Serie B: Juventus vs Cesena [01-16-2006] (1 Viewer)

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
I didnt see the first half, but in the second half I can really say that our best players were Paro and Marchisio. These two are really talented and have a great future ahead of them. IMO the red card on Zebina was a little bit harsh, and the yellow card to Del Piero shouldn't have been given at all. Anyways, after Zebina's dissmisal, we held on very well, and maintained the lead despite Cesena playing with FIVE forwards. What worries me is the injuries we've been hit this season, and last 20 minutes in this match playing without central defenders is a good indicator that we need a central defender NOW.


and the Cockroaches
Dec 27, 2005
It seems that we had luck on our side this time :) And bad thing is Zebina's red card is just another setback to our defence...


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2005
The forum crashed again :wallbang:

Does this mean that when sometime in the future Juve wins CL final, we won't be able to come online to celebrate with fellow Juventini? :disagree:


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
Gigi in the stands with Legro, both jumping(watch your back Gigi) up and down to the "Chi non salta è interista" chant. :D "Who doesn't jump is an interista".


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
good game by the team, played well and held on for the win with the help of a bit of luck

some ratings:

Mirante- needs a bit more experience as at many points in the game he made the wrong decisions and could've cost us the game on the last breathe with that fumble.

zebina-made a stupid choice when he kicked the other player, but overall he was good imo.Covered well and made some strong challenges.Still he needs to improve his covering and that was evident in the goal

Kovac-as his partner in defense, he had a solid game.Reminded me of the kovac of last season with his tough challenges.Hope his injury isnt that bad.

Biri-I dont know what got into him after zebina got sent off as he was a crazy man.Throwing himself on everything and everyone infront of him.He was alrite on the defensive part but offensively hes still lacking.

Balza-after those last dismal games by fedirico,he put in a great game tonight.Going up and down the left flank and crosses that r 100% accurate.Set up the 2nd goal to Trezi perfectly. I hope he builds up on this performance for the future and keeps up the good work.:tup:

paro&marchisio- i guess there were like the unknown soldiers tonight.I liked the way both played although there were times where there positioning was just wrong and they didnt provide that much cover for the back line.However Marchisio had a very good shot on goal and paro showed his passing skills tonight as they were as accurate as u would ask for.

camo-Had a more quiet game, but still helped out and worked hard as always.Showed some nice touches and added the needed creativity to the midfield.

Palladino-Great game by the youngster, he was just a joy to watch and provided amazing balls to the front line.Showed his skills all over the field, and gave the cesena defense a hard time everytime he was on the ball.He will establish himself as a great asset to this team by those kind of performances. MOM :tup:

Alex-Agitated is the word to describe the captain i guess.Haven't seen him this angry in a while now, but on football terms he did very well especially on his work rate as it was just amazing.He did well to finish tap in the goal and set up balza with that through pass.

Trezi-for the ppl who saw the game and saw the 2nd reply of his goal,you would know how good he is.It shows the precise run he made to take that great header.Overall the game he missed some chances that he wouldn't usually but he was more involved in this game than the last one so credit goes to him there.

DD-The game showed that hes an adventurous coach, down to 10 men and doesnt even close up the midfield.He did well to make the focus after the defeat and get them right back on track.However he has to be cautious at some times,as tonight's game could've blown up in his face at the end.


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
hey! greetz to you all!

Sorry for not beeing here the last time! but it was difficult for me to come on and write!

maybe I will come and post more often in the next days!

Forza Juve
we won and are back at the top!
hey tino been a while man hope all is well

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