Moment of Clarity (5 Viewers)

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Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
hambon78 said:
neverthat....just a bark as u like to say....why u so offensive were cool a sec ago.........take it easy my friend...i am out of this religious argument my ball is with rami ....but like i said "i gots my eye on you" hehe
I think it's time for this clown to get banned :rolleyes:

Seven was less offensive here than this,and yet this still didn't get any warning


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
snoop said:
I think it's time for this clown to get banned :rolleyes:

Seven was less offensive here than this,and yet this still didn't get any warning
yeah,take it easy my friend,he is jumping all over him aint he?
man you got a hardon for him or something?fine dont agree but that aint bad


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Rami said:
1-Not fake, but been changed more or less in some of its verses. Its a known fact and priest usually try to downplay that fact with different tactics.
know fact aproved by who,muslims?don't make me laugh:rolleyes: anything said in Quraan is a fact you mean?good job..

2- No god did not leave you astray snoop, as with the Jewish in 200 AD, he sent him the bible, but was reluctant to read the continuance of his religion and stuck with the Torah, Don't do like him and read the Quran objectively and unbiased. I for one read the Bibile and Torah (never read them in whole but have read a lot). I am just asking you to widen your horizons here ;)
I read some part of quraan,and I have many reasons to reject it,I am the last to be called religion biased,I even dare to argue the non logical things in Bible too.. can you do that to your own religion too?can you dare?ask yourself that question ;)

3- The thing is I never described Jesus with any thing scandalous, as a matter of fact I called him infallible, yet you calling Muhammad a liar. This is no way to have a healthy discussion, and then you wonder why Hambon is so agressive.
Am I seeing your weakness here?the that again,I said he fabricated that our bible is Modifeied=fake=not original, so that he will protct his book, and you called me today's bible is full of fabrication,what your fucking problem?? did I take that as an insult??cut the drama,or we are going nowhere..I am using your own words.

4-In fact there are numerous mentioning of the Torah and Bible (Torah is mention Torah in Arabic), Christians and Jews are called "people of the book".


Notice the S for Plural!
I am lost,this is your answer of which question of mine??

6-Yes it is only one religion. Monothesim! Thats what I have been saying all along!! Mono refferring to one, i.e. meaning one GOD!
that line came from the Bible "la ilaha illal allahu wahad",our religion believes in that also,God son and the whole spirit is one.. and I can't explain that to you,as it is written like that in bible,because sometimes we can't understand what God is all about,just like we can't understand how God created the space and time,it's over our logic..

7-Each era had their messengers with religions, they all had one thing similar, again yes monothsim.
Yes,I am not disagreeing with you..


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Zé Tahir said:
Snoop now that we finally are having some civilized conversations in here ,you are still coming with your bullocks. You don't have to insult anone to put forth youre religious beliefs.
you are the one insulting here, if you are not civilized to do a debate about religion,and call what i am saying "bullocks" is that civilized?take a chill pill and come back here to discuss in civilized way,thanx..

No, Islam is the complete religion; each religion has been a step towards the final and complete religion, Islam. Now that is our belief, so don't come back with insulting remarks. The reason why LoScoglio keeps saying that violence is justified in Islam and not in Christianity, is because the Qur'an is so detailed that it also contains rules of War. There so many traditions in Christianity which were simply made up over the course of time, because they aren't in the bible. Fifth Council of the Lateran, First Vatican Council The councel of Trent, the Catholic Reformation, The Lutheran Remormation, The Protestant Reformation, etc. All this occured because when there aren't any clear set of rule out there, they have to made. And obviously when that happens there are disagreements between parties.
you say it's the Islam that completed the religion,which is a stolen idea from Bible,while Bible is the final of the religions like it was mentioned in there,Jesus said there will come fake prophets and some of them will claim they are Jesus son of God ...
and you are saying the rule of war??what kind of God is that?like " ok guys you can fight and kill each others,but there are rules" do you believe in that??:rolleyes:
that's why Christianity is the religion of peace,go and read some,you will see how great messages it has,it never ever supported war,under any reasons,war is not allowed..

Islamic text on the other hand is so detailed, you can't imagine it. There is mention of bacteria, there is mention of life on other planets, the is mention of the future; major earthquakes (which took place in this past century), major wars (the 1st & 2nd WW), future means of transport, future powers, etc. I can go on forever, there is so much mention.
that's a bullshit,you know it is not true,all fabricated by people and is not written in Quraan,by counting the name of allah or the name of satan..gimme a break :disagree:

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
snoop said:
you are the one insulting here, if you are not civilized to do a debate about religion,and call what i am saying "bullocks" is that civilized?take a chill pill and come back here to discuss in civilized way,thanx..

you say it's the Islam that completed the religion,which is a stolen idea from Bible,while Bible is the final of the religions like it was mentioned in there,Jesus said there will come fake prophets and some of them will claim they are Jesus son of God ...
and you are saying the rule of war??what kind of God is that?like " ok guys you can fight and kill each others,but there are rules" do you believe in that??:rolleyes:
that's why Christianity is the religion of peace,go and read some,you will see how great messages it has,it never ever supported war,under any reasons,war is not allowed..

that's a bullshit,you know it is not true,all fabricated by people and is not written in Quraan,by counting the name of allah or the name of satan..gimme a break :disagree:
Ok this is my last post to you, because you are an idiot. I have nothing againt you writing stuff to show your side of the argument, however I do have something against you writing offensive things against a prophet, whether you deem him as one or not. Are you that stupid? Do you want me to go back and find all your offensive statements?

