit l’art européen, et la Chimère, qui produit l’art oriental. Le Palais d’été était à l’art chimérique ce que le Parthénon est à l’art idéal. Tout ce que peut enfanter l’imagination d’un peuple presque extra-humain était là. Ce n’était pas, comme le Parthénon, une oeuvre rare et unique ; c’était une sorte d’énorme modèle de la chimère, si la chimère peut avoir un modèle. Imaginez on ne sait quelle construction inexprimable, quelque chose comme un édifice lunaire, et vous aurez le Palais d’été. (…) Il avait fallu, pour le créer, le long travail de deux générations. Cet édifice, qui avait l’énormité d’une ville, avait été bâti par les siècles, pour qui ? pour les peuples. Car ce que fait le temps appartient à l’homme. Les artistes, les poètes, les phiilosophes connaissent le Palais d’été ; Voltaire en parle. On disait : le Parthénon en Grèce, les Pyramides en Egypte, le Colisée à Rome, Notre Dame à Paris, le Palais d’été en Orient. Si on ne le voyait pas, on le rêvait. C’était une sorte d’effrayant chef-d’oeuvre inconnu, entrevu au loin dans on ne sait quel crépuscule comme une silhouette de la civilisation d’Asie sur l’horizon de la civilisation d’Europe.

Cette merveille a disparu.

Un jour, deux bandits sont entrés dans le Palais d’été. L’un a pillé, l’autre a incendié. La victoire peut être une voleuse à ce qu’il paraît. Une dévastation en grand du Palais d’été s’était faite de compte à demi entre les deux vainqueurs. On voit mêlé à tout cela le nom d’Elgin, qui a la propriété fatale de rappeler le Parthénon. Ce qu’on avait fait au Parthénon, on l’a lait au Palais d’été, plus complètement et mieux, de manière à ne rien laisser. Tous les trésors de toutes nos cathédrales réunies n’égaleraient pas ce formidable et splendide musée de l’Orient. Il n’y avait pas seulement là des chefs-d’oeuvre d’art, il y avait un entassement d’orfèvreries. Grand exploit, bonne aubaine. L’un des deux vainqueurs a rempli ses poches, ce que voyant, l’autre a rempli des coffres ; et l’on est revenu en Europe, bras dessus, bras dessous, en riant. Telle est l’histoire des deux bandits.

Nous Européens, nous sommes les civilisés et pour nous les Chinois sont les barbares. Voilà ce que la civilisation a fait à la barbarie.

Devant l’histoire, l’un des deux bandits s’appellera la France. L’autre s’appellera l’Angletterre. Mais je proteste, et je vous remercie de m’en donner l’occasion : les crimes de ceux qui mènent ne sont pas la faute de ceux qui sont menés ; les gouvernements sont quelquefois les bandits, les peuples jamais.

L’empire français a empoché la moitié de cette victoire, et il étale aujourd’hui, avec une sorte de naïveté de propriétaire, le splendide bric-à-brac du Palais d’été. J’espère qu’un jour viendra où la France, délivrée et nettoyée, renverra ce butin à la Chine spoliée.

En attendant, il y a un vol et deux voleurs, je le constate.

Telle est, monsieur, la quantité d’approbation que je donne à l’expédition de Chine.I
If someone can understand french, I wish he/she could read this letter which wrote by Victor Hugo loud and clear


Senior Member
May 10, 2006
To Captain Butler

Hauteville House,

25 November, 1861

You ask my opinion, Sir, about the China expedition. You consider this expedition to be honourable and glorious, and you have the kindness to attach some consideration to my feelings; according to you, the China expedition, carried out jointly under the flags of Queen Victoria and the Emperor Napoleon, is a glory to be shared between France and England, and you wish to know how much approval I feel I can give to this English and French victory.

Since you wish to know my opinion, here it is:

There was, in a corner of the world, a wonder of the world; this wonder was called the Summer Palace. Art has two principles, the Idea, which produces European art, and the Chimera, which produces oriental art. The Summer Palace was to chimerical art what the Parthenon is to ideal art. All that can be begotten of the imagination of an almost extra-human people was there. It was not a single, unique work like the Parthenon. It was a kind of enormous model of the chimera, if the chimera can have a model. Imagine some inexpressible construction, something like a lunar building, and you will have the Summer Palace. Build a dream with marble, jade, bronze and porcelain, frame it with cedar wood, cover it with precious stones, drape it with silk, make it here a sanctuary, there a harem, elsewhere a citadel, put gods there, and monsters, varnish it, enamel it, gild it, paint it, have architects who are poets build the thousand and one dreams of the thousand and one nights, add gardens, basins, gushing water and foam, swans, ibis, peacocks, suppose in a word a sort of dazzling cavern of human fantasy with the face of a temple and palace, such was this building. The slow work of generations had been necessary to create it. This edifice, as enormous as a city, had been built by the centuries, for whom? For the peoples. For the work of time belongs to man. Artists, poets and philosophers knew the Summer Palace; Voltaire talks of it. People spoke of the Parthenon in Greece, the pyramids in Egypt, the Coliseum in Rome, Notre-Dame in Paris, the Summer Palace in the Orient. If people did not see it they imagined it. It was a kind of tremendous unknown masterpiece, glimpsed from the distance in a kind of twilight, like a silhouette of the civilization of Asia on the horizon of the civilization of Europe.

