Gym and fitness (76 Viewers)


and the Cockroaches
Dec 27, 2005
It gives a decent kick,its their alternative to a pre workout.

Cafeine stimulates the adrenal gland, wich boosts up the metabolism.
Cola contains 38grams of glucose, wich normally gives a boost, but also a very unhealty insuline kick.
Now if you combine both, you'll boost the metabolism, and get some sortha rush cause u got plenty of glucose to burn.

the non jailed athlete, can do the same by taking a shake with oat about 2houres before training, and take 250-500mg cafeine+1.6(or more) taurine. wich is basically every decent pre workout.
oat is complex polysugar. taurine,catalyses the speed of amylase, wich breaks down polysugar. so u'll get maltose and glucose and the maltose gets broken into glucose.
The cafeine kicks the metabolism, and all that glucose gets burned.

ALl this, without the unhealthy insuline spike

- - - Updated - - -

Professional bodybuilders, apart from steroids and human growth hormone, also use insuline, but guided by a dokter.
If you inject a load of insuline,and time a very big boost of glucose, u'll burn it all.
However, aside from beeing terribly bad for the pancreas, a high insuline peak, triggers muscle growth rather significantly.

Pro's manage to have those insuline peaks right at training, with dokter supervision, getting additional growth.
They however seemb to have their pancrease survive the bombardment, i dont know how they manage that.

Thing is, to much insuline, and your sugar drops down fast, under "50" and u'll get in a low sugar coma and eventually die if no one sees you and administrates a glucose siringe.

My dad is a diabete, i had to administer such a siringe twice. its scary to witness a suger coma. they usually start trembeling and uncontrolled limb movement.
Insane to risk that in my opinion
Well since you mentioned it, I'm also diabetic, type 1, on insulin since I was five years old. I've been in coma more than a few times, but since I grew older and changed insulin it didn't happen for a few years.

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