Moment of Clarity (2 Viewers)

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Junior Member
Dec 22, 2005
Look, I don't care for Seven but hambon has crossed the line a gazillion times now. I don't think it's fair the lot of you are giving snoop such a hard time. He hardly ever offended hambon yet he had to take all his insults. It astounds me Seven got banned for much less when no one even talks about hambon's behaviour. Guess it's all about reputation.

Buy on

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
The following is "Best of Snoop". This is directed at him, and only him. This has nothing to do with "who's offensive and who's not" This is "snoop, you are offensive ;) "

snoop said:
I don't like the religion that like to see women covered in a bag,that woman shouldn't work,like woman is slave or something.I don't like the religion that mentions holly wars or supports and kind of violence.I don't like the religion that says the woman should be beaten or be killed,if she was betraying her husband with another one.and I don't think something of these is written by God..
What an intelligent and well thought out statement here snoop :thumbs:
and then you tell us that you want to have a civilized conversation :disagree:

snoop said:
that's not a good reason to close the thread,everyone should control himself,it's just pathetic to insult people because of religion.

Lack of knowledge of your own religion

This is my favorite. This is what I said, and below is what you answered. lol, you don't even know you own religious beliefs. Which just tells me you haven't bothered to read anything and all you're doing is keeping this motto above your head "Just reply Just Reply!" Then you tell me you want a discussion. :disagree:

Zé Tahir said:
Originally Posted by Zé Tahir
The reasons why Muslims believe in the Bible and Torah, and the reason why our religions have so much in common is because we believe that all these religions were a "step" towards the final and complete religion, which WE believe is Islam. We are the only religion to believe in ALL prophets. Whether it be Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah, etc. It is said (in the Qur'an) that more than 100,000 prophets have existed and in all parts of the World. All the teachings brought by them were words of God, and that over time they were changed, manipulated, and distorted. That is why when the Qur'an was revealed, God said that he would 'himself' make sure that this book would never bee changed, and this is a fact, you trace back to the original Qu'ran and the same exact words would be written. Because a single change to dot can change the meaning of something, so this was very important. In the Qur'an God says:

"This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islám as your religion"

So that's what I mean by the others being a 'step'. That is also why in the Qur'an God addresses everyone as "O People of the Book.." He's referring to the people of all 3 major religions.
snoop said:
we believe in those steps too,that all the prophets sent to send the message of God to people,but when most of them killed for that,then God sent his Son at last
snoop said:
who are called son Of God other than Jesus?there is no such a thing,If we will debate this based on assumptions and lies,we will going nowhere.
Lies? Here you go snoopy:

snoop said:
you still didn't reply my question,are you saying that Jesus was mentioned as a prophet at the original bible?and then they changed bible,and claimed he is the Son of God?and everybody doesn't know that except Muslims? are we christians that dumb?wow!
and who changed the bibles anyway?when?
Please stand after your quotes,and prove's easy these days to throw assumptions.
Geez! What is up with that tone? Do you see me lashing out at you like that? Is this your defintion of a civilized conversation?? :disagree:

snoop said:
If I have something it is against Islam (the religion),is that offensive?? that's a honest opinion from me,that is something most of the users have against a religion,but they don't dare to say it loud
Here I really don't know what to believe. Perhaps its you english, and you've used the wrong words. Or you reall feal that way. Muslims are not against let me pull a snoop here "I'm sorry that you (plural) feel this way" :) But naa, I won't, instead I'll prove it:

Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.
"Whether Muslim, Jew, Christian or Sabian, whosoever believes in Allah and in the Last Day and does good to others, verily he shall find his recompense with his Lord. For him there shall be no terror, neither any torment or suffering''.

snoop said:
"we all believe in the 3 religions" that line doesn't make sense at all Rami,how come you believe in all those three were the other two books are missing and changed?? that's something I don't understand..If you believe in Christian religion or judaism (misspelled) shouldn't you read it first so you decide later if youi believe or not? or it's forced to you to believe even without reading because you Quraan tells you so?
again, what is up with that tone? No objective conversation can be held with that tone.
Red: How do I spell 'stereotype'?

