Luciano Moggi (44 Viewers)

Shall we move Moggi's thread to the [Legend] section?

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Furia Ceca

Senior Member
Mar 21, 2008
That's another good question that non of the anti Moggi nowadays can answer it either.

Why it didn't happen after the Montero-Ronaldo famous incident derby when we won the game and basically clinched the title? Why in 2006? Is it because we couldn't be stopped and matched with anyone in Serie A? Did we need match fixing when only in attack we had, Del Piero, Trezeguet, Zlatan, Mutu, Zalayeta?? Let alone Vieira-Emerson-Nedved-Camoranesi midfield or Thuram-Cannavaro-Zambrotta... Did we need any match fixing FFS??? Weren't we superior to both Milan teams, Roman clubs as-well?? With an exception to Milan when they were beating us from time to time.
Well said :tup:

If inter were fooled in Seria A, where the hell were they in Europe? We were accused of cheating with Italian refs, how did that make us so strong in Europe without help?

Buy on


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2005
Can anyone translate this from todays tuttomercato?

10.09.2010 00.00

Di Luciano Moggi articolo letto 27976 volte

Vincerà il campionato il Milan, la Roma arriverà seconda, mentre l'Inter chiuderà terza. Se non ti sbilanci non c'è gusto, io lo faccio con piacere e provo a fare in anticipo le carte al campionato. Questa è la mia griglia di partenza per la stagione che sta per entrare nel vivo. Può sembrare assurdo, eccessivo, ma credo che l'estate appena trascorsa abbia assolutamente rivoluzionato i rapporti di forza ai vertici del nostro calcio. Stesso discorso anche per le squadre chiamate ad inserirsi immediatamente dopo le tre di testa. Il Palermo si è indebolito, ha perso Bresciano ed altri buoni giocatori, ad esempio Kjaer che mi piaceva molto. Vedo molto più avanti Juventus e Genoa, anche se non nascondo che per i bianconeri limitarsi ad una qualificazione in Champions sarebbe un fallimento assoluto, a maggior ragione se dovesse chiudere quarto. A Torino si lamentano se arrivi secondo, figurati quarto. La dirigenza bianconera ha costruito una squadra da provinciale di lusso, costata fior di milioni. Quando tu compri giocatori di 27 o 28 anni come Martinez, e vai a vendere Diego che ne ha 25, vuol dire che non hai ben chiara come sia la situazione di un club di massimo prestigio. Per quanto abbia reso poco, la classe del brasiliano era ben altra cosa rispetto all'uruguayano arrivato dal Catania. Per quanto riguarda il centrocampo, sulla mediana noto che finalmente anche la dirigenza juventina si è resa conto dell'equivoco Sissoko. Si parla di cessione a gennaio, comprensibile. Il maliano è stato il grande problema di Melo e viceversa. Mi spiego, sono due giocatori indisciplinati tatticamente, la cui frenesia finisce per creare buchi difficilmente colmabili. Il confronto con Cambiasso e Stankovic, piuttosto che con De Rossi, o con i "miei" Emerson e Vieira è improponibile.
