Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (36 Viewers)

Jul 2, 2006
Are you implying that they burned the churches too? Religious people wouldn't burn a religious building.
In Islam, there is immunity of place of worship. Especially if it is a church or synagogue. Even IF it is a Muslim burning the churches, it's impossible to call this act Islamic. I don't know where is this 'what about the others' shit is coming from. Actually i know, victor is always right. Colonialists and Soviets massacred hundred times more yet no one calling them barbarians but the civilized part of the world. You were a historian right? Tell them Ottoman tolerance, how they were ahead of their time, kept things peaceful between more than 40 ethnicity in Balkans and Middle East, these places were never same after the collapse of Empire. It was us who welcomed Jews when they got kicked from every corner of the world. Jews and Armenians prospered more than Muslims in cities like Istanbul. Today's superpower USA took many things from Ottomans to govern many different people as one nation. If today's Muslims are doing this kind of things, it's their fault not the Islam's. They are getting radicalized everyday because they are being attacked from left and right for last 200 years. Germans were monsters in 40's, now they are epitome of modern citizens. Why the sudden change? Can this be about living conditions?

Bisco, Eddy

Defend this as well, you have a big stomach, you can always come up with an excuse.


Buy on


Sep 23, 2003
I don't expect you to understand but here i go. Whenever a Muslim suffers in a different corner of the world, other Muslims feel the same pain. This is a supra-political matter.
I can understand that, but to believe this you have to presume that the massive majority of the Egyptian public -- who supported Morsi's toss-out by the army -- are non-Muslim. That makes no sense.

Just because some fringe group puts "Muslim" in their organization's name, that somehow makes them worthy of greater sympathy than the 90 million other Muslims in Egypt who have other affiliations? You are more Muslim than your neighbor simply because you put it on your business card? That only Muslims with such a business card feel any pain, and you're completely inoculated from the pain experienced by 90 million other Muslim's without the brand name?

Man, and I thought the beard-growing contests were idiotic...

That's kind of ridiculous. That's like supporting a local club called "The Puppy-Lovers Club" because of its name, even if the members of that club eat dogs.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
You live in a dictatorship, you don't have access to sound information.
I can't wait to get my hands on a keyboard to reply to this gem of guy and the resident idiot who is posting BS to put it in mild terms because the day I get banned won't be because if Turk it's insulting I got an infarction.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
You live in a dictatorship, you don't have access to sound information.
Hence why the Iranian regime and turkey were the first to get butt hurt. Wow the Iranian regime cares about human Rights!!!

Mind you the lame ass song turk had been singing that the west Is against Islam is total bs because guess what the us just canceled it's military training with egyptain military! England and France are calling for an emergency meeting of the security council yet they dobt care about the Islamist fags yeah right. Doesn't bother me much but now all the mosque burning all the sniper action makes sense!!! The victim card like whores is being played that's why I sincerely hope the mb are wiped out form existence.


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
In Islam, there is immunity of place of worship. Especially if it is a church or synagogue. Even IF it is a Muslim burning the churches, it's impossible to call this act Islamic. I don't know where is this 'what about the others' $#@! is coming from.
Great, then we can agree they're not Islamic, just brainwashed with extremist views.

Actually i know, victor is always right. Colonialists and Soviets massacred hundred times more yet no one calling them barbarians but the civilized part of the world.
I consider Stalin to be worse than Hitler.

You were a historian right? Tell them Ottoman tolerance, how they were ahead of their time, kept things peaceful between more than 40 ethnicity in Balkans and Middle East, these places were never same after the collapse of Empire. It was us who welcomed Jews when they got kicked from every corner of the world. Jews and Armenians prospered more than Muslims in cities like Istanbul.
Just because there was tolerance for a time in the empire does not make it right to occupy Armenian, Kurdish, Greek, Arab or Balkan regions/land. But this is a different subject and off-topic.

If today's Muslims are doing this kind of things, it's their fault not the Islam's. They are getting radicalized everyday because they are being attacked from left and right for last 200 years.
That's why we call them extremists, doing things they shouldn't be doing in the name of their religion.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
i agree with you
but I'm watching satellite and hear to bbc and cnn and ....
in internet searching and going to paltalk massenger bylux and ...
news come to me However, the difficulty
Al jazeerah will be upset don't forget to add it and you have a full set if biased bs views on the events.
If you want to understand I highly recommend you read hists posts a couple of pages back. Want to stay brain washed and think the egyptain army kills innocent women and children then so be it be my guest.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
I'm no supporter of muslim brotherhood but what the army did in a sane world cannot and should not be justified. Absolutely horrific.
OK great, if what the mb did in Cairo with there sit in was done, in any country in europe or the USA how would they be treated?
Jul 2, 2006
Mind you the lame ass song turk had been singing that the west Is against Islam is total bs because guess what the us just canceled it's military training with egyptain military! England and France are calling for an emergency meeting of the security council yet they dobt care about the Islamist fags yeah right. Doesn't bother me much but now all the mosque burning all the sniper action makes sense!!! The victim card like whores is being played that's why I sincerely hope the mb are wiped out form existence.
They have been robbed, arrested and killed. They don't need to play any card. They are the victims. You're the one who are gonna be wiped out by none other than the hate of yours. Do you think will you ever be able to find peace with that fucked up mind of yours which is welcoming death of a teenager girl, people being hunted by snipers, burned alive?


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
They have been robbed, arrested and killed. They don't need to play any card. They are the victims. You're the one who are gonna be wiped out by none other than that hate of yours. Do you think will you ever be able to find peace with that fucked up mind of yours which is welcoming death of a teenager girl?
Don't worry about me or my country. Poor girl she got shot by the mb snipers so they can trade with her blood. and brain wash people with low levels of intelligence like your self.


Sep 23, 2003
Don't worry about me or my country. Poor girl she got shot by the mb snipers so they can trade with her blood. and brain wash people with low levels of intelligence like your self.
I have to say as something of a Muslim outsider, one social-psychological ill among a lot of heavily Islam-influenced cultures seems the ridiculous amount of weight given to "martyr status". It sadly seems to become a loser's game of one-upping each other with an "I-suffered-more-than-you" competition.

It's like you can't even have a reasoned debate on an issue without first piling up the photos of blood and bodies as a sort depraved currency to legitimize your cause.

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