The bring Moggi back PRONTO thread !! (5 Viewers)

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King of Tuz
Jan 24, 2007
Cronios, while it's nice knowing that you are highlighting the important parts to make your posts readable, the length of the whole posts is still intimidating to the eyes.

Can't you summarize your points in less sentences? imagine you are back in university and you are answering a short answer question with 2-3 paragraphs consiting of no more than 4-5 sentences. It would make your posts neater and more to the point.

Buy on


Jun 7, 2004
Cronios, easy on your keyboard
If you are meaning that i would compete with that ridiculous post...
Dont worry, you are aware of the fact that i ignore personal insults, it is your job to decide who is worthy of a warning or not,
i will only chose who is worthy of my time and who isnt and rest assured, he wasnt...

When i see fit to answer in a proper counter argument, i may respond out of respect to my fellow debater, i hope you wont mind, o great Juventuz master:bow:
But it seems unlikely that i will do it tonight,
i ve all ready wasted enough of our time:oops:


Apr 14, 2005
If you are meaning that i would compete with that ridiculous post...
Dont worry, you are aware of the fact that i ignore personal insults, it is your job to decide who is worthy of a warning or not,
i will only chose who is worthy of my time and who isnt and rest assured, he wasnt...

When i see fit to answer in a proper counter argument, i may respond out of respect to my fellow debater, i hope you wont mind, o great Juventuz master:bow:
But it seems unlikely that i will do it tonight,
i ve all ready wasted enough of our time:oops:
write as much as you want buddy


May 11, 2004
I guess so but the fact is I didn't read any post in here, I just saw two epic long posts that he did and thus my comment. He called me a bitch for my comment anyway, shows how classy he is :tup:


Ѕenior Аdmin
Apr 2, 2007
There are always two sides of the same coin, who ever is defiant to keep a side and support his opinion is a broken record??
I dont think so... the ones who change their opinion and get carried away from negative or positive thoughts/moments can be accused of sheep mentality though, seek them to in both sides, not only the side that disagree with your opinion...
I've heard this many times. And finally i must say that this makes no sense.

Molinaro played bad, i say he was bad. Molinaro played well, i say he was good. You my friend will say that he played bad no matter what he does.

Del Piero played bad, i say he was bad. Del Piero played well, i say he was good. That collegue doctor of yours (ZAF?) will say he was great no matter what he does.

That's not supporting an opinion or sticking to the opinion, that's stubbornnes.


Jun 7, 2004
What personal insults? :lol2:
Dont lough at your self, o great Juventuz lord, you are very well aware, that this post,
isn't it beautiful how much knowledge some posters here have ...

i wonder why there are coaches, scouts and sport directors that are well paid to evaluate players strength and weaknesses, their form, best position, value !

Cronios could do the job of all these people much better without their high salary!

a typical day in the life of Cronios:

9:00 am
Getting up and booting the computer
9:15 am
after reading the yellow press Cronios laughs at the bad club directors a.s.o. because they always try to sign some poulsen, tiago and almirons ... but he knows better !

9:30 am
after searching for "great playmaker" on youtube he finds some pretty interessting videos of players that must be god-like footballers. Cronios writes "contact agent of johan cruyff for a possible transfer" on his to do list.

10:00 am
after watching all 77 Videos (search result for "great playmaker") on youtube the 2-do list is filled.
Cronios takes a break and switches on TV to watch a few games of a random foreign league to spot possible newcomers he could sign.

12:00 am
Cronios wakes up ... someone rang the bell.
it's the police. the friendly police officer asks Cronios if everything is alright. neighbours called the police because Cronios parked his car in his garden and bulled the mailbox when he drove home drunk yesterday after waiting hopelessly in his pub for some A. Ferguson to discuss a deal of this great player Cristiano R.
Mr. Ferguson did not show up in the pub, but Cronios is sure to have left a message via e-mail at [email protected]. Mr Ferguson must had an accident. There is no other explanation for some guy at a Manchester Football Club ignoring an appointment with a reknown football expert and transfer guru.