Ad essere totalmente cambiata, è anche la mentalità a livello economico in casa Juve. Hanno speso 70 milioni in due anni, mentre a nostri tempi non spendevamo nulla e non è un modo di dire. Avevamo anticipato il fair play finanziario di almeno una decina d'anni! Nel 2001, per esempio, rivoluzionai la squadra pagandola con la cessione di Zinedine Zidane. Scelsi Nedved per il suo contributo di qualità oltre che di quantità assoluta. Vi racconto un succoso retroscena: noi prendevamo regolarmente gol da Pavel ogni volta che giocavamo a Roma, il nostro obiettivo fu dunque quello di indebolire una diretta avversaria come la Lazio rinforzandoci con un uomo che rispecchiava, a tutti i livelli, il nostro ideale di campione assoluto. Con la cessione di un giocatore di 31 anni rifeci l'intera squadra. Arrivarono Buffon, Cannavaro, Thuram e tanti altri. La stessa cosa che l'Inter avrebbe dovuto fare con Milito, quest'anno. Io avrei venduto l'argentino, mentre invece mi sarei tenuto stretto Balotelli, seppur ci volesse tanta pazienza. Anche per vendere, però, serve un lavoro alla base. Mi ricordo quando mi ritrovai a trattare Zidane con Florentino Perez. Ho invitato tante di quelle volte il Presidente del Real a casa mia a Napoli che non avete idea. Dalla mia finestra si vede il mare, e tra una portata e l'altra di pesce, il prezzo aumentava di 10 miliardi alla volta. Si vende bene anche così! Fu un'operazione da 150 miliardi di lire, la più succosa per la storia del mercato italiano.
Parlando di Milan, permettetemi di ribadire tutta la mia perplessità per l'acquisto di Robinho. Il brasiliano è un bel giocatore ma non è un campione, ed io penso che per i rossoneri sia un sovrappiù. Non sarà titolare, e sono convinto che ad Allegri sarebbe servito molto di più un nuovo centrocampista: Ambrosini e Pirlo sono avanti con l'età, Gattuso è a mezzo servizio, dunque mi sembra evidente che le necessità avrebbero riguardato la zona nevralgica del campo. Peccato per i miei amici Galliani e Braida, avrebbero potuto concludere un mercato perfetto. Ma va bene così, basta il mago di Ibra!
Capitolo a parte merita invece il complesso rapporto tra De Laurentiis e i tifosi napoletani. L'attrito deriva principalmente dalla cessione alla Juventus di Quagliarella. Da parte mia mi trovo assolutamente d'accordo con il presidente azzurro. Tra Cavani e Quagliarella la poca differenza che c'è è in favore dell'attuale numero 7 partenopeo, e la grande quantità di denaro offerta dai bianconeri non poteva essere rifiutata. Ottimo affare.
Chiudo parlando dell'Italia, commentando l'eccessivo ottimismo di questi ultimi giorni. La Nazionale ha fatto due partite, che non voglio classificare come test attendibili. Contro l'Estonia, lo stesso Cassano è stato idolatrato per un semplice colpo di tacco, mentre la gara di Firenze non si può ovviamente considerare a causa di un'indiscutibile e manifesta inferiorità da parte degli avversari.
In queste partite si è vista una spinta mediatica tutta favorevole agli azzurri, come per screditare l'operato di Lippi. Perfetta testimonianza dell'ingratitudine del nostro Paese. Il fallimento del Mondiale è dipeso dall'assenza totale di uno zoccolo duro di qualità. L'Inter di oggi rappresenta la Juve dei miei anni, ma la Nazionale non può attingervi perchè ci giocano solo stranieri: da qui derivano i fallimenti della nostra rappresentativa; questo ha fatto la differenza con la rassegna tedesca che ci ha visti Campioni del Mondo. Gli stessi problemi di Lippi, li avrà anche Prandelli, ne sono sicuro.

Buck Fuddy

Lara Chedraoui fanboy
May 22, 2009
:agree: Thats pretty much the case. Plus Why non of that Calciopoli crap happened before 2003 when the the late Agnelli was alive ? Is it coincidence that the whole joke happened just after the man's death?
Fyi: The seeds for what turned out to be Calciopoli were already being planted in the (mid) 90's.

People are free to ignore this though.

