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Senior Member
Sep 26, 2018
I wasn't asking about the final result. It is totally irrelevant for me. I really want to know what happened after that sequence of fabulous passing.
I thought Allegri fans only care about result now suddenly it's irrelevant? Do they start getting bored with jihadball? :scared:


The end of Jihadism
Jan 16, 2013
To be fair, hasn't he always had slow starts to seasons? Even during his first stint, scudetto winning seasons, much of Tuz wanted him sacked even half way through the seasons
True but back then we knew in the end we would still be the ones grabbing the trophy. We have finished 4th for two seasons in a row now and our football has become the stuff of nightmares. The overall patience has grown thin.


Senior Member
Aug 31, 2006
The problem with people like you I have on ignore is I can't take anything you say seriously because I know you and your type were saying these same things when we were winning and playing good football. The 'issue' then was the style of football I was told and I was promised goals and trophies galore just if Allegri leaves and stops 'putting breaks on the team'.
Firstly thank you for confirming to me that you never had me on ignore in the first place, evidently. Secondly, thank you for also confirming to me that you are both a liar and a hypocrite for accusing me of being one. I never had a problem when we were playing good football, my frustrations grew when we weren't. That was becoming evident in Allegri's last season here. Our style had become stale, our players looked disorganised, and our cohesiveness had disappeared. Getting rid of him was the right decision, for he failed to achieve the objectives the club had set for him at the time. We had higher standards than merely just winning the scudetto. When we brought him back last year, the club had obviously re-adjusted their ambitions since 2019, and winning the scudetto was something that both they, your kind, and us "haters" considered a reasonable target. This should have been a relatively easy feat, yet he failed to achieve even that. I was promised stability and identity, but have we seen any of that? No, and I have no reason to believe based on our performances over the course of the year that we ever will.

3-5 years later and the same rhetoric continues. Things that were not good then are good now just to spite and shit on Allegri. Trophies and goals that were not important then now are just to spite and shit on Allegri. Every possible discussion, every signing, every injury, every game or comment is diverted back to Allegri. And it's not that he's not being criticized by me also, I've done it plenty and argued with @Post Ironic and @il brutto in this thread last season, but you people are just mad that anyone would have any kind of positive outlook or a sliver of hope for the future. You are mad that someone can have a divided opinion, that someone can be frustrated while also hopeful. That's why this is going to be my first and only reply to you and the like, simply because there's no discussion to be had, no exchange of opinions but only one mantra - every.single.thing.that.happens.is.purely.allegris.fault.and.anything.positive.you.say.about.him.can.and.will.be.taken.against.you.
You continue being a deluded optimist then while I will be a realist. To me, this speaks more about the fact that you are in denial about Allegri's incompetence and would rather be willing to drag this suffering, at the expense of this team's progress, just so that maybe one day in the far future you can prove your stupid point.

Kicking the can down the road? What, where? Saying I expect nothing but wins in games that should be wins is kicking the can down the road? Oh yeah, you expect everyone to be ALLEGRIOUT all the time right away.
One thing I've noticed amongst you and your fellow throaters is how you come up with these kind of 'ultimatums' to Allegri, whereby if he doesn't achieve what you expect of him after a certain point, you call for him to be streeted. You do this to give us the false impression that you are open-minded about him unlike us "throaters" who "call for his head win or lose". But when ultimately to your disappointment he doesn't live up to your expectations (like not winning the title last season) you create new ultimatums. And the cycle repeats, over and over again. If he doesn't win those 7 matches you listed, you will just come up with another ultimatum to give him. This is what moving the goalposts means.

Another trait of you and people like you is the constant need to lie and invent things.

Last season after 5 games - 12th place, 1W 2D 2L, 5pts, 7:8 GD, -11 to first place
Now after 5 games - 5th place, 2W 3D, 9pts, 7:2 GD, -2 to first place

'No improvement'.

And if you're referring to style of play you're barking up the wrong tree. Never cared, could not care less. Give me 2:0 Spezia from this season against 4:3 Roma last season, 4:3 Napoli Sarri season etc.