1:00 am
after parking his car in the parking lot Cronios decides to have lunch at the local diner. when he enters the diner he see's some folks at a table discussing football.
the perfect occasion to share Cronios knowledge. He takes a seat at the table ... after a few arguments Cronios knows he has the right on his side and noone does reject his theories... after finishing lunch he noticed that everybody on the table was long gone after him repeating the same old "facts" over and over again.

2:00 pm
Back to work !
Aaaah someone left a message on the answering machine. That must be this Ferguson-guy that dumped him yesterday. Oh, wait .. no it's only some guy from the website crew of some "man you tea dee"-site that says that the mail adress cronios is spamming with his "appointment notices" does not exist. Weired that the call Cronios ... the must mistaken him with some strange guy that keeps sending e-mails to mail-accounts that don't even exist to make appointments with his other football experts.

3:00 pm
Time for some internet research ... googling for "football star next zidane" he finds a pretty interesting "insider video" of some young unknown talent on some insider football experts site (MetaCafe Football Experts Site)

Cronios beginns to write a mail to [email protected]

"Dear Next Zidane,
i'm really impressed by your skill. I'm an reknown football expert working for juventus f.c. and would like to invite you to some training session in my garden to check your skills..."


so humor aside ... what i am trying to say is:

-saying things after something "bad" happened is always easy ... perhaps say something before it happens and then quote your previous post would make you somewhat credible.

- posting only negative stuff and then saying "i knew it from the start" does not count

-there are many people that earn their living with soccer ... coaches, scouts and so on ... they have ways gaining information that YOU don't have. what makes one think that watching a few games on TV and searching the internet brings you the same knowledge like flying to games to sit in the stadium and just watch 1 player, seeing players many hours a day in training, trying players in different positions in training matches, using football experts databases where you have to pay for their statistics and custom created video-compilations for different players you wont see on youtube ?

if it was so easy and there was not more to it than someone does in his spare time as hobby, then why the hell should a club pay coaches and scouts to spend more then 8 hours a day with this things ...

some of you should try to get a scouting or coaching job in a local football club .. perhaps in the 6th league or something ... and yes ... even there you won't get anywhere without the right cv and sources of information other then internet and tv...

was a personal attack, a ridiculous effort to mimic my posts, with the solely purpose to attack me personally and not my arguments,
(bar the last paragraph)
or any participation/reference to the "on topic" discussion, it doesnt hold any direct insult, i agree but it is abusive.
It could be funny if it is not addressed to you personally, i would even consider it funny of wasnt trying to make a serious discussion here with some members i respect.
I am not asking you not to be biased against my views that doesnt fit you,
i am not asking you to be objective, but laughing at your self like that, hurts your image and Juventuz doesnt need that...



May 11, 2004
Cronios, I am not aware of anything, posts that are longer than 5 lines in such a thread are not of my concern. And stop calling me Juventuz lord, I fade by your presence.


Jun 7, 2004
Cronios, I am not aware of anything, posts that are longer than 5 lines in such a thread are not of my concern. And stop calling me Juventuz lord, I fade by your presence.
You have grown older Jack, i m just messing with you,:cheesy:
you above all ppl, are obligated to read all of my posts to the last letter and moderate them, thats your duty:stuckup:
and hey, you earned that spot...


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
I've heard this many times. And finally i must say that this makes no sense.

Molinaro played bad, i say he was bad. Molinaro played well, i say he was good. You my friend will say that he played bad no matter what he does.

Del Piero played bad, i say he was bad. Del Piero played well, i say he was good. That collegue doctor of yours (ZAF?) will say he was great no matter what he does.

That's not supporting an opinion or sticking to the opinion, that's stubbornnes.
So fucking true its really bewildering.
Sep 1, 2002
Äre there an infinite monkeys visiting you at the moment?

