Nicolò Fagioli (34 Viewers)


Jul 27, 2015
This has to be one of the most pathetic footballer related scandals to ever come out if those quotes/confessions are actually true, almost surreal to be reading about it at this level of the game.


Senior Member
Jun 23, 2011
Comparing the two cases of Pogba and Fagioli, I'd still keep Fagioli around for two main reasons. (1) Pogba may not have done it purposefully but it was not the first time he erred and will not be the last. In his case, it's about cheating. Fagioli did not cheat but seem to be part of a collective and stupid game. He should have known better, he is not a kid. But he is not cheating. If he is an addict or not is impossible for me to judge. If the debts are true, it's obviously an addiction. If they are not true, he could be as much of a gambler as many others. If he is an addict, he should be able to overcome it.
(2) Following the last position I took, sporting-wise Pogba is done. He had one cameo since he came where he did look decent but on most occasions he looked more like a grandpa out there. Pogba is not getting any younger and his broken body will only worsen. Fagioli is no kid but has a lot of years ahead of him. He may never become a star player but I still have my hopes he can become a rotational regista.
(3) Yeah, building on that I add the third one, which relates to him being a rotational option. Pogba's wage is a joke. Fagioli is really cheap and given the circumstances, if he turns out decent after all of this, then I expect he will accept a reduced salary.

I have a blind eye for this dude so my bias is very evident. I hope he can recover mentally and, in a year, physically.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2015
Expect Gatti & Dragusin to be suspended for enabling Fagioli.
they didn't necessarily know why fagioli needed the money. even 2 decades ago when there was no online gambling (at least not in its current widespread form) people could hide their addiction. unfortunately i watched a few lives getting ruined through gambling. gamblers always lie, always are ashamed of their addiction, and are pretty hard to make working on their addiction.

btw the popular tuz sentiment on addictions couldn't be more shortsighted. these are sick people that certainly need a slap or two, but also need help. if they make their way out of the addiction then they can easily get back to their best selves. and of course what about second chances, like tuzzers never fucked up anything in their lives. let's not be like those sjw's. i have a feeling that tuz would massacre paolo rossi when he already had 3 knee surgeries and a ban for match fixing when he was 24. tuz pls


Jul 27, 2015
I mean betting once in a while on different sports or leagues whether it’s just for fun or for the thrill is one thing and can be somewhat easy to understand even in a pro footballer’s case(especially with all the betting and casino ad campaigns flooding the market) but then losing control and getting into deep debts because of it that’s just completely crazy to read about, even more so when you are already being paid well enough for playing football and career is on the up, also apparently neither part of any mafia betting ring that could have maybe blackmailed or pressured him into acquiring those debts which ironically makes it even the more baffling.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
they didn't necessarily know why fagioli needed the money. even 2 decades ago when there was no online gambling (at least not in its current widespread form) people could hide their addiction. unfortunately i watched a few lives getting ruined through gambling. gamblers always lie, always are ashamed of their addiction, and are pretty hard to make working on their addiction.

btw the popular tuz sentiment on addictions couldn't be more shortsighted. these are sick people that certainly need a slap or two, but also need help. if they make their way out of the addiction then they can easily get back to their best selves. and of course what about second chances, like tuzzers never fucked up anything in their lives. let's not be like those sjw's. i have a feeling that tuz would massacre paolo rossi when he already had 3 knee surgeries and a ban for match fixing when he was 24. tuz pls

None of this is relevant.

We all make mistakes. Especially when we are young. I don't hate Fagioli.

Fagioli's mistakes were not minor however. He racked up three million in debt. He apparently owes that debt to criminals. This is not a simple mistake. And even if he was sick, that doesn't mean he's not responsible. He could have looked for help at any point in time, but he didn't.

Juventus pay Fagioli 1M a year to play football. That doesn't even mean he has to be available the entire year. If he is injured, they stand by him. It does mean he should follow some very basic rules. One of those rules is: don't get banned doing illegal shit. He did not live up to his part of the deal, that much is certain.

Would I advise Juventus to let him go? Yes. Does that mean I wish him ill? No, I hope he gets his shit together and builds a great career.


Senior Member
May 17, 2019
It's not the worst offence. He wasn't fixing games or using inside news of Juventus to bet on his own games. I believe it's redeemable in the sense that I think he should be allowed to start his football career anew and the length of the ban should not impede that.

I'm not sure if I want him to be able to do so at Juventus. At the end of the day he is responsible for his own ineligibility for an extended period of time, because he refused to adhere to very basic rules. Violating those rules it not just violating the code of conduct all football players need to follow, it is also violating the trust between an employer and an employee. Juventus pay Fagioli good money to be there and play football. They still pay him and stand by him, even when he is injured.

Fagioli has not repaid that trust and I think this relationship should be over.
I'd go even further and say he probably didn't use any inside information regarding other Serie A teams either, given that his balance is reportedly -3mEUR. Or if he did use inside information, he was very bad at it. :D


Ѕenior Аdmin
Apr 2, 2007
The worst moment was between April and March 2023, when I was so scared that I made a mistake during Sassuolo-Juventus and I was subbed off. I started crying when I sat on the bench, thinking about my debts and betting problems.”

And here we were, thinking that he cried because he cares about Juve so much :lol: :lol: :lol:


Senior Member
Mar 3, 2017
Is there any proof or official statement confirming this? Personally i’ve only seen plenty of contradicting rumors so far… but the suspension was already decided so i assume maybe i missed something, if you could help clearing it up would be appreciated.
It was what had been reported in the more reputable side of italian media, and now there are the quotes from his confession and his own apology statement on social media.

He is getting a minimal sentence of 7 months suspension and gambling rehab due to cooperation with the authorities and not having gambled on games of his teams.

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