Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (31 Viewers)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Slavery is obviously bad Martin,those minorities have the right to protest for sure,but you tell me what is the solution for them?

And btw the Slavery example is not in the right place,cos It's an absolute wrong thing
That's my point. There are things that are wrong, regardless of what the majority wants. And when you have a ruling class, even if it is democratically elected, whose ONLY responsibility is to rule as best as possible according to a religion, there is a huge problem. Because there is noone that can hold them responsible to things that are wrong regardless of what their religion says about them.

let me tell you one thing,i see prostitution is a form of slavery,and you know well that in Europe many feminists share the same opinions,what do you think about prostitutions?
It depends. If someone wants to work as a prostitute and is not being forced to do it, that has nothing to do with slavery. But, as we know, in many cases of prostitution the prostitutes are being put in a position where they have no choice, either because they are threatened with violence, or because they are addicted to drugs that they won't get unless they work and so on.

The problem here is that the "business men" who are running the prostitution business have too much power over the prostitutes. At the same time, you can't just say "we will end prostitution", because noone ever succeeded. Prostitution exists in every country. As long as there are customers who want to hire prostitutes, there will be a business.

So what the government decided to do here in Holland, is to legalize prostitution. They did this precisely so that the prostitutes would be in a better position, that they would not have to hide from the police and depend even more on their "employers". Of course that doesn't mean that the whole problem is solved, but it's a better system than one in which they are thrown in jail.

Homosexuality is disputed,and you yourself said many in Europe against it.
Noone in Europe is disputing whether homosexuality should be a crime. It is simply, legal. The fact that homosexuals don't have all the rights that heterosexuals have does not change this. Their basic right to be homosexual, to live with other homosexuals if they want, is there.

What people are disputing is whether, for example, they should have the right to adopt children. That is the sense in which is disputed. It is NOT disputed "whether it should be legal".


Sep 4, 2007
Yes, but which minorities? How did they treat atheists? Or people who were born into a Muslim family and never had faith? Or people who had it and then stopped believing? Or dissidents to Islam? Or political opposition to the rulers?

Western societies are not a paradise for homosexuals, far from it. In some European countries they have obtained the right to get married like everyone else, but it's a small minority. And there is still much prejudice and hatred against them. But at the very least they are not being molested by the law, you don't get sent to prison for being a homosexual or for being seen with another homosexual. So tell me, in this hypothetical Islamic state, would you risk going to prison for being a homosexual?

It's certainly abnormal, but so is almost everything else. Being a Juve fan is abnormal, because there are more people who are not than those who are. Abnormal means nothing more than being in the minority.

And I can say that people who like the color pink and fill their houses with things that are pink are disgusting, but so what? It doesn't affect me at all.
Well Islam doesn't force society into it, you can be an atheist in our Ideal society

YUSUFALI: Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

but you're not allowed to go in public doubting and criticizing Islam and making new religions or insulting Islam or prophets, but you're most welcome to debate and ask all you want about Islam with sheikhs and educated ones

Many muslims believe that unbelievers should be excuted, according to a history incident once Muhammad PBUH died and lots of muslims went back to unbelievaing or changed faith and such, new Caliph Abu Bakr faught them
but he did because they were threating the newly born Islamic country, they were going to attack and they were harming the society
but not because they chaneged their faith
there's also a good example, once in a war Osama Ibn Zayd was about to kill an enemy, and right before he did the man declared himself muslim (obviously to get away as it seems) but Muhammad refused to let Osama kill him, because faith is between the man and God, not for us to judge

About homosexuals, our laws certainly won't protect them, and they will have to hide and do whatever they do in secret, and let God judge them not us
to actually get them to punished according to Islam's rules, they either tell on themselves (won't happen) or 4 people see them doing it (won't happen either)
that's why Islamic punishments (as stoning) which seem extreme, were obviously put to scare people off sins, they very rarely get applied
of course in taliban and with extremists they're applied and very misused, but I assure you there isn't any place on the planet that applies Islam 100% right, only individuals around the world.

Well I really can't get deeper into the accepting or not accepting homosexual behaviour, no one knows for sure if it's a psychological condition, a choice or if they're born like this


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
but you're not allowed to go in public doubting and criticizing Islam and making new religions
That is really fucked up imo. Don't you think it sounds like a dictatorship when you cannot discuss/question the rules that everyone has to follow? When you can't criticize? When you cannot have an opposition?

Well I really can't get deeper into the accepting or not accepting homosexual behaviour, no one knows for sure if it's a psychological condition, a choice or if they're born like this
Well, you could ask them. Every homosexual in history has said "I was born like this". Can you make yourself homosexual if you really wanted to? If you were given drugs? Psychological treatment? If you don't think so, well neither can they change. If you believe that God created people the way they are, then apparently he must have had some reason to make homosexuals homosexual. That's not a reason to hate them or beat them up. If you are disgusted by them (as some people have said), fine, continue being disgusted. That doesn't hurt anyone.


