'Murica! (50 Viewers)


Apr 14, 2005
There is isnt a single second I ever thought he was ready, but him quitting? That seems bizzare lol.

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He is a moron, but you figure he didnt consider this before hand?

Pyrrhic victory

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Rus and ZoSo, the two biggest virgins hating on abortions. "If I dont need it, no one does"
Lol seriously what the fuck would they know about abortion


Jun 17, 2011
Curious how Trump's gonna get the GOP aboard his ideas. Many of them are Keynesian/social democratic.

And he wants revive the coal industry :sergio:

Worst thing about him getting elected is the amount of post-factual climate change denial in the cabinet. Telling that he won on returning to the 20th century with a post-factual agenda. Golden age syndrom among many american voters.

And the tradewar he wants to start with China and Mexico, multinational corporations will most likely bypass this with ease.

This will be the first time since WW2 the US becomes regressive. Odd, seeing they've always been seen as one of the most progressive countries in the world and a role model to follow.

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When did RUS talk about abortion?

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Here Is What Donald Trump Wants To Do In His First 100 Days


Yeah, we can't pay for this.


Midnight Marauder
Jul 13, 2013
Yeah, one of the main problems are the people he surrounds himself with, pretty much the worst the GOP has to offer.

I mean a climate change denier (but also said that warming would be good because "more people die from blizzards than heatwaves") will head the Environment Protection Agency, and the fucking VP doesn't accept the theory of goddamn evolution.

If you read that in an article about the government of some random developing nation, you'd all just arrogantly shake your head at those stupid third world people.

Truly Post-factualism at its best.

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Spoiler that shit ffs, it's bad enough that you tagged me for a post full of...that


Beppe Marotta Is My God
May 26, 2009
A white Trump supporter just confronted me in the parking lot of my Bible study class....He grabbed my pussy, pulls me to him and started fisting me in front of a group of Christian children. After that, his friends (who were all wearing KKK outfits, Nazi SS uniforms and covered in dead kitten hides) came out and gang-raped me with a rolled-up Trump campaign sign while calling me racist names. Then they killed me.


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2011
And it doesn't frighten you that this was his original stance?
No and it's not like it's going to get any tougher from here on in.

Okay dude, first I have to admit I was wrong in most of our exchanges (probably all). Second, you're right about Clinton. She is a terrible candidate. The two best reasons (and probably only) her campaign gave for voting for her: 1. Trump is terrible 2. She is a woman.
That is a losing strategy, I was mad to think it would work, because the polls said that it was working,but the polls didn't account for voter enthusiasm and turnout. She ended up getting 6 million fewer votes than Obama. Trump was a poor candidate too, (got almost a million and half fewer votes than Romney) but hit a home run on a couple of issues: trade deals, decline of manufacturing and the ironclad grip the establishment has on the country. That's what won him Pennsylvania,Michigan,Wisconsin,probably NC and Florida.

If the Democrats keep harping on Trump being fascist and what not, they will lose the midterms in 2 years and possibly the presidency in 2020. They must restructure their leadership and attack Trump on the issues.

About Trump himself, I think he will fail, but hope he doesn't. Like I said before, it's foolish to cut off your nose to spite the face.
Big of you to admit that :tup:

I don't believe he will fail, though one thing I could see happening but I hope not, possibly due to his lack of experience in public office is that he will be "controlled" too much by what the GOP wants, especially as they have the house and senate too. Wouldn't want to see him run the country as more of a traditional republican and ignoring all of his campaign promises.

- It's been well documented (For any overview: http://www.cnbc.com/2016/11/09/how-trumps-tax-plan-may-impact-your-returns.html) that most of the gains in his tax plans would go to the very wealthy. Now that is of course ironic considering a large part of his constituency and the fact he won largely because of the negative effects of similar policies in the past, but it's also reeeaaally expensive, and he hasn't shown a clear plan on how to pay for all of the breaks, in concrete terms.

-It's a very incomplete and flawed program for sure, but repealing it would leave a lot of people without healthcare - and the Donald again has no plan on how to solve that problem.

-Why would it devalue marriage? It literally doesn't change anything in the marriage laws of heterosexual couples.

-On abortion, I've noticed in a few discussions already that there's little point in arguing if we're not agreeing on when life begins - do you think it starts at conception?

-Many of those illegal immigrants have been living here for years, contributing a lot economically, have a family here, often even children that are US citizens. Deporting them would be come at a huge human and financial cost, and would achieve nothing but to prove a point.

And a few things on that last point: First of all, if we're talking about refugees, you're effectively killing a lot of people by not letting anyone in - not even after an extremely thorough and difficult vetting process. Secondly, you're literally banning a billion fucking people from entering the US, do you know how large that number really is? Or how much of an economic cost that would mean for the country? Or how difficult such a thing would be to implement, and how easy to circumvent by an actual terrorist? Of course, it's extremely difficult for any potential terrorist to get into the US (which only underlines how useless the ban really is), but some check on religion wouldn't make that any more difficult.

