Croatian Manager Doesn't Want Homosexuals On His Team (4 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Dj Juve ] ++
If you were a manager of a really big team with big stars, would you want a gay squad player checking out other teammates. I know i won't play in a team which have players like that. I'm not saying they will always do that, but you never know

I think what the Croat coach meant to say was, he doesnt want any player disrupting the mood in the camp because he's gay (unlike most of you guys here, some people actually dont like mixing around with guys that gets horny seeing other men). So if there was a player or two that are gay, some (most prolly a majority) of the other team players may not really like it.

You say that it's unfair to judge a person because of his sexuality (and since they were born with it)? Then how come non of you people hang out and chill with autistic people? It's not their fault their like that. I can go on and on..

I'm with Ali here. I have as profoundly huge hate against gay people (especially those that are like that fag in Will and Grace...yes, I've met those kinda). And I dont feel safe at all around them. You can hate me for this, but i won't ever change my opinion about them
Then perhaps people like that are not ready to live in the 21st century.


Senior Member
Oct 22, 2003
You know, evolution wise propably some of us just ain't needed or something, like there's already few billion people too much. Maybe those genes which are not advantage in breeding are just a way for mother nature to try to control breeding. Just my couple of cents.

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
++ [ originally posted by venom ] ++
You know, evolution wise propably some of us just ain't needed or something, like there's already few billion people too much. Maybe those genes which are not advantage in breeding are just a way for mother nature to try to control breeding. Just my couple of cents.
M head isnt all clear right now. how does that fit into anything?


Senior Member
Oct 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++

M head isnt all clear right now. how does that fit into anything?
I actually had a point but I don't remeber what it was. I got bit drift off and...


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by venom ] ++
You know, evolution wise propably some of us just ain't needed or something, like there's already few billion people too much. Maybe those genes which are not advantage in breeding are just a way for mother nature to try to control breeding. Just my couple of cents.
Mother nature need not control breeding, death does that job for her. A creature's primary instinct is to survive, and their bodies and minds should be adapted accordingly.

"some of us ain't needed" really doesn't make sense, because no living creature is gonna say "Hey, I may not be needed so much, so I'll evolve a gene that causes my mind to no longer want to breed with the opposite sex...

Just my couple of cents


Senior Member
Oct 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
Mother nature need not control breeding, death does that job for her. A creature's primary instinct is to survive, and their bodies and minds should be adapted accordingly.

"some of us ain't needed" really doesn't make sense, because no living creature is gonna say "Hey, I may not be needed so much, so I'll evolve a gene that causes my mind to no longer want to breed with the opposite sex...
It's just I've got very different beliefs than you. And for sure this is not the right place to discuss about them so as long as you are fine with that, we're cool. And I'm out.

And please lock this thread.
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