He never lost my confidence. Unlike people like you who were against him from the start because he dared be better than your darlings Conte and Sarri I was never delusional to think this was going to be a quick fix. Yeah I was hoping for a title last season and yeah I'm always going to be optimistic, but I never lost sight of the fact how much work needs to be done to get back to where we were. Nobody wins with shit and right now the available players this is the worst team we've had since before Conte. That is fact. You are only as strong as your best champions and weak as your weakest link. Yeah Rabiot or Sandro maybe are not as bad as Padoin or De Ceglie, but those are not players that make the difference. Vlahović and Chiesa would be the only players that would start for Conte's teams, none of them would start for Allegri's first team here.
Of course style of play matters, because our current version is not sustainable for a club like this. I'm glad that grinding out draws against mid-table teams like Fiorentina delights you. But if you had at least half of the ambition some of us have here, you would know that this won't help us re-establish our domestic dominance let alone our reputation in Europe anytime soon. Maybe 4th place in a tinpot farmer's league is your comfort zone, because that's the level of Allegriball at the moment.

And don't give me the "this is the worst squad since del neri" bullshit. On paper we are one of if not the strongest in the country. There is absolutely no excuse for struggling against Sampdoria and Fiorentina with the players that we have, regardless of whether Pogba and Chiesa are injured.
The fact you'd even ask this question and the fact you pretend you don't know the answer and the fact you'd take the answer with snark and belittlement tells everything about your agenda here. Once again MAD Allegri is one of the biggest legends of the club ever and EARNED time and patience. Hey, how come Del Piero gets more time and patience coming back from an injury or a bad stretch of form compared to Palladino? HOW?
Sorry, this isn't some charity. Your and Agenlli's darling doesn't deserve all the time in the world to put together a functioning team, not in this current footballing climate. You get the results or you gtfo, I don't care who you are. And I certainly don't value something that happened 5 years ago as a way of granting him privilege over the others if his current tenure isn't justify his role here. Your past success doesn't absolve you from today's failings.
The fact of the matter is he's washed. We gave him another chance by providing him with the players he wanted (something we didn't give his predecessors) and yet still this team feels like it is devoid of absolutely everything. Tell me one thing that Allegri has built on from Sarri and Pirlo's tenures, just one.

Oh, and for the record I think getting rid of Sarri and Pirlo were the right decisions. I just find the double standards in the way you treat them in comparison to Allegri amusing.
This long? Motherfucker it's the start of his second season and you were bitching here before the season started last summer.
Again, the hypocrisy of you to come here and accuse me of inventing shit when here you are doing exactly that. Go and show me where I was bitching about him before last summer. Go on.
And here we go, one last for the end. Embodiment of everything from above. Lies, ignorance and just blatant ignoring of all context.

Never mind the fact that Conte's team was the spine of the entire decade of winning, but yeah, 'midtable' players. Unlike you with Allegri I never took anything from Conte. He is one of the founders of the Juventus that won for a decade. I hate him for the end, but never fail to recognize his importance, but you people love nothing but to exaggerate his positives and belittle everything else around it.

When it's time to praise Conte he won with 'midtable' players, but when it's time to belittle Allegri those same 'midtable' players were the BEST team he inherited from Conte.

If Allegri wins I will praise him, if he doesn't I will criticize. You continue being mad not everyone is a toxic ignorant cynic who dares support his team in a different way.
You're this dense to realise that the scudetto- winning squad of 2011 might have changed slightly by the time Allegri took over? I have only so much patience to argue with such stupidity.
Also nice to know that you consider every contrarian to the pro Allegri agenda a toxic ignorant cynic. I will continue to support my team by voicing my criticisms and arguing that change is needed for the better. That's part of what it means to be a fan. You continue supporting/sucking off your manager god above everything else and stay stuck in your nostalgic, conservative mentality.


In Allegri We Trust
May 23, 2011
The problem with people like you I have on ignore is I can't take anything you say seriously because I know you and your type were saying these same things when we were winning and playing good football. The 'issue' then was the style of football I was told and I was promised goals and trophies galore just if Allegri leaves and stops 'putting breaks on the team'.