Not to mention that it's against the UN human rights convention, or how much damage it would do in terms of the US' reputation, or how such a policy would play right into the hands of ISIS and them pushing the idea of a war between Islam and the West.
As I said, pretty iffy on his tax plan but it's pointless to speculate on how it would effect the economy long term as there are so many factors involved.. free trade, unemployment etc.

Do you mean no plan on healthcare or what to do with the people without health(obama)care?

Gay marriage devalues traditional marriage because it means that marriage can be played with as society sees fit. What's next, a person can marry a goat or inanimate object? And yes, I do think that life starts at conception.

That wasn't really the point I was making, but I don't totally disagree with that, though there are many who should be deported, especially those with criminal records (approx. 800k-2m).

You could also be getting innocent civilians killed due to terrorists. The President of the US should be concerned firstly about the safety of US citizens over those of refugees. It's not all muslims now, more likely just those from Syria and other ISIS affected countries.

UN :lol:

You know what devalues "traditional marriage" more than anything? Divorces. Gtfo here with that denying gay marriage bummshit. People who say that are just your usual bible thumping retards who can't think for themselves and blame others for everything that they think is wrong.

Same with abortions. So what if someone doesn't want to have a child? Why should they have to go through birth and then financial obligations they don't want? This really should be a non-issue in my eyes. You want a fucking abortion? Get one.

And this country was started by illegal immigrants. It's America, we should continue to be open to others. Just because someone's grandparents got here first, it doesn't make them more important. We should obviously not allow everyone in but illegal immigrants are not negatively affecting this country.
Of course divorces devalue marriage, that's also a big issue. Marriage is taken way too lightly these days, why even bother with traditions or anything when such cornerstones of society are allowed to be played with like a child playing with toy blocks. It's supposed to be very important and sacred yet now it's basically a joke, something like half of all marriages end in divorce. We would not have the society we have today without the marriage of yesteryear.

Abortion is literally legalised murder. We place so much value on human life as a society yet killing an unborn baby is considered totally fine. Hypocrisy.
"Why should they have to go through birth and then financial obligations they don't want?" - lol why don't you ask the child that...

Why even have a country if anyone can come in how they like, without respect for the natural born citizens or the people who had to "wait in line" to come legally? What meaning does citizenship have if illegal immigrants are allowed to enter the country unchecked? And as for the last part, the election showed that many, many people disagree with you on that.

He's a teenager and he's raving about traditional marriage. What the shit is happening on that Island.
Teenager :lol:

Because you've been married and know so much about it, but you're telling me I can't know anything about it :lol:

Rus and ZoSo, the two biggest virgins hating on abortions. "If I dont need it, no one does"
My virginity is long gone but I could use some help trying to find it. Try and reach deep inside your ass.

Lol seriously what the fuck would they know about abortion
Your head is so far up your ass it's unbelievable.

And by the way I actually have had a pregnancy scare, she didn't get pregnant thankfully but I had to seriously think about it. Abortion is fucking horrible but how fucking selfish can you be to destroy someone else's life for your own personal convenience.

"Lol guise he's a virgin im not XD" - I am thoroughly impressed by the level of intellectualism from the Juventuz """"""intellectuals""""""


Oct 28, 2010
lol we've all had pregnancy scare and in my case, the answer will always be to abort. Fuck that shit. I'd ask the baby but I doubt it would understand

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Your cum is alive too just fyi


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2011
lol we've all had pregnancy scare and in my case, the answer will always be to abort. Fuck that shit. I'd ask the baby but I doubt it would understand
how do you feel about murder?

I learned quick enough it's not something I want to go through again :p it's not hard to make sure there is some form of contraception


Burn this club
Jan 17, 2011
lol we've all had pregnancy scare and in my case, the answer will always be to abort. Fuck that shit. I'd ask the baby but I doubt it would understand

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Your cum is alive too just fyi

I'd definitely abort if it was up to me.

I once had a pregnancy scare with my crazy former coworker. She refused to abort it when I proposed that idea. Luckily the bitch was only faking the pregnancy (I think).


Jun 17, 2011
Never from what I remember honestly, but I said I wish RUS was here cause he'd add a lot more gold here :lol::D

And that cabinet :rofl:
I miss him too :p. I'd like to hear his perspective on Putin's comments.

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And since we're talking about it:

I can absolutely understand the anti-abortionist way of thinking about it. That said, I believe that abortion should be legal, or at the least as it is now. I'd even go a step further as to say euthanasia should be allowed as well.


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2011
I can absolutely understand the anti-abortionist way of thinking about it. That said, I believe that abortion should be legal, or at the least as it is now. I'd even go a step further as to say euthanasia should be allowed as well.
I don't see euthanasia as big of an issue actually because the people themselves are choosing to die, usually due to such a horrible existence from incurable illness/disease etc, unlike abortion where the child has no say (obviously because they can't, but partly that is why it generally shouldn't be allowed). Although obviously there has to be significant proof of illness etc as to why a person should be allowed to make the decision for euthanasia.


Oct 28, 2010
how do you feel about murder?

I learned quick enough it's not something I want to go through again :p it's not hard to make sure there is some form of contraception
I think murder is a crime and not comparable to abortion

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And contraception fails plenty of times

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