I never give up, i ve just given up any false hopes for any title, but even if we dont have any realistic chances, we shouldnt give up and try for the best anyway. I will always stand behind Juve and i will always want to see us fight until the end,this is another case,
but we cannot ignore the truth, there are always some limits we cannot cross, those limits are set by our potential and or choices.
Even a heroic action cannot bend them, only a miracle could do...
We have to reckon though that the odds werd
against us and we have done little to turn tables

I ve stated the reasons why my posts are so lengthy, we are here to speak/argue and debate for Juventus in a more or less serious manner.
There are times that a one liner/joke post is appropriate and times when a full argumentation is needed. Out of respect for the members that might have possibly missed some of the arguments i ve repeated in the past, i feel the obligation that i have to repeat some important arguments that they might have missed in a previous discussion. If i dont, they will not be able to understand and contribute in this debate. Since this is an open forum and i respect every one's opinion, i feel the need to explain my argumentation clearly so that the discussion wont make any circles, esp when i am alone in issue and my posts have to be the devils advocate.
I refrain of doing it when somebody repeated my arguments, directly or indirectly but i thought it was necessary now, in this thread.
Another thing is that i might not completely agree or disagree with the essence of my debater, so i have to make sure of the details that stand between us.
I debate without the use of personal insults and other flaming material, i respect my debater and there fore i keep our discussion going, because i believe that i can reason with him.
In the mean time my post is open to a third party to make an interference, this forum isnt for private discussions only.
I can chat using a few lines only, with the members i know for years now, i know their reason, i know their thoughts, i know their arguments and i can see where they are coming for, ignoring the rest,
(like the majority of our quality but arrogant members do)
but this is a public forum and as long as i have the patience and the time to right a long post, i cant see whats wrong with it.
You can always skip my post, but i understand that this is not a solution for the ones that respect my opinion and dont have the necessary time to read my whole post.
Therefore, from now on i will underline the most important parts of my long posts, so that you can skip the rest

There are always two sides of the same coin, who ever is defiant to keep a side and support his opinion is a broken record??
I dont think so... the ones who change their opinion and get carried away from negative or positive thoughts/moments can be accused of sheep mentality though, seek them to in both sides, not only the side that disagree with your opinion...

-I only put them in the same position, to outline the fact, that we could have bought someone better with their combined fee.
I dont rate with the same way, they faced similar but different conditions and they reacted in a different way.I think you missed my posts were i refrained to them, esp on Tiago.
But i ve always considered them two risks and that was my opinion by the day we bought them, we should pick someone more reliable and proven, but we opted for quantity, not quality,
i can see us now ready to repeat the same mistakes
This is exactly how the smalls teams work.
I ve detected this was our manager's strategy 2 seasons ago
and i was certain that we will suffer in the long run because of these decisions.
And thats why i keep flaming them , i ve red the signs and i was right, unfortunately...
As a big club we are supposed to think and act big. We should buy one great player instead of gambling with 2-3 mediocre ones...

- (Poulsen) We could have bought someone as good as Mancini with a similar fee...
OR, we could have invested these money to upgrade places that are not good enough
Our LB for example, we have Molinaro for a starter, no matter if Poulsen will be as good as Sissoko or Zanetti, we will be still suffering in our flanks because of him.
Same goes with Amauri, no matter how good he is upfront, we will still be conceding from stupid errors in our defense. Hopefully he will do some attempts to personally penetrate enemy defenses and reach were our mediocre long balls cant, without the help of an AMF.
But he should do all that with the efficience, DP had, last year and without the experienced in the highest levels DP has. If he wont make it, he would be a failure, tactically at least...
We should upgrade our starters first and then use the available money for the subs. We should bring a cheap a free new DM or 5th striker and a CB rated as good as Amauri and an LB rated as good as Poulsen. We can easily find someone between Poulsen's and Marcisio's value. But we preferred to bring an old and free Mellberg as a possible starter and spend the available money on Poulsen, a possible squad player/sub...
If Poulsen was at least as promising as Sissoko, that this transfer would be somewhat justified strategically, but it seems that the choice of selecting him right now is wrong both tactical and strategical, no matter if he helps us or not.
We could opt for a better solution that would help our team more.
I want the best for Juve, not just what is good enough, Poulsen may be good enough, but we could easily done better...

