'Murica! (60 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2005
The US can be a bit of life's roulette wheel.

Always bet on black.

America does have everything ... and armies of people who make it their business to deliver it to your door before you've even thought of it.

And there is definitely a lot of the best of everything. But there's also a lot of deep ignorance of what they might be missing that other cultures have in spades.
Like what for example?

Buy on AliExpress.com


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Am I the only one that if police ask me for ID would still show it? I mean if I didn't do anything wrong I'd have no problem showing my ID.
What are you afraid of?eop that they will hunt you to your home? sell your datas to callcenters? what?
Most people do show it but you’re not required to have one if you’re just hanging out in public


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
I believe that's definitely true.

But even if you're a high achieving person, my idea about the US is that it can all come down rather quickly. If you face health issues and can't perform any more, you're screwed.

That being said, I can't say I've never been annoyed with taxes over here. What I have to give to the state every year is enough to support two families. So I'm not just working to provide for my own family, but I'm the provider for three. It can be very frustrating.
Families are always rising and falling in America.


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
I can see kids switching from AP European History to AP African American history when they get tired of memorizing 100000 conflicts and treaties between 100000 entities and rather just learn songs of the underground railroad.

PS: Didn't mean that one is better than the other. Both are separate but equal
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Apr 14, 2005
I can see kids switching from AP European History to AP African American history when they get tired of memorizing 100000 conflicts and treaties between 100000 entities and rather just learn songs of the underground railroad.
Who in their right mind would want a cultural dick measuring contest when their go to marquee invention is peanut butter.

On a serious note, this govt backed black centric bullshit needs to be confronted and eradicated.


Jun 17, 2011
Such a needless blunder though. Who is going to want to vote for that?

Well, you know, other than "those" people.

If it walks like one, if it talks like one...

- - - Updated - - -

This guy makes Trump look like an angel. :touched:
A LOT of people will vote for that, it'll just get lumped in with the critical race theory discourse.
I can see kids switching from AP European History to AP African American history when they get tired of memorizing 100000 conflicts and treaties between 100000 entities and rather just learn songs of the underground railroad.
Memorize all the duchies and kingdoms of the Holy Roman Empire :tuttosport:


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
Who in their right mind would want a cultural dick measuring contest when their go to marquee invention is peanut butter.

On a serious note, this govt backed black centric bullshit needs to be confronted and eradicated.
-He discovered America is what he did. He was a brave Italian explorer. And in this class, Christopher Columbus is a hero. End of story
Paulie Walnuts, Professor of Italian American history


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
I still can't tell if you are serious or not, who cares? Why care about something so mundane?
Regardless of where you stand on this, calling school curriculum contents something one shouldn't be highly invested in is very questionable. As an adult in your (any) country this is probably the single most important matter to have a debate over. Because it decides what kind of future you're looking at, debt ceiling debates and economy stimulus packages don't decide that. Watch your kids, kind sers. School might make them entitled cunts and then good luck being a needy old man.


Sep 23, 2003
Like what for example?
A few thoughts that came to mind:
-valuing people and relationships over transactions
-work/life balance where employers don't expect you to be on 24x7
-functional healthcare, and not having an illness or health scare be the biggest national cause of bankruptcy
-family and childrearing isn't a side hustle
-not having to pack heat or wear a vest because you might be shot to death anywhere

-the space to intentionally be inefficient, allowing deeper thinking and creativity over eternally jogging the hamster wheel
-being able to do a lot without needing a car
-value placed on arts and culture
-a culture that doesn't encourage you to fill the empty hole of your being with distractions and consuming ever more for others' profit

Who in their right mind would want a cultural dick measuring contest when their go to marquee invention is peanut butter.

On a serious note, this govt backed black centric bullshit needs to be confronted and eradicated.
There is a place to feel you belong or to feel that the aspects that have made you an untouchable was also fertile ground for producing great people and things in society. I get that.

But slaving the ego for self-confidence has limits. A lot of this rah-rah up-with-us stuff echoes like an extension of the automatic merit and specialness entitlement ideas that wrecked millennials and Gen Z in the 90s and 00s. Participation trophies and all. Taken too far, it also becomes scapegoating for failures which only infantilizes and disempowers them.

That said, as much as some can "blame the system", others shudder at the idea that any systems even exist at all. One of the marked differences I've noticed between so-called conservatives and liberals is that conservatives are often wedded to direct causality. The thought that multi-stakeholder and emergent phenomena, or forces you can't identify with a finger point, might impact our lives causes too many heads to explode.

If Biden wasn't laying the eggs himself, eggs would never be so expensive. The actions of individuals in Buffalo, NY, Kowloon, and Dar es Salaam cannot possibly have any impact on the climate we live in. My love of giant SUVs has nothing to do with the national rise of pedestrian deaths.

Which is how we get the future-job-auditioning absurdity of De Santis claiming to be education czar. Facts are that rarely is anyone taught that things like redlining existed for freeway construction, bank loans, and where people could buy property. There's value in those lessons to raise awareness to prevent future abuses. But there's also the risk that it becomes just another participation trophy to dance around and absolve individuals of any hint of responsibility.

Both sides of that argument are blindly stuck on too much stick, not enough carrot. Beating into submission is the only way forward rather than actually trying to win over hearts and minds.

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