Movie Talk (New Films, Old Films... doesn't matter) (24 Viewers)


Mar 30, 2003
Walton Goggins was great i was suprised at how funny the movie was. It may not be his best movie but for me it was his most enjoyable and one im looking forward to watching again.

Currently watching Creed so far its good and im really liking Sly's performance.


Mar 30, 2003
Just finished watching The Revenant. Neither the film or Leo's performance blew me away like i thought they would. Which is a shame because im such a big fan of him, tom hardy and the director. It will seem strange that Leo would win an oscar for this performance while not for others but i imagine filming this would of been horrific and he deserves an award for that alone. There just wasnt enough dialogue or scenes with him doing anything to showcase his talent. I hope Hardy gets a nod for best supporting actor he was very good.

I will need to watch this another couple of times to appreciate it i think. I think the stream thats online of it has taken away most of its beauty i wish i had of waited and watched it in the cinema.

Ps. Happy to see Sly and Leo win the golden globes. Leos speech was great. It baffles me to see such highly respected talents like Leo and Ridley scott rushed off the stage and forced to cut their speeches short while fucks like Ricky Gervaise can talknas much shit as they like. The globes and the oscars really need to stop doing that shit. Was great seeing Scott givong them shit.

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