Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!] (24 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
Jon will have melly killed for what she did to SHEEEREEEENNNN

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Yo, why the fuck didnt they give Wun Wun a weapon?
Ser Davos gonna do it kind of wondering if its gonna be revealed that Davos was her biological father cause all Stannis kids were stillborn


Mar 30, 2003
I feel like Tyrions character has been ruined since he went to Mareen. He used to be cool but now he has joined the army of cringe and all of his qualitys are lost in cringyness.


Jul 28, 2011
When Davos went alone to the spot where Shireen was burned, I actually thought some Ramsay spy would kill him in his back, I'm thinking that almost everytime in those cases in every movie/series. Just because of GoT :lol2:


نحن الروبوتات
May 27, 2009
I feel like sansa secretly wanted her brother dead so that she could have the best claim to winterfell, also why didnt jon ask meli to try to bring back rickon
100% agree on the Sansa part. She is a lil bitch these days.


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
Why didn't Rickon run zigzags?

But what an amazingly filmed battle, especially when Jon went down and saw all the shadows pass by. The feeling of hardship was conveyed very well. And another question, why didn't Ramsay shoot Jon instead of Wun-Wun? He would have never seen it coming.

Cringe shit in Mereen. hurr durr ebil guy doesn't want womyn to rule


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Why blame it all on her tho? She was right. He doesnt know his enemy but still planned like he did. Jon litterally did the only dumb thing he shouldnt do, she warned him of Ramsays provocative and tactically scheming ways and he fell for it, lead his men right into slaughter, and I dont read a single post pointing out the stupidity of this, regardless of how painful it is to watch your brother slaughtered. Jon has military training and battle experience, he is still young, but that was beyond idiotic, especially with the lesser force.

Btw, holy fuck that battle was awesome :delpiero: Was filmed so visceral and INTENSE, great directing, Its insane to think this is done in a tv series...


Apr 14, 2005
Sansa didn't offer any solution except for the typical moaning, it's funny how the writers toy with feminists on the surface they pander to them, but really it is more derision, like the scene in the war councel where she complains that she has no voice only to say she doesnt know war when Jon asks her for advice :howler: jon had to go after his brother regardless the real fuck up was sansa hiding the fact she had access to the knight of the vale so if anybody needed to put their emotions in check and do the right thing of was sansa.

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Why didn't Rickon run zigzags?
With that shaggy hair? Coz he rolls them ;)


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Sansa didn't offer any solution except for the typical moaning, it's funny how the writers toy with feminists on the surface they pander to them, but really it is more derision, like the scene in the war councel where she complains that she has no voice only to say she doesnt know war when Jon asks her for advice :howler: jon had to go after his brother regardless the real fuck up was sansa hiding the fact she had access to the knight of the vale so if anybody needed to put their emotions in check and do the right thing of was sansa.
It was stupid to not tell him (litterally out of character, will be interesting to see how this plays out next episode, because Jon and her acted like it was normal afterwards). But what he did in that battle was even more stupid. Its one thing to go after your brother, but what he did afterwards was MORONIC. It litterally lead them to the slaughter. Your brother is dead, go back to your army and stick to whatever unprepared tactic you have, not rush 6 thousand men on your friggin own, forcing your half strenghth force to rush into death trap with you.

And she wasnt giving him solution, and was bit abbrasive, but she was RIGHT, she told him how are you making battle plans according to an enemy you dont know? He was litterally understimating Ramsay as some headstrong fool who is governed by emotions and pride alone, kinda projecting...She was the only one in the room who knew Ramsay well, but they or mainly Jon was talking like he knew him exactly after 4-5 minutes of shitty bravado talk. She admitted her shortcomings of not having battle plans, but told him Ramsay is the opposite of what he thought he was, was being played and she was telling him to be careful. As we saw, he litterally fell for it all.

I left this episode being ALOT LESS impressed with Jon then I was before, even if he conducted himself well as a warrior, but as a leader he was completely idiotic.

I know Sansa is easier to dislike, but come on, the bigger fool on this episode alone was obvious.

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