Sep 4, 2007
I see some contradictions here Naggar.

Islamic state (like you claim) should be much better government than what Arabs are experiencing no? Then you say majority who call themselves Islamic are corrupted and aren't really following their Islamic law no?

How can you guarantee that if there's Islamic state to replace Mubarak no more corruptions or even a regime worse than Mubarak?
This is the thing, like I read somewhere in this thread, politics and religions are a bad mix
I definitely don't want the muslim brotherhood to rule, they are following Islam better than the current government for sure, but they're not good enough in everything else
they'll make it horrible for all the minorites and I know they'll ban freedom, so I surely can't guarantee they'll be good, but anything is better than Mubarak
still I think we have better choices then Muslim brotherhood

and until I find a good Islamic leader, I don't want Islamic law in their way

personally I think the muslim brotherhood are using Islam to climb up, the man who started the group was a great muslim, and Abdelnasser almost joined them and his revolution was this close to be Islamic, but something happened that history doesn't know and he changed his mind
but the ones from the brotherhood now aren't as good as 50 years ago.

bottomline, no one from what I see can apply Islam 100% right.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
hey man, martin, can we drop this homo stuff please
Do you not like it? We have a homosexuality cult here on Juventuz, in case you missed it. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't enjoy making gay jokes about other members and laughing about it all in good spirit.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
You are really up to defending homosexuals Martin.. Something we should know about? :D
To be perfectly honest, because it's an easy trump card. Pretty much all religions persecute homosexuals, and beyond that many secular societies (eg. China). So when I hear about how having theocracy would bring forth a lovely, free society, it's the quickest way for me to make a point.


Sep 4, 2007
That is really fucked up imo. Don't you think it sounds like a dictatorship when you cannot discuss/question the rules that everyone has to follow? When you can't criticize? When you cannot have an opposition?

Well, you could ask them. Every homosexual in history has said "I was born like this". Can you make yourself homosexual if you really wanted to? If you were given drugs? Psychological treatment? If you don't think so, well neither can they change. If you believe that God created people the way they are, then apparently he must have had some reason to make homosexuals homosexual. That's not a reason to hate them or beat them up. If you are disgusted by them (as some people have said), fine, continue being disgusted. That doesn't hurt anyone.
I just told you you're most welcome to question, discuss and debate in the Islamic country! but you're not allowed to insult and attack, that's just out of respect, not against freedom at all

Well personally I'd never hurt a homosexual (whether he chose to or he was born one I don't know honestly) and I don't have the right to judge anyone, they're free to do what they want of course, and I believe they shouldn't be oppressed or praised


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
I just told you you're most welcome to question, discuss and debate in the Islamic country! but you're not allowed to insult and attack, that's just out of respect, not against freedom at all
but you're not allowed to go in public doubting and criticizing Islam and making new religions

^ This is what you said. So do you stand by that or not? I think the above is a very important part of a healthy society, the ability to doubt and criticize. And to suggest competing systems.

Well personally I'd never hurt a homosexual (whether he chose to or he was born one I don't know honestly) and I don't have the right to judge anyone, they're free to do what they want of course, and I believe they shouldn't be oppressed or praised


Sep 4, 2007
but you're not allowed to go in public doubting and criticizing Islam and making new religions

^ This is what you said. So do you stand by that or not? I think the above is a very important part of a healthy society, the ability to doubt and criticize. And to suggest competing systems.
I didn't change my words, there's a difference between discussing, debating and criticizing, insulting
if you don't see why you should pray, then don't call it stupid, go discuss it with someone who knows enough, and you can try all you want to convince him of your point, or get convinced


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
I didn't change my words, there's a difference between discussing, debating and criticizing, insulting
if you don't see why you should pray, then don't call it stupid, go discuss it with someone who knows enough, and you can try all you want to convince him of your point, or get convinced
Are you saying that you can debate as long as you don't criticize? What kind of debate is that? Have you ever seen a debate about Del Neri where noone criticized him?


Sep 4, 2007
Are you saying that you can debate as long as you don't criticize? What kind of debate is that? Have you ever seen a debate about Del Neri where noone criticized him?
good one :D
I meant to keep it nice and clean, call DN not good enough for us, but don't call him a son of a *****, but that's when the debate is about a person.
while Islam and it's laws are fixed, not subjected to change, and there are people who spent their lives studying these laws
you can say I'm against this one law, and they'll stand up and show you why it's good, as long as respect is kept if you know what I mean

there are different kinds of criticism, some criticise DN because he shouldn't have taken out Aquilani. well thats good, if you could tell him in his face he may learn a new thing and get better, and Islam encourages that
and there's useless criticism, like calling him stupid, well no one gained anything from it


Sep 4, 2007
Omar Soliman new vice president is talking right now on TV

عمر سليمان : نظرا لضيق الوقت يجب العمل بالدستور الحالي وترك أمر الدستور الجديد لاحقا
English: "Omar Soliman: since we don't have much time, we'll keep the current laws and make the changes (improvements) later"


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