The following is my favorite. And its to the point:

snoop said:
if you believe BIBLE is sent or came thru God,and you are saying this one we are reading is fake/modified,then how come God let that happen?and wouldn't it be unfair towards the Christian Believers?
The Bible you are claiming that it exists,is not true,fabricated by "prophet" Muhammad. again and again I tell you,you are imagining yourself that those 3 religions are accepted by Quraan,but there are no religion or holy books that Quraan is mentioning (the "original" bible,and the "original" torah),that's a big Fabrication created by Muhammad,to protect his so called "religion".
Conclusion,Islam and Muslims,believe that only Quraan is a book sent by God,and there is only one religion.
:howler: oh my God. That is not insulting to you??? No one, I repeat, no one in here has said something like that to you.

snoop said:
I even dare to argue the non logical things in Bible too.. can you do that to your own religion too?can you dare?ask yourself that question
how do I spell 'stereotype'?!! If you knew any better, you'd know that questioning once religion only makes onces faith stronger ;)

Another one of my favorites here. Rami says something in a calm fashion despite your agressive tone and you reply with an even more agressive tone:

Rami: 3- The thing is I never described Jesus with any thing scandalous, as a matter of fact I called him infallible, yet you calling Muhammad a liar. This is no way to have a healthy discussion, and then you wonder why Hambon is so agressive.
Am I seeing your weakness here?the that again,I said he fabricated that our bible is Modifeied=fake=not original, so that he will protct his book, and you called me today's bible is full of fabrication,what your fucking problem?? did I take that as an insult??cut the drama,or we are going nowhere..I am using your own words.

Originally Posted by Zé Tahir
Snoop now that we finally are having some civilized conversations in here ,you are still coming with your bullocks. You don't have to insult anone to put forth youre religious beliefs.
you are the one insulting here, if you are not civilized to do a debate about religion,and call what i am saying "bullocks" is that civilized?take a chill pill and come back here to discuss in civilized way,thanx..
Who needs a chill pill here? I ask everyone to vote on this one.

snoop said:
and you are saying the rule of war??what kind of God is that?like " ok guys you can fight and kill each others,but there are rules" do you believe in that??
that's why Christianity is the religion of peace,go and read some,you will see how great messages it has,it never ever supported war,under any reasons,war is not allowed..
Here we get a mix of all your different tones. A little bit of agressiveness, a little bit of stereotype, a little bit of lack of knowledge on religios history. Not to mention the continued agressiveness where a normal conversation can't take place. Just random comments, no serious questions.

Me: Islamic text on the other hand is so detailed, you can't imagine it. There is mention of bacteria, there is mention of life on other planets, the is mention of the future; major earthquakes (which took place in this past century), major wars (the 1st & 2nd WW), future means of transport, future powers, etc. I can go on forever, there is so much mention.
that's a bullshit,you know it is not true,all fabricated by people and is not written in Quraan,by counting the name of allah or the name of satan..gimme a break
lol, why would I lie about my own religion?? It's not even possible. A quick google can prove me wrong, so why would I do that? It's like me saying "Liverpool lost the CL last year" And bullshit? What a harsh tone to something you don't agree with. Couldn't you just say that you wanted me to prove it by quoting it instead of calling something in the Qur'an (which you don't know) bullshit!? Is that not insulting? Are you out of your mind, what planet do you live on that this is not offensive??

snoop said:
Yet I didn't insult anyone because of religion,and look at your insults against me because of Religion debate,you pathetic asshole..
Look at this Tahir,Am I fanatic Like you?no ,DId I react the way you reacted?hell no,cause I am no brainwashed like you,I ignore the insults,cuz It's not my business, we are not in a fucking holly war here,fighting for a religion.
Are you suffering from Amnesia my friend? Go study it, I seriously think you have it. Let me help you out :

snoop said:
Yes,just like you don't believe that Jesus is son of God (should I feel insulted??),I don't believe Muhammad is a prophet,thou I respect Muslims.. If you still find it as an insult or Offence,I can't help you
Clearly you have something more against the prophet other than you just don't accept him. Which btw, I have no problem with ;) But when you say things like "he made it up, he's a fabricator..." I won't continue because it's insulting to even quote it. You are by far the biggest hyprocite and stereotypically brainwashed person in this thread.

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
Burke, you are clearly to blame for this bag of shit.

Just look at the begiining of this thread. Most people in this world, when they look out into the infinite sky get feelings of humility and that there must somehow be a divine explanation for this vast universe, but not Burke, he goes in the opposite direction and feels the need to post it and piss off 80% of the planet. This is what happens when your most important decision of the day is "should I drink a 40 or have sex with that pumpkin before it rots?"


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2005
Padovano said:
Burke, you are clearly to blame for this bag of shit.

Just look at the begiining of this thread. Most people in this world, when they look out into the infinite sky get feelings of humility and that there must somehow be a divine explanation for this vast universe, but not Burke, he goes in the opposite direction and feels the need to post it and piss off 80% of the planet. This is what happens when your most important decision of the day is "should I drink a 40 or have sex with that pumpkin before it rots?"
Finally some wise words in this thread...