3-5 years later and the same rhetoric continues. Things that were not good then are good now just to spite and shit on Allegri. Trophies and goals that were not important then now are just to spite and shit on Allegri. Every possible discussion, every signing, every injury, every game or comment is diverted back to Allegri. And it's not that he's not being criticized by me also, I've done it plenty and argued with @Post Ironic and @il brutto in this thread last season, but you people are just mad that anyone would have any kind of positive outlook or a sliver of hope for the future. You are mad that someone can have a divided opinion, that someone can be frustrated while also hopeful. That's why this is going to be my first and only reply to you and the like, simply because there's no discussion to be had, no exchange of opinions but only one mantra - every.single.thing.that.happens.is.purely.allegris.fault.and.anything.positive.you.say.about.him.can.and.will.be.taken.against.you.

Kicking the can down the road? What, where? Saying I expect nothing but wins in games that should be wins is kicking the can down the road? Oh yeah, you expect everyone to be ALLEGRIOUT all the time right away.

Not from me. The excuses could be early in the season when Woj dropped us points, but later on I criticized him plenty and wanted better. Games against Verona and Sassuolo were unacceptable. Home against Napoli too. But things improved, we were back in a somewhat title contention until the Inter game which objectively wasn't Allegri's fault.

A normal process every team goes through is moving goalposts? Signing better players, getting injured ones healthy, time to let them get together is abnormal? Oh yeah, I forgot every team is at their best 5 games into the season and that's enough time to give for 7-8 new players to gel out of which only one signing has been completely healthy and played regularly.

Again, you're simply mad that anyone would dare feel there is a silver lining at the end of this.

Another trait of you and people like you is the constant need to lie and invent things.

Last season after 5 games - 12th place, 1W 2D 2L, 5pts, 7:8 GD, -11 to first place
Now after 5 games - 5th place, 2W 3D, 9pts, 7:2 GD, -2 to first place

'No improvement'.

And if you're referring to style of play you're barking up the wrong tree. Never cared, could not care less. Give me 2:0 Spezia from this season against 4:3 Roma last season, 4:3 Napoli Sarri season etc.

He never lost my confidence. Unlike people like you who were against him from the start because he dared be better than your darlings Conte and Sarri I was never delusional to think this was going to be a quick fix. Yeah I was hoping for a title last season and yeah I'm always going to be optimistic, but I never lost sight of the fact how much work needs to be done to get back to where we were. Nobody wins with shit and right now the available players this is the worst team we've had since before Conte. That is fact. You are only as strong as your best champions and weak as your weakest link. Yeah Rabiot or Sandro maybe are not as bad as Padoin or De Ceglie, but those are not players that make the difference. Vlahović and Chiesa would be the only players that would start for Conte's teams, none of them would start for Allegri's first team here.

The fact you'd even ask this question and the fact you pretend you don't know the answer and the fact you'd take the answer with snark and belittlement tells everything about your agenda here. Once again MAD Allegri is one of the biggest legends of the club ever and EARNED time and patience. Hey, how come Del Piero gets more time and patience coming back from an injury or a bad stretch of form compared to Palladino? HOW?

This long? Motherfucker it's the start of his second season and you were bitching here before the season started last summer. At least do me a favor and stop pretending you have any logical arguments and care about anything but seeing Allegri's back once again. It's painfully obvious it's not about results or style of play or how long it takes, you are simply mad and agenda-driven. Otherwise you wouldn't belittle Allegri's past achievements while simultaneously using THE SAME achievements by Pirlo and Sarri as an 'argument' against Allegri. Youl wouldn't pretend one season is LONG when there are coaches and teams out there that took far longer than that and you know it.

And here we go, one last for the end. Embodiment of everything from above. Lies, ignorance and just blatant ignoring of all context.

Never mind the fact that Conte's team was the spine of the entire decade of winning, but yeah, 'midtable' players. Unlike you with Allegri I never took anything from Conte. He is one of the founders of the Juventus that won for a decade. I hate him for the end, but never fail to recognize his importance, but you people love nothing but to exaggerate his positives and belittle everything else around it.

When it's time to praise Conte he won with 'midtable' players, but when it's time to belittle Allegri those same 'midtable' players were the BEST team he inherited from Conte.