This wonder has disappeared.

One day two bandits entered the Summer Palace. One plundered, the other burned. Victory can be a thieving woman, or so it seems. The devastation of the Summer Palace was accomplished by the two victors acting jointly. Mixed up in all this is the name of Elgin, which inevitably calls to mind the Parthenon. What was done to the Parthenon was done to the Summer Palace, more thoroughly and better, so that nothing of it should be left. All the treasures of all our cathedrals put together could not equal this formidable and splendid museum of the Orient. It contained not only masterpieces of art, but masses of jewelry. What a great exploit, what a windfall! One of the two victors filled his pockets; when the other saw this he filled his coffers. And back they came to Europe, arm in arm, laughing away. Such is the story of the two bandits.

We Europeans are the civilized ones, and for us the Chinese are the barbarians. This is what civilization has done to barbarism.

Before history, one of the two bandits will be called France; the other will be called England. But I protest, and I thank you for giving me the opportunity! the crimes of those who lead are not the fault of those who are led; Governments are sometimes bandits, peoples never.

The French empire has pocketed half of this victory, and today with a kind of proprietorial naivety it displays the splendid bric-a-brac of the Summer Palace. I hope that a day will come when France, delivered and cleansed, will return this booty to despoiled China.

Meanwhile, there is a theft and two thieves.

I take note.

This, Sir, is how much approval I give to the China expedition.
got lucky to find an english version.

britain, france and the usa should be the last ones who point fingers to the Chinese until you pay the debt.

wipe your white ass clean before you accuse others for taking shit everywhere


Junior Member
Dec 11, 2006
I'm sorry, I don't think we speak the same language. I don't understand a word you're saying, mate.
I understand that you don’t know Chinese which is simply the most popular language in the world (I know that’s just because China has the most population in the world,but as a matter of fact it is) that’s why I didn't type in Chinese. Me, an English as second language people will try my best to explain it to you in English, but if you don’t know none of my word, I just can’t do nothing about that if you prefer speak another language or you can speak another language. Okay, about Tibet I just wanna tell you one thing, about what really Tibetans want. During 1990-1950(before 1990 Tibet has been part of China) China was invaded by Japan and China had wars between parties, so Tibet was controlled by monks, which is people like DALI LAMA, they monks were about 5% of Tibetan population, and they made the rest of 95% of Tibetans as slaves nothing different from African slaves in America, monks can kill them if they want, they fuck women slaves as a welcome for guests, you may ask why 95% of Tibetans didn’t rebel, because they dont get education, the only thing they believe was their god, so monks can control them. Then 1950 Chinese Government(you can call it devil government or devil communists whatever you want) ended monks power in Tibet by war, but give the real freedom to Tibetans and supply education for Tibetans. So most of Tibetans love Mao Zhedong, but monks hates him(personally I don’t like him,China could’ve being much developed without him during 1960-1970) And this is why DALI LAMA always wanna Tibet back under his control he wanna Tibet back to slave age. These things above are from different web sites and videos I watched so I can’t tell you where exactly they’re from. If you don't believe any word of mine that’s fine because I know how western media defame “devil” Chinese Communist, they are standing in front of anti-China politicians in western countries. Like I said I got lots of evidences of the truth, this is just one of them,I’d like to hear something from you.


Junior Member
Dec 11, 2006
How many western medias reported Tibetans, Hans and Chinese policemen were killed by the riot Tibetan monks, and i dont think those monks were getting hurt a lot, they were caught, but that's not hurt


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
got lucky to find an english version.

britain, france and the usa should be the last ones who point fingers to the Chinese until you pay the debt.

wipe your white ass clean before you accuse others for taking shit everywhere
You really have no idea about what you're talking about. Do you?


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
How many western medias reported Tibetans, Hans and Chinese policemen were killed by the riot Tibetan monks, and i dont think those monks were getting hurt a lot, they were caught, but that's not hurt
Simple rule: Don't make assumptions until you know facts. Not saying wrong, its just that the words "I don't think the monks were hurt" doesn't really convince the average reader.

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