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
LoScoglio said:
Look, I don't care for Seven but hambon has crossed the line a gazillion times now. I don't think it's fair the lot of you are giving snoop such a hard time. He hardly ever offended hambon yet he had to take all his insults. It astounds me Seven got banned for much less when no one even talks about hambon's behaviour. Guess it's all about reputation.

Are you another one of his "brothers".

I'll take a look at your account when I get back from uni.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Zlatan said:
Are you his lawyer or something?
why don't you do your job?Banning Hambon and Tahir?Are you ignoring my posts or something?I think I asked that many times yet no response from any moderator.what you want me to do,to reply back his insults with insults??


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Rami said:
First of all, I really don't like your sarcastic attitude and it is no way to have a healthy discussion, but I believe by now its impossible to have one, so this is my last reply to you and then I will withdraw gallantly from this driveled discussion.
it's the difference here between me and and you guys that there the problem is,I don't overreact like you guys when someone says something I wouldn't cheer to my religion,that's explains everything,i am not religion fanatic like you.

1-No not a fact from the Quran or Muhammad (BTW you keep intermixing both where they are clearly different, the Quran is not Muhammads words, but my God and your God's words).
correction,that not my God..

It is a well accepted fact that the bible we have right now is not the original bible that was sent to Jesus, lots of different other books got merged, got lost in translation, and have been altered (not to its entirety but in some parts of it). Ask any objective Christian historian and he will tell you that this book is not exactly what Jesus had.
so if i ask a christian historian and he says it's a fact,so it is a fact?the fact here is no one can prove it,just like u can't prove God's existense,same way you can't prove any book is sent by God,it's faith and's stupid to discuss it like that..and btw I never said Bible is sent by God,it's written by Jesus's students with the holly spirit it is what I believe,I am not yelling it "it is a fact"..

2-You dare me to do what? WOW you are lucky you can challenge the irrational parts of the bible (where the original bible did not have any non logical things in it), yet you totally believe it is a book of god! If one would challenge the word of God, isnt that like challenging God himself? What you are saying is confusing me, if it came from Zlatan or Erik on the other hand I would have replied because they don't believe in God. But since you are a devote and pious Christian, you should probably figure out the problem with that logic.
the logic is very simple,I am not a fanatic christian,I would normally criticize God about some of his message's,that's someone like you can't understand because you are a religion fan,you see everything as an order in your book,and you obey it. Iam not a perfect Christian,no one is, I the regular guy that like and chose the christian life as a right way,is it still not logical to you?

and besides that,how are you sure that " original" Bible has no illogical thing in it?did you read it?
3-refer to point one, ask an objective Christian historian, he will tell you the truth. Not because Muhammed wanted to "protect" his religion. Just notice how respectfully I talk about Jesus, while you accuse Muhammed with such scandalous remarks….Its a shame really.
logically yes I don't believe Muhammad is a prophet,if I believed he is,wouldn't I be a muslim,since he was sent by God at last?is that offence?

4- The claim that you had that Muslims only believe in one book which is the Quran.
you still don't get it,do you?you only believe that Quraan came thru God,while today's bible and Torah are not.logically that means you only believe what Quraan says is see,I accept that as an opinion,and not as an insult because you called my bible not original.

5-Ok so what if it came out of the bible, do you expect God to send a messenger with a totally different religion every time…Hmmm this time I am going to send a prophet to preach polytheism. Now another to preach frog worship…etc. Its all one chain a continuation of the basic/core/nucleolus/essence…etc of Monotheism. Do you think that the concept of monotheism is a bible innovation? NO! it has been around since Adam, going through to Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and finally Muhammad.

I am not even going to start with the sonship theory, cuz that will only drag me to more discussions with you, whereas I have made the decision of discontinuing
Just like I told you before,God Jesus and Holly spirit are all make one I told you It's not logical to us in other words it's out of our logic,over it. should I take that insult too?since you put the worshipinig Jesus as God and worshiping frog in the same category?if i said that to you I am sure you would take that insult..

the thing is confusing you about the sonship of God,is the point you missed call all your muslim friends brother right?but they are not your physical brother. just like the africans call each others brothers,so they are not logical?
it the same,we are the brothers of Jesus the only Son of God,and we all are children of God (ma3nawiyan) I used arabic word there..even Jesus told us to call god our father in our prayers,if you know our prayer by any chance,you would see there,I don't know it in english,but it goes like this in arabic "abana allazi fil samawat,liyuqaddas ismuka ... "

Rami I really don't have any problem with you,I would really like to do it in civilzed way with you,the way you do (till now),but don't get very emotional dramatic,when I use those words,calling Liar is hardlt an insult,it's opinion,how would I say that opinion of mine in other/better words??so don't take it as an insult,just blame it to my weak english,for not finding another way to tell it nicer..



Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
LoScoglio said:
Look, I don't care for Seven but hambon has crossed the line a gazillion times now. I don't think it's fair the lot of you are giving snoop such a hard time. He hardly ever offended hambon yet he had to take all his insults. It astounds me Seven got banned for much less when no one even talks about hambon's behaviour. Guess it's all about reputation.

*Leave the boner alone. And no Seven was banned for worse things. Retard. :pint:

*read in thick South Boston accent


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Zé Tahir said:
The following is "Best of Snoop". This is directed at him, and only him. This has nothing to do with "who's offensive and who's not" This is "snoop, you are offensive ;) "
that's the reason I don't believe in the truth of your religion,did I mentioned anything wrong there?If yes? correct me the parts.shouldn't someone mention the reason why he doesn't like something?or should I say it like this,I don't like your religion Period

What an intelligent and well thought out statement here snoop :thumbs:
and then you tell us that you want to have a civilized conversation :disagree:
Yes it's pathetic to hate and insult like you do because of religion.I didn't insult anyone here becaue of religion,all you mentioned below are hardly a personal insult.


Lack of knowledge of your own religion

This is my favorite. This is what I said, and below is what you answered. lol, you don't even know you own religious beliefs. Which just tells me you haven't bothered to read anything and all you're doing is keeping this motto above your head "Just reply Just Reply!" Then you tell me you want a discussion. :disagree:
blah blah blah, take your Quraan's word as a fact,which says Bible is modified,so it is a fact for you?lol
I can't help you there,since you are brainwashed,and you tell me what Bible is what Bible that..yeah,keep that valuable opinion to yourself..your Religion is insulting my book,by saying it is not original,who the fuck cares about that claim huh??not me..

look at the answer in my previous post..replying to Rami..

Geez! What is up with that tone? Do you see me lashing out at you like that? Is this your defintion of a civilized conversation?? :disagree:
"Geez"?? you Mean Jesus?ah ok
yeah it is civilized,did I insult you there?where?show me..

Here I really don't know what to believe. Perhaps its you english, and you've used the wrong words. Or you reall feal that way. Muslims are not against let me pull a snoop here "I'm sorry that you (plural) feel this way" :) But naa, I won't, instead I'll prove it:
there is nothing wrong (gramatically,the meaning).
other words: I have it against you religion,just like you have it against my religion.that simple..

again, what is up with that tone? No objective conversation can be held with that tone.
Red: How do I spell 'stereotype'?
nothing wrong with the tone?are you paranoid?maybe..
answer the red.did you read my bible?torah? not the "original" one that your religion claim there are..
The following is my favorite. And its to the point:

:howler: oh my God. That is not insulting to you??? No one, I repeat, no one in here has said something like that to you.
that's not a personal Insult,just like rami said that my bible is full of fabricated stories,the same way,those statment of Muhammad is fabricated and not true (that my bible is modified)..I am tired of saying this again and again Jesus..

Another one of my favorites here. Rami says something in a calm fashion despite your agressive tone and you reply with an even more agressive tone:
same one again,maaan.. just like he called my bible full of fabrications,I replied him back,Quraan/muhammad is so fabricating stories like my Bible is modified.

Who needs a chill pill here? I ask everyone to vote on this one.
"Snoop now that we finally are having some civilized conversations in here ,you are still coming with your bullocks."
just like you put it there,coming with your bullocks = disrespecting opinions,I think ur the one to chill..

I think i am done with you here..

didn't you say you won't reply me back?:shifty: do yourself a favour,and don't do it again..If I collect your personal insults here,you will break all time records of insults..

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
Snoop, you are Infidel Numero Uno. May the genitals of one thousand camels infest your rectum, become permanent residents, and host large parties with the genitals of other filthy animals on a daily basis.

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
@ LoSoglio - Archetecturally speaking, what is your opinion on the wisdom behind the building of two giant towers, right next to each other, that are both very ugly in appearance?


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
Padovano said:
Snoop, you are Infidel Numero Uno. May the genitals of one thousand camels infest your rectum, become permanent residents, and host large parties with the genitals of other filthy animals on a daily basis.
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