Now Last time, I'm going to make this clear to you. The following is OUR belief, and don't take it as if I'm holding a gun to your head.

You keep making fun of the fact the we believe and acknowledge all three books. What do you think this is? A football team where we're stocking up the best players from the world into one team? This is religion for ffs.

Yes, rules of War. Reality check 101 for you: Man has been fighting for the past God knows how many hundreds and thousands of years. So there are rules of battle. They address things such as, to attack only when attacked (i.e. for defensive purposes), who to attack (i.e. not women and children or the elderly), what time not to fight (such as during the month of ramadhan). "Christianity is a religion of peace", how old are you? what do think this is "My daddy's taller than your daddy!" You want to argue thhat? Are you serious? Altair's gonan have a field day with you if you do.

You think I'm bullshitting about the fact that all those things are in the Qur'an?? Are a complete idiot or a complete idiot? How would you know!! How can you say I'm lying? Are you out of your mind! Why would I lie about such a thing? You have not read the Qur'an, do not come here and say such a thing. Read it and then prove me wrong! You want me to quote them for you, Your Royal Highness?

Have you even bothered to read the link I gave a few pages back. Its the one I posted for LoScoglio, it's about Islam and violence. Read it, or perhaps you're not going to just like the previous one I gave you.

You are the most brainwashed person I've ever met in my life, and you call Hambon one. Every statement you make is full of hypocricy, stereotype and ignorance.

Lastly, I don't know whether it's your poor english or your true nature, but you have to get it through your head that you're being offensive.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
LoScoglio said:
It's not like I can help it I'm a German on vacation in Belgium who registered just moments after Seven was banned.
Am I reaching too far wondering if Seven is LoScoglio ???


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Zé Tahir said:
Ok this is my last post to you, because you are an idiot. I have nothing againt you writing stuff to show your side of the argument, however I do have something against you writing offensive things against a prophet, whether you deem him as one or not. Are you that stupid? Do you want me to go back and find all your offensive statements?

Now Last time, I'm going to make this clear to you. The following is OUR belief, and don't take it as if I'm holding a gun to your head.

You keep making fun of the fact the we believe and acknowledge all three books. What do you think this is? A football team where we're stocking up the best players from the world into one team? This is religion for ffs.

Yes, rules of War. Reality check 101 for you: Man has been fighting for the past God knows how many hundreds and thousands of years. So there are rules of battle. They address things such as, to attack only when attacked (i.e. for defensive purposes), who to attack (i.e. not women and children or the elderly), what time not to fight (such as during the month of ramadhan). "Christianity is a religion of peace", how old are you? what do think this is "My daddy's taller than your daddy!" You want to argue thhat? Are you serious? Altair's gonan have a field day with you if you do.

You think I'm bullshitting about the fact that all those things are in the Qur'an?? Are a complete idiot or a complete idiot? How would you know!! How can you say I'm lying? Are you out of your mind! Why would I lie about such a thing? You have not read the Qur'an, do not come here and say such a thing. Read it and then prove me wrong! You want me to quote them for you, Your Royal Highness?

Have you even bothered to read the link I gave a few pages back. Its the one I posted for LoScoglio, it's about Islam and violence. Read it, or perhaps you're not going to just like the previous one I gave you.

You are the most brainwashed person I've ever met in my life, and you call Hambon one. Every statement you make is full of hypocricy, stereotype and ignorance.

Lastly, I don't know whether it's your poor english or your true nature, but you have to get it through your head that you're being offensive.

what's your difference from Hambon anyway?I gave you more than 1 chance to not reply you insulting comments,that's it Idiot..

I am the bigest brainwashed you ever met??Yet I didn't insult anyone because of religion,and look at your insults against me because of Religion debate,you pathetic asshole..

Conclusion,Mods Close this thread,I thought we could have a civilized debate about religion here..I still didn't use offensive insults like the ones hambon and Tahir,and I can't fucking believe my eyes how the mods are ignoring those I ask you,Why the hell Seven was banned,while at the same time these 2 idiots are not??


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
ßömßärdiër said:
No, weiner, the Catholics even say that the bible was written by man, they say it was done through "devine inspiration" which I think is billshit.

Ever wonder why the books of the bible have names?>

Because Mark and John were the mother fluckers who wrote them .
Look at this Tahir,Am I fanatic Like you?no ,DId I react the way you reacted?hell no,cause I am no brainwashed like you,I ignore the insults,cuz It's not my business, we are not in a fucking holly war here,fighting for a religion..Get a life Tahir :disagree:


Junior Member
Dec 4, 2005
I have been a by stander during all of this. acutally i have been on vacation. :)

To rap this whole argument up :

Seven fvcked up(and is excused)
locoscolgio(fuled the argument and should have stopped)
Rami: made excellent posts well thought out
Marseca: Same as rami
Ze Tahir: Was very honest and had great facts to back his great arguments
Burke: shouldnt have started the thread
Enron: good guy but should have veered away
hambon: never said anything negative toward any religion
Bozi: Honest man,speaking from experience and facts
Vinman: approached with great confidence and vast education
Snoop: should stop posting because his english is bad and only causes arguments

that is my 2 cents i am out

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
snoop said:
Look at this Tahir,Am I fanatic Like you?no ,DId I react the way you reacted?hell no,cause I am no brainwashed like you,I ignore the insults,cuz It's not my business, we are not in a fucking holly war here,fighting for a religion..Get a life Tahir :disagree:
:lol: that's Bombardiers quote you gave
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