Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
But such is the nature of human beings Martin, they take everything and anything and misuse it for their own benefit. Condemning how people misuse religion, or say Islam, is fine and true, but condemning Islam straightaway with no knowledge or background on its teachings whatsoever is just ain't right to me.
That's why I mentioned drugs and guns. Human beings abuse everything, therefore we think drugs and guns should be regulated, yes?

Religion of course is a far more complicated phenomenon and we don't know enough about the human brain to understand exactly how it works. Same goes for advertising, it's legal to shoot a commercial for Pepsi where the people drinking Pepsi are surfing on the beach, laughing and looking happy. And the undertone is that if you buy Pepsi you will be that way too, that is the subconscious message, which is completely untrue. It's deception, basically. If they would come out and say "buy Pepsi and you will become happy within 2 weeks" they would get in trouble for saying something that isn't true. And yet they can do just that because we still have a poor grasp on psychology and how people can be manipulated on a lower level.

And as with advertising, that Pepsi commercial makes you feel good for 30 seconds, so religion makes you feel good in certain ways too. But that doesn't mean it's truthful or honest.

Buy on


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2007
But people have still accepted the commercial the way it is and the messages it tries to convey. But they still choose to drink the blody black soda :)


Rab's Husband - The Regista
Aug 27, 2008
the theory stipulates that monkeys and humans have the same ancestors
Maybe we should wait for Andy then, cause I don't know much about evolution. It was never taught to me in school (neither was Creation) and I always hated biology anyway (boring).

But the answer to your question, from what I understand, is that first of all humans did not evolve from monkeys. Instead, the two species have a common ancestor, so at one point there was just a single species and with evolutionary mutation two different (probably a lot more than two) strands started evolving in different directions, and hence we have two species today (again, more than two). "Evolved from monkeys" is a short hand of saying it, but not accurate.
Thanks guys...

Because evolution is a continuos process, it is safe to assume that a million years down the line, man would have evolved into other super human species, flying men, men living under water etc. etc. Correct? (Unless of course humans become extinct like the dinosaurs)...


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Thanks guys...

Because evolution is a continuos process, it is safe to assume that a million years down the line, man would have evolved into other super human species, flying men, men living under water etc. etc. Correct? (Unless of course humans become extinct like the dinosaurs)...
Evolution is ridiculously slow. And it's a matter of definition how far you want to go back in time before saying this is where man started. Biologists say it's about 10,000 years ago from what I recall.

Anyhow, you're right. According to the theory organisms evolve and that includes us. (Actually I think it's kind of lame we can't live under water, seems like an easy enough fix don't you think :wink: )
Jan 7, 2004
Thanks guys...

Because evolution is a continuos process, it is safe to assume that a million years down the line, man would have evolved into other super human species, flying men, men living under water etc. etc. Correct? (Unless of course humans become extinct like the dinosaurs)...

what people find the hardest thing to wrap themselves around is the incredible timespan of the whole thing

keep in mind that it took billions of years for the transformations to happen and it was a result of a set of particular circumstances, which if present, could do virtually anything


Sep 23, 2003
As long as there is Miley Cyrus, I not only think human evolution is slow, but I wonder if it's going backwards.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
There are extremists in Christianity so don't go there. It wasn't too long ago that people were being lynched for being a different skin color. Apparently they believed the Bible gave them the right to slavery.

Second of all, if the jokes directed at their God were coming from the Muslim world then you best believe they would be burning flags as well. They have the misfortune of being ridiculed by their own people within their own country.
The cartoons were not put out by Christian extremists. People in this country mock the God theory all the time, yet I don't see much uproar about it. The point stands - the reaction to the this one infamous cartoon was far more violent and absurd than anything I've seen in modern days regarding religious jokes. It's the truth, no need to deny it.

Now excuse me for going on a bit of a tangent here though I believe its related if you really think about it.

Do yourself a favour. Go and get a National Geographic from the 1970's and read about North Western Pakistan, the same place where the Taliban have a strong hold today. If you don't break into tears after reading about the treatment the National Geographic journalists got from these people then you have no heart.

These poor decimated, war torn, and displaced people treated these journalists better than they would ones own family. Just at the site of an American in their village filled them with happiness and they opened their homes for these people. They were fully aware that they were in their predicament because of their country, yet they whipped out their finest plates, their finest clothes, their finest furniture and made the best food from what they could afford.

These are the same people that you refer to as terrorists without thinking twice about it.
Not sure where you're going to be honest. It must be that usual defensive mentality of, "you must hate us because you don't share a common ground." No, no sir, that's not the case. I don't go around labeling people terrorists unless they deserve it, such as Bush and his cronies. If you say the general American public has a problem with the people of Islam then I might agree with you. But me? No. I don't have a problem with people practicing their faith... as long as it doesn't impinge on me. If I was a Dane a huge target would have been placed on my chest, just like it is now essentially.

because Andy hasn't answered my question i'll ask the same to you Martin... do you believe in the theory of Evolution?
I believe in evolution because it's the most plausible theory to go on. Like I've said in many discussions, monkeys and humans essentially have the same blood types for a reason.


Sep 23, 2003
I believe in evolution because it's the most plausible theory to go on. Like I've said in many discussions, monkeys and humans essentially have the same blood types for a reason.
For once I would like a president who would answer to statements like "Well, the Theory of Evolution is only a theory" with "Well, gravity is only a theory as well. So why don't you go jump out that 12-story window and tell me what happens."


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
For once I would like a president who would answer to statements like "Well, the Theory of Evolution is only a theory" with "Well, gravity is only a theory as well. So why don't you go jump out that 12-story window and tell me what happens."

It would be a golden response, but then the guy would have to fear for his life/loss at election time because he dissed the Christianity complex that rules voting.
Il Re

Il Re

-- 10 --
Jan 13, 2005
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    common guys, surely we didn't evolve from monkeys.........i have heard that every generation people are getting taller, nto sure if that counts as evolution though


    Senior Member
    Apr 5, 2005
    Azzurri7 said:
    Funny thing is that I've been called a racist for calling Zlatan Zingaro because according to them they felt offended. What's even more funny is that the same members that called me a racist are now insulting God... but hey, they're not offending anyone..... they have the rights for that.
    Ah, but here's the big fault in your reasoning that you and many others haven't comprehended yet;

    The DJ was fired for expressing his thoughts while you're still posting here as a moderator. In your case, we only had a discussion.

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