'Murica! (49 Viewers)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004

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-Short video with no context: perfectly captures narrative

-Long complete video: how dare you show me i was wrong
Very important to note. The short video caused the outrage, while the actual video will be swept under the rug. Can't undo the millions, if not billions, worth of damage because of one dead guy. Kamala wouldn't have protected him either.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Lol how are people still protecting a cop killing someone?

the cop needed to chill the fuck out instead of getting butthurt like so many of them tend to do and then “imposing their authoritah”

foh with that bs
The problem is it's not like cops are walking around targeting random people. 99% of the time the dead guys are breaking the law and resisting arrest. The only racial facet of the matter is that the majority of people committing crimes in large cities are, you guessed it, black people. Of course statistically wrongful deaths by cops in large cities will affect black people. It's really not that hard to understand, but again this is the only strategy democrats have to garner votes.

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What happens when BLM demands Harris herself pays reparations for the rest of her life for the 200+ slaves her descendants in Jamaica owned?

lol at the conflict that's going to come out of this.

Not enough popcorn for the next 80 days...

Keep in mind that if BLM makes Harris pay reparations to BLM... it means she will be paying herself!

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yes I do. Your asked for her platform. I could've guessed it with my eyes closed.
But on top of that she supports a 4chan conspiracy theory, and amazingly gets voted in.
You guys peed yourself with glee and supported the Russian conspiracy - still do to this day with no evidence whatsoever. Yet she's the harmful conspiracy theorist.
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Sep 23, 2003
So was her opponent. Google John Cowan and his campaign website says he's Pro Trump Pro gun and pro life.
And pro wrestling?

Ah, no, that's James Kamala Harris I'm thinking of...

none of that matters compared to the Quest to take down the deep state cabal of inter dimensional child molesters :stuckup:
I can no longer eat pizza without crying, "Think of the children!!!"

lol so I youtube'd "quick fingers" and found this.

LOL the guy with glasses

Quick fingers and they do a typing contest? Just go straight to masturbation and end it.

I see the changing tires got to you, but tell me
why you mad snowflake? did i trigger your feelings?

facts don't care about feelings

ohhh look at mr tough guy here. threatning rape because he can't handle posts . amazing argument. you sure won me over, mr big bald tough internet guy. aren't you in your late thirties? is this your mental capacity?
I love the smell of copypasta in the morning.

This whole historical posturing is a bit bizarre though. Most of the white people in America come from immigrant families long after the 13th amendment. Meanwhile we end up with these "ITALIEN BLOOD!!!"-like racial tests for blacks that need to generationally trace down to the 1/64th of bloodlines and then what?

The real issue is going forward. It's no wonder that all the people who are freaked out the most about generalized AI and deepdakes are white dudes who just aren't used to not being the apex predator and think their lives are over if that demographic mix changes. They have no way to cognitively deal with not being dominant.

America has a lot in common with South Africa in that regard, surprisingly. Lots of voting whiteys in the country are fundamentally scared sh*tless that they will face retribution for the things their ancestors did as the racial tides in America turn over.

I'm not sure a campaign video that invokes the Deutsche Reichsbahn trains to Auschwitz-Birkenau sends his party the right message. Or then again, maybe it does? :p

Keep in mind that if BLM makes Harris pay reparations to BLM... it means she will be paying herself!
So kinda like all the government bailouts for corporations then.


Sep 23, 2003
Trump again, actively sabotaging the election by blocking people from voting.

Makes Biden-Harris seem like an easy pick for anyone who cares about democracy.


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Hey, man. For all the American boasting about "freeeeedumb!!!", let me tell you what it's financially like being an expat outside of the country. It's not just that the US will tax you anywhere you live in the world, even if you earned no income in the US.

But also because of FACTA, nobody who offers financial services outside of the US can touch me. They literally cannot take my money as a US citizen other than pretty much a zero-interest bank account. Any investments I do have to all go through US accounts.

The US has super tight butthole financial monitoring on Americans all around the world, and they strong arm the rest of the world's financial services orgs to comply with their demands to not touch their citizens. It's like having your finances monitored the way that Russia monitors all the data held on its citizens. We're talking Stasi-level Big Brother.

Free country, my ass. No other country in the world does this.