Furia Ceca

Senior Member
Mar 21, 2008
Luciano Moggi article read 27,976 times

AC Milan win the championship, Roma will come second, while Inter close third. If you do not tip you no fun, I do it with pleasure and try to make the cards in advance to the championship. This is my starting grid for the season that is coming in live. It may seem absurd, excessive, but I think that last summer has absolutely revolutionized the relative strength at the top of our game. The same argument also calls for teams to enter immediately after the three heads. Palermo has weakened, lost Bresciano and other good players, such Kjaer I liked a lot. I see far ahead Juventus and Genoa, although I must admit that the Bianconeri limited to a qualification in the Champions League would be a total failure, more so if it were to close fourth. Turin complain if you arrive second, figured quarter. The Juventus management has built a team of provincial luxury, costing millions of flowers. When you buy 27 or 28 years of players like Martinez and Diego try to sell them at 25, you do not have very clear how the situation of a club than prestige. For what has made little class Brazilian was something different than the Uruguay arrived from Catania. As for the midfield, the median is also known that the management finally realized the misunderstanding Juventus Sissoko. There is talk of sale in January, understandable. The Mali is the great problem of Melo and vice versa. I mean, two players are tactically disciplined, whose frenzy ends up creating holes hard to fill. The comparison with Cambiasso and Stankovic, rather than with De Rossi, or "my" Emerson and Vieira is unacceptable.
To be totally changed, the thinking in economic Juve at home. They spent 70 million in two years, while in our times do not spend anything and is not a manner of speaking. We anticipated financial fair play at least a decade! In 2001, for example, rivoluzionai the team paying it with the sale of Zinedine Zidane. Nedved chose for his contribution as well as absolute quantity. I'll tell you a juicy background: we take regular goals from Pavel every time we played in Rome, our goal was therefore to weaken a direct opponent as Lazio reinforced with a man who reflected at all levels, our ideal sample absolute. With the transfer of a player 31 years remade the whole team. Arrived Buffon, Cannavaro, Thuram and many others. The same thing that Inter Milito should have done with this year. I would have sold the Argentine, whereas I would have kept close Balotelli, though so much patience. Also for sale, however, need a job at the base. I remember when I found myself dealing with Zidane Florentino Perez. I invited so many times the president of Real in my home in Naples that you have no idea. From my window can see the ocean, and between one course and the other fish, the price increased to 10 billion at a time. It sells so well! It was an operation by 150 billion lire, the juicier story for the Italian market.
Speaking in Milan, let me reiterate all my concerns for the purchase of Robinho. The Brazilian is a good player but not a champion, and I think that is a surplus for the Rossoneri. Not be the owner, and I am convinced that Allegra would serve much more a new midfielder: Ambrosini and Pirlo are get older, Gattuso is through service, then it seems clear that the needs would be in the neuralgic area of the field. Too bad for my friends Galliani and Braida, they could conclude a perfect market. But that's okay, just the wizard of Ibra!
Chapter deserves instead the complex relationship between De Laurentiis and Neapolitan fans. The friction stems mainly from the sale to Juventus Quagliarella. For my part I find myself in complete agreement with the president blue. Among the Cavani and Quagliarella little difference there is in favor of the number 7 Naples, and the large amount of money offered by the Bianconeri could not be refused. Great deal.
I close my talking about Italy, commenting on the excessive optimism of recent days. The National made two matches, I will not classify as a reliable test. Against Estonia, the same Cassano was idolized by a simple back-heel, while the race course in Florence can not be considered because of obvious and indisputable inferiority by opponents.
In these games we saw a whole media push in favor of the blue, as to discredit the actions of Lippi. Perfect testimony of the ingratitude of our country. The failure was caused by the total World of a hard core quality. Inter Juve Today is my age, but can not draw from the national team because we play only foreigners here are derived from the failures of our representative, and this made the difference with the German show we saw the World Champions. The same problems Lippi, they will also Prandelli, I'm sure.


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
So you are like the pope of all mods?
are you calling me a peadophile? that boy was 19 i tell you

I should be careful around you?
no,just make sure you scrub up afterwards you dirty little boy

You have like a magic wand or something? Hmm tinkerbell?
magic wand?......maybe something like that,and dont call me tinkerbell,i prefer Long Don Vov Hugencock

I already mentioned that i understand the -rep, bianconero came out of nowhere and asked for it, like he did the first time.