If Allegri wins I will praise him, if he doesn't I will criticize. You continue being mad not everyone is a toxic ignorant cynic who dares support his team in a different way.:snoop:
Im running out of patience with Allegri. Tbh I expected him to do much better last year and seeing how we are looking atm, doesnt inspire me with confidence that things will change with more time. I hope Im wrong cause I really like the guy and his 1st spell here was incredible. No one in their right mind had expected us to compete with Barca, Real back then, but we just did. Its painfull to see him failing since he returned.

- - - Updated - - -

Firstly thank you for confirming to me that you never had me on ignore in the first place, evidently. Secondly, thank you for also confirming to me that you are both a liar and a hypocrite for accusing me of being one. I never had a problem when we were playing good football, my frustrations grew when we weren't. That was becoming evident in Allegri's last season here. Our style had become stale, our players looked disorganised, and our cohesiveness had disappeared. Getting rid of him was the right decision, for he failed to achieve the objectives the club had set for him at the time. We had higher standards than merely just winning the scudetto. When we brought him back last year, the club had obviously re-adjusted their ambitions since 2019, and winning the scudetto was something that both they, your kind, and us "haters" considered a reasonable target. This should have been a relatively easy feat, yet he failed to achieve even that. I was promised stability and identity, but have we seen any of that? No, and I have no reason to believe based on our performances over the course of the year that we ever will.

You continue being a deluded optimist then while I will be a realist. To me, this speaks more about the fact that you are in denial about Allegri's incompetence and would rather be willing to drag this suffering, at the expense of this team's progress, just so that maybe one day in the far future you can prove your stupid point.

One thing I've noticed amongst you and your fellow throaters is how you come up with these kind of 'ultimatums' to Allegri, whereby if he doesn't achieve what you expect of him after a certain point, you call for him to be streeted. You do this to give us the false impression that you are open-minded about him unlike us "throaters" who "call for his head win or lose". But when ultimately to your disappointment he doesn't live up to your expectations (like not winning the title last season) you create new ultimatums. And the cycle repeats, over and over again. If he doesn't win those 7 matches you listed, you will just come up with another ultimatum to give him. This is what moving the goalposts means.

Of course style of play matters, because our current version is not sustainable for a club like this. I'm glad that grinding out draws against mid-table teams like Fiorentina delights you. But if you had at least half of the ambition some of us have here, you would know that this won't help us re-establish our domestic dominance let alone our reputation in Europe anytime soon. Maybe 4th place in a tinpot farmer's league is your comfort zone, because that's the level of Allegriball at the moment.

And don't give me the "this is the worst squad since del neri" bullshit. On paper we are one of if not the strongest in the country. There is absolutely no excuse for struggling against Sampdoria and Fiorentina with the players that we have, regardless of whether Pogba and Chiesa are injured.

Sorry, this isn't some charity. Your and Agenlli's darling doesn't deserve all the time in the world to put together a functioning team, not in this current footballing climate. You get the results or you gtfo, I don't care who you are. And I certainly don't value something that happened 5 years ago as a way of granting him privilege over the others if his current tenure isn't justify his role here. Your past success doesn't absolve you from today's failings.
The fact of the matter is he's washed. We gave him another chance by providing him with the players he wanted (something we didn't give his predecessors) and yet still this team feels like it is devoid of absolutely everything. Tell me one thing that Allegri has built on from Sarri and Pirlo's tenures, just one.

Oh, and for the record I think getting rid of Sarri and Pirlo were the right decisions. I just find the double standards in the way you treat them in comparison to Allegri amusing.

Again, the hypocrisy of you to come here and accuse me of inventing shit when here you are doing exactly that. Go and show me where I was bitching about him before last summer. Go on.

You're this dense to realise that the scudetto- winning squad of 2011 might have changed slightly by the time Allegri took over? I have only so much patience to argue with such stupidity.
Also nice to know that you consider every contrarian to the pro Allegri agenda a toxic ignorant cynic. I will continue to support my team by voicing my criticisms and arguing that change is needed for the better. That's part of what it means to be a fan. You continue supporting/sucking off your manager god above everything else and stay stuck in your nostalgic, conservative mentality.


King of Tuz
Jan 24, 2007
once again history has proven me right.

i was crucified for shouting ALLEGRI when people were wondering what the source of problems was last seasons.

glad to see people waking up and realizing i was basically trying to save your souls. i am the jesus christ of tuz

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