-It is not a bad thing to have this super stacked up forward line, but our team isnt balanced, our forward is world class, our midfield is CL class and our defense is serie B class. When Real Madrid had a similar strategy we were all hurry to make fun of them and predict that they will fail because of that.
They had a terrible defense and the were buying a new forward to fix that,
now we have become worse, because they are an attacking team, playing in an attacking championship and we are ... were ... Juventus...

-Right after ZZ left, we got the young Neddy and we were occasionally using CMs+DMs with the support of the two world class wingers, Camo+Neddy
That was enough to win the championship in Italy
And Capello thought that, with such an ultra solid defense, adding two solid DMs, the best defense in the world could cope with everything out there,
we were defending until our wingers win the game for us.
There is NOTHING in common with that team,
we are so Neddy depended, even today, that we cant win a game without him, but Neddy isnt the same anymore, he is about to retire ffs and Camo has his problems too. But must important, our defense cant cope anymore, therefore we cant stay back, trust our defense and expect our adversary to make the mistake.
Using this tactic we got owned many times over,
even with Capellos team and the best defense in the world,
using the same tactic with Chimenti, Molinaro and Knezesmth can be catastrophic!!! We will have to rely to our hopeless long balls again, a tactic that is efficient for EPL teams, but not for us. A tactic that is considered predictable and ugly, a tactic that we are not properly equipped to use in a high class competition. I will hate to see us becoming like that, it would destroy everything what Juve represented in my heart, i became a Juve supporter because of the beauty of our tactical game. This tactic will lead us nowhere, no spectacle for me, neither results for the rest of the fans.
In this new era, our managers said that they will sacrifice the results for the spectacle and they will build a new offensive Juve,
because they want to bring the fans back and they promised 200mil available for transfers, to fulfill this team in their 5 year plan.
If this is what they had in mind, it means we are either turning into a pitiful copy of EPL teams, or we are going to use a new CM/AMF again, i would def prefer the second one...
But it seems to be unlikely and you can know understand why i hate this system and the importance of the signs im seeing all these years...

Welcome DonnaMolinaro, interesting choice of nick;)

:shifty: Everybody has his biases, when our biases tend to disagree they become more evident to our eyes, but this shouldnt cancel our previous arguments and common ground, we should build upon it!


Sep 23, 2003
Behind every great club is a brain and desire: something missing from our's.
So you're saying our club is brainless. :p

wait a minute,did any of you read the "article" that vinman posted? absolutely nowhere did it say anything about anyone wanting moggi back, he just put 2 + 2 together and came out with 22.
:lol: It's always funny, because it's always at least partially true. :santa:

Cronios, easy on your keyboard
Yeah, I kind of lost him after "I...".


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
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    Behind every great club is a brain and desire: something missing from our's.
    spot on !!

    You really think they will cut his ban after everything they accused him for? You're not too bright but that's nothing new......
    and what have they proven ?? Maybe if your dumb-ass learned to R-E-A-D, you would understand the situation

    Isuckadicka said:
    Please, you opposed to every signing Juve have made in the last 2 years even though few worked out well. Why don't you just admit you are a spoiled and a biased brat? Big crybaby.
    I guess I'm right then, stupid are you ??

    I am used of MY team being on top....if you are satisfied with all thats going on, you are nothing more than a muppet that should be supporting Chievo

    Isuckadicka said:
    You make no sense. If Moratti is so powerful we wil not reach the top anyway. Who will bring him down? Moggi who can't even make a proper case for his hearing? Even Moggi has accepted that Milano clubs will rule that calcio for at least 5 years. Get a grip.
    like I've already stated, things havent changed, and Moggi's only shot at justice is in the European Courts, where Moratti doesnt have his tentacles wrapped up in (or maybe he does)

    Vinman i think Moggi's a commie.
    nah....he's a fascist !!!:p
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