News that makes you say WTF! (12 Viewers)


Western Imperialist
Jun 18, 2006

Moon wars: Muslim scholars clash with space observatory over lunar calendar

Muslim scholars in the Caucasus are locked in a heated dispute with scientists at Azerbaijan’s Shamakhi Observatory – over the lunar cycle. They say an opinion of the faithful wasn’t taken into account when “setting the date” for the next new moon.

The furor erupted after Khydyr Mikhailov, deputy director of the observatory, announced that the new moon would appear during the night of August 6-7 at 2:52am, Azerbaijan’s APA News reported.

According to the Muslim religious calendar, the new moon’s appearance will mark the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

The announcement provoked a storm of criticism, with some Muslim clergy arguing that the observatory data could only be approximate.

"It is known to Allah alone,” said Haji Fuad Nurullah, deputy chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office.

“If Allah does not renew the moon, how can people know about it in advance? How can they guess? Like the observatory, they can perform calculations using mathematical calculations, and this is only possible together with us," Nurullah said.

The Baku-based Caucasus Muslims Office, the supreme spiritual and administrative body of Muslims in the Caucasus, earlier presented its own calendar, according to which the last day of the month of Ramadan falls on August 8. Ramadan is the month of fasting when devout Muslims forego eating and drinking during daylight hours and spend their time in prayer.

According to the Islamic, or Hijri, lunar calendar, months last 29 or 30 days. A new month begins when the new moon’s crescent becomes visible in the sky. In some Muslim countries, the Hijri calendar is officially recognized.

In Azerbaijan, the majority of the population is Muslim, but the country’s Constitution stipulates that the state is secular.

:lol: Nice to see Turk and his friends get some press, rubes.


Rab's Husband - The Regista
Aug 27, 2008
In Soviet Russia....
Man who created own credit card sues bank for not sticking to terms
When Dmitry Argarkov was sent a letter offering him a credit card, he found the rates not to his liking.
But he didn't throw the contract away or shred it. Instead, the 42-year-old from Voronezh, Russia, scanned it into his computer, altered the terms and sent it back to Tinkoff Credit Systems.
Mr Argarkov's version of the contract contained a 0pc interest rate, no fees and no credit limit. Every time the bank failed to comply with the rules, he would fine them 3m rubles (£58,716). If Tinkoff tried to cancel the contract, it would have to pay him 6m rubles.
Tinkoff apparently failed to read the amendments, signed the contract and sent Mr Argakov a credit card.
"The Bank confirmed its agreement to the client's terms and sent him a credit card and a copy of the approved application form," his lawyer Dmitry Mikhalevich told Kommersant. "The opened credit line was unlimited. He could afford to buy an island somewhere in Malaysia, and the bank would have to pay for it by law."
However, Tinkoff attempted to close the account due to overdue payments. It sued Mr Argakov for 45,000 rubles for fees and charges that were not in his altered version of the contract.
Earlier this week a Russian judge ruled in Mr Argakov's favour. Tinkoff had signed the contract and was legally bound to it. Mr Argakov was only ordered to pay an outstanding balance of 19,000 rubles (£371).
"They signed the documents without looking. They said what usually their borrowers say in court: 'We have not read it',” said Mr Mikhalevich.
But now Mr Argakov has taken matters one step further. He is suing Tinkoff for 24m rubles for not honouring the contract and breaking the agreement.
Tinkoff has launched its own legal action, accusing Mr Argakov of fraud.
Oleg Tinkov, founder of the bank, tweeted: "Our lawyers think he is going to get not 24m, but really 4 years in prison for fraud. Now it's a matter of principle for @tcsbanktwitter."
The court will review Mr Argakov's case next month.


Sep 23, 2003
WOW! That is astonishingly stupid!
Man. There are times where you just wish natural selection would work faster and more ruthlessly than usual.

I hear she's got ankles that will make any man jizz in their pants.

Oh please -- what's the last thing that came out of China besides SARS that wasn't a counterfeit fake? :seven:

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