Gym and fitness (119 Viewers)


Apr 14, 2005
'sup guys?

I came to report my training progress, and I'm reporting that I failed :( I'm not going to competition on Saturday because I got flu and I'm still having temperature, and that is a real bummer since I've been preparing for almost two months... The good thing is that my Jiu-jitsu significantly improved which means that I've got something in return.

Also I finally found the meaning of term "over training", my whole team and I pushed too hard and that got us in the end, from injuries to mental tiredness... It's a serious thing and it's hard to cope with it. But I learned my lesson, and next time I'll plan my training program more carefully. Now I'm gonna rest and try to recuperate and start again, my main focus will be strenght and than everything else. Also one important thing say is that circuit training is best training for strenght and endurance :tup:

P.S. At my peak (I realised it was 2 week ago) I could bench press more than 130kg's and deadlift around 150kg's
you were supposed to be in a jiu jitsu competition? how much do you weigh?

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and the Cockroaches
Dec 27, 2005
thats pretty good senor, sorry about the competition, how much attention do you pay to nutrition?
Not too much, but enough I think. I don't have any diet plan or something like that, but I think that my eating habits are healthy and allright...


Apr 14, 2005
Not too much, but enough I think. I don't have any diet plan or something like that, but I think that my eating habits are healthy and allright...
if you re training as hardcore as you are saying then you definitely need a strong diet, which would incorporate the necessary nutrients, vitamins and such. This not only will allow you to recover better but also not get sick.


and the Cockroaches
Dec 27, 2005
I've been taking vitamins, omega3, creatine, protein and glutamine. I simply overtrained and this flu I got is more because of weather here, one day it was 25C and the next one it was like 7C. Also my niece was pretty bad sick and I played with her whole day, and I probably got my flu from her :)


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
Back into it. The rig is starting to take shape of an adonis as it should. In a couple of weeks i'm going on a vegan diet for about a month. Can't wait to see the results.


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
Tell me more about this vegan diet.
I'm pretty much going to cut out all meats and processed foods. Things that take a long time for my body to break down. Cutting those foods out while maintaining a balanced diet (protein, carbohydrate, vitamin intake etc.) doubles your energy levels because your system isn't working so hard to break down these foods. Its consequently an extremely healthy diet as well. If the diet is followed correctly the results are great. You're so energetic, your skin and the whites of your eyes glow (but only after a longer amount of time on the diet). Its pretty amazing the impact cutting out processed food has on your body.

I do it only for about month at a time though because I can never seem to get used to not eating meat but its worth doing. Its not necessarily a weight loss diet because you can eat as many carbs as you want but it does wonders for your metabolism and naturally the food you eat is less fattening anyway. I mainly do it during exams when I want my mind to be working well and when I need that excess energy which this diet provides.


Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
I could never ever, ever follow a vegan diet. Jesus, cutting out eggs, milk, cheese etc...fuck that shit. It's funny that i can go without any sugar except from fruit & what not but meat, hellz no!

I'm gonna tell my darkie friends about this vegan diet because those bastards all have yellow & red eyes.


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
I could never ever, ever follow a vegan diet. Jesus, cutting out eggs, milk, cheese etc...fuck that shit. It's funny that i can go without any sugar except from fruit & what not but meat, hellz no!

I'm gonna tell my darkie friends about this vegan diet because those bastards all have yellow & red eyes.
:lol: Yeah I always found that so weird that some people are so black the whites of their eyes aren't even white.

I find it tough as well cutting meat out. Sometimes I cheat and eat salmon or tuna but after a while the benefits are so noticeable that you're driven to keep eating well if not better but then I get pissed, eat a kebab and it all goes downhill from there.


Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
:lol: Yeah I always found that so weird that some people are so black the whites of their eyes aren't even white.

I find it tough as well cutting meat out. Sometimes I cheat and eat salmon or tuna but after a while the benefits are so noticeable that you're driven to keep eating well if not better but then I get pissed, eat a kebab and it all goes downhill from there.
What is your goal btw? Are you planning on entering competitions? That's a lot of work to go through just to look like a marble sculpture. Lately i've lost a lot of motivation with my work schedule, general unhappiness & this heat wave we've been experiencing hasn't helped either.

I haven't worked out for two weeks now, but i'm ready to tackle it on from tomorrow.

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