Rab's Husband - The Regista
Aug 27, 2008
Hey, man. For all the American boasting about "freeeeedumb!!!", let me tell you what it's financially like being an expat outside of the country. It's not just that the US will tax you anywhere you live in the world, even if you earned no income in the US.

But also because of FACTA, nobody who offers financial services outside of the US can touch me. They literally cannot take my money as a US citizen other than pretty much a zero-interest bank account. Any investments I do have to all go through US accounts.

The US has super tight butthole financial monitoring on Americans all around the world, and they strong arm the rest of the world's financial services orgs to comply with their demands to not touch their citizens. It's like having your finances monitored the way that Russia monitors all the data held on its citizens. We're talking Stasi-level Big Brother.

Free country, my ass. No other country in the world does this.
Your income is not taxed in Portugal?

X Æ A-12

Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
Hey, man. For all the American boasting about "freeeeedumb!!!", let me tell you what it's financially like being an expat outside of the country. It's not just that the US will tax you anywhere you live in the world, even if you earned no income in the US.

But also because of FACTA, nobody who offers financial services outside of the US can touch me. They literally cannot take my money as a US citizen other than pretty much a zero-interest bank account. Any investments I do have to all go through US accounts.

The US has super tight butthole financial monitoring on Americans all around the world, and they strong arm the rest of the world's financial services orgs to comply with their demands to not touch their citizens. It's like having your finances monitored the way that Russia monitors all the data held on its citizens. We're talking Stasi-level Big Brother.

Free country, my ass. No other country in the world does this.
The compromise should be you can bring your assault rifle with you too.

king Ale

Senior Member
Oct 28, 2004
lol she's going to get destroyed.

Actually, Tulsi Gabbard (the one Dem. I liked) rocked her world in the debate about her record as a prosecutor. Made a career of ruining peoples lives over Marijuana , laughed about smoking it, but will call anyone else a racists for prosecuting minor drug related offenses.

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They don't even like her in Jamaica do they?
Tell us more of your jokes Cameron.

He tells them about having Covid, a respiratory disease, for like 900 times? He tells them right there that he's got difficulty breathing. And the guy handles him by making sure he can't breathe. Go ahead and mention what percent of whom commit what percent of crime [yawn], that death is unjustified p e r i o d. Racially motivated or not, should not have happened and the person who did it has to be punished accordingly. He may not, we will see, but what people have been protesting (and why the protests have become bigger in size and support) is essentially exactly the lack of accountability. If the unjustified murders (of whites and blacks) by police officers had been punished justly (you know like the way black on black murders or everyone on everyone murder is punished), no one would be in the streets protesting and on one would even get the quite possibly wrong idea that this is a race thing.

Yep even the people who change tires, actually especially the people who change tires, for some reason they seem to be experts at everything. If only we had more tire changing fake hoser(yeah imagine the desperation, wanna be canadian :lol:) to send to the ghettos here to talk it out with the George Floyds, I'm sure they will do great a job... Or get their candy ass passed around the local crack house. Either way, win win.
The disgusting piece of shit you have turned into.

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By the way, looks like they're going to re-elect brother husband. :lol:

Guess they like their misery in Minneapolis...

Thanks for reminding me why you are beyond repair.


Apr 14, 2005
Tell us more of your jokes Cameron.

He tells them about having Covid, a respiratory disease, for like 900 times? He tells them right there that he's got difficulty breathing. And the guy handles him by making sure he can't breathe. Go ahead and mention what percent of whom commit what percent of crime [yawn], that death is unjustified p e r i o d. Racially motivated or not, should not have happened and the person who did it has to be punished accordingly. He may not, we will see, but what people have been protesting (and why the protests have become bigger in size and support) is essentially exactly the lack of accountability. If the unjustified murders (of whites and blacks) by police officers had been punished justly (you know like the way black on black murders or everyone on everyone murder is punished), no one would be in the streets protesting and on one would even get the quite possibly wrong idea that this is a race thing.

The disgusting piece of shit you have turned into.

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Thanks for reminding me why you are beyond repair.

Coming from a dunning kruger case study with the morality of a toddler i wear that badge with honor, i do have to applaud your total lack of dignity and will power to keep coming back for more humiliating though you were told your input carries as much respect and relevance to me as the fart of a fly, also thanks for showing everyone your true colors :baus:

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