And the reason all this happens here now and then with me is exactly what you just said about people being hard on newer members, i cant see it happening to me and not say anything because i only have 800 posts. They have thousands of posts and still say some retarded crap.

And about the mama joke, I was joking when i mentioned you, I meant it the same way you did. But then Alen interfered when it was none of his damn business, things got a little bit f*cked up here.
i am going to tell you this once and once only,this place is fucking nuts,people here all have a good sense of humour and a laugh all the time,learn some humility and laugh at it or you won't survive 5 minutes

Oh boy, he's trying to go toe to toe with Bozi.:lol2:
hey i will let the puppy go this time,but god it would be fun if i wasn't getting ready to go beer time

Furia Ceca

Senior Member
Mar 21, 2008
are you calling me a peadophile? that boy was 19 i tell you

no,just make sure you scrub up afterwards you dirty little boy

magic wand?......maybe something like that,and dont call me tinkerbell,i prefer Long Don Vov Hugencock

i am going to tell you this once and once only,this place is fucking nuts,people here all have a good sense of humour and a laugh all the time,learn some humility and laugh at it or you won't survive 5 minutes

hey i will let the puppy go this time,but god it would be fun if i wasn't getting ready to go beer time
Im just enjoying my time like everyone else here.. some bitch and cry, you should be giving them this lecture.

Anyway, yeah you should let the puppy go big boy.. Enjoy the beer :D



Senior Member
Aug 30, 2005
"I remember when I found myself dealing with Zidane Florentino Perez. I invited so many times the president of Real in my home in Naples that you have no idea. From my window can see the ocean, and between one course and the other fish, the price increased to 10 billion at a time. It sells so well! It was an operation by 150 billion lire, the juicier story for the Italian market."

Hahaha! Good old Moggi


Dec 17, 2007
look i do think we were innocent, I believe Moggi did nothing wrong and that we were forced to accept it because there was the risk of Italy not being able to play in the world cup.

what i can say now is Moggi's comments aren't helping anything, he really should just keep his mouth shut now. He disagrees with everyone the board has done ever since he left, sour grapes, what's done is done, we now need to move on and build a stronger football club.


Senior Member
May 23, 2008
look i do think we were innocent, I believe Moggi did nothing wrong and that we were forced to accept it because there was the risk of Italy not being able to play in the world cup.

what i can say now is Moggi's comments aren't helping anything, he really should just keep his mouth shut now. He disagrees with everyone the board has done ever since he left, sour grapes, what's done is done, we now need to move on and build a stronger football club.
Totally agree, if he cant fix the problem, can atleast shut t fu. Its like as if we dont know that we are in a deep hole.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
Juventus Lack Quality & Inter Will Struggle Without Jose Mourinho - Luciano Moggi

Former Juventus director Luciano Moggi has said the club will struggle to impose this season as they "lack quality". He also believes Inter will finish third in Serie A.

Juventus drew 3-3 with Sampdoria at the Olimpico on Sunday, a result that has done little to raise confidence at Vinovo.

"Juventus' defence was full of holes, especially on the flanks. I think [Marco] Motta will have nightmares about [Antonio] Cassano for a long time," Moggi told Gold TV.

"There is a lack of quality in midfield. [Milos] Krasic did ok. The game on Sunday showed Juventus are on Sampdoria's level."

Inter did enough to scrape a win against rock-bottom Udinese on Saturday night, but Moggi feels Jose Mourinho's departure will be felt across the season.

"The win against Udinese shows that it will be hard for Inter to confirm themselves this year, and [Diego] Milito doesn't seem the same following last season's excellent run.

"I think the Scudetto race will be equal with Roma and Milan and I wouldn't be surprised if Inter finish third. What's missing the most compared to last year is [Jose] Mourinho."


Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
If inter do lose out on the scudetto, it will simply boil down to rafa's weak tactical awareness & over reliance on star players. He better hope the likes of Maicon & Sneijder aren't injured for prolonged periods of time.

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