Croatian Manager Doesn't Want Homosexuals On His Team (3 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
01/20/2004. Croatia's manager Otto Baric has publicly stated that he does not want homosexuals in his squad.

He views homosexuality as "abnormal and should not be practiced by young people."

Baric expressed his opinion on this issue in an interview with 'Jutarnji List.'

"I know that there are no gays on my team, I can spot one in ten minutes and I don't like having them on my team," he said.

Baric will manage Croatia at the Euro 2004 championships in Portugal

Buy on
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by -Z- ] ++
01/20/2004. Croatia's manager Otto Baric has publicly stated that he does not want homosexuals in his squad.

He views homosexuality as "abnormal and should not be practiced by young people."

Baric expressed his opinion on this issue in an interview with 'Jutarnji List.'

"I know that there are no gays on my team, I can spot one in ten minutes and I don't like having them on my team," he said.

Baric will manage Croatia at the Euro 2004 championships in Portugal
What a bloody idiot. At least he gives them ten minutes before he judges people.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
That's so racist, even though I've never seen homosexuals play football.

Anyway I guess this excludes you from being called-up Zlatan :D


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Jun 9, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
    That's so racist, even though I've never seen homosexuals play football.

    Anyway I guess this excludes you from being called-up Zlatan :D
    I wouldnt play for Croatia even if they called me, I'm a Bosnian :stuckup:


    Senior Member
    Sep 30, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
    zizou he isnt racist hehe.

    i dunno. the gay thing has always bothered me. its like i get to be in a locker room full of women, which i dont.

    know what you mean though


    Senior Member
    Apr 21, 2003
    Probably Baric must have had some bad experience when he was a kid, something on the line of: Baric----after gym shower----picking up a soap


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by -Z- ] ++

    I wouldnt play for Croatia even if they called me, I'm a Bosnian :stuckup:
    So now you've got two reasons for not being able to play for Croatia :D

    sorry, it was too easy


    Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
    Jan 12, 2002
    It doesn't seem right to judge people based solely on their sexuality. Croatia's coach, Baric, seems to be an old guy and that's why he might of stated his opinion publicly but that doesn't make it right, obviously.

    Anyway, I've heard that 'Croatian Gay Rights Groups' indicated that they will be supporting England instead of their own team in the Euro2004 match as they felt outraged from the comments made by Baric.

    ++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
    That's so racist, even though I've never seen homosexuals play football.
    In one of the matches I played some time ago, I was very impressed of an opponent. He used to be everywhere in the pitch, made fancy moves with the ball, and scored many goals. I was a bit surprised later when I was told he was homosexual.


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++Anyway, I've heard that 'Croatian Gay Rights Groups' indicated that they will be supporting England instead of their own team in the Euro2004 match as they felt outraged from the comments made by Baric.
    Now that's a good solution. Better than attempting to murder the guy or set his house on fire. I know a couple of hooligans who could learn from this example.

    In one of the matches I played some time ago, I was very impressed of an opponent. He used to be everywhere in the pitch, made fancy moves with the ball, and scored many goals. I was a bit surprised later when I was told he was homosexual.
    Hm yes, it happens. We had a couple of outcomings here in NL after a some major football magazines held a poll amongst Eredivisie football players where 89% said they wouldn't mind if a teammate were homosexual.

    I would imagine one would keep it a secret though - not all "fans" will be very understanding, if you know what I mean. Thankfully public response in NL has been overly positive: either people don't care or people think it's good the player in question has come out.


    Jul 15, 2002
    Am just curious, why are you all livid to this man's choice? Is it because he does not agree with your choices or? If he does not like homosexuals then that is his choice & the Croatian FA can decide whether he should stay or leave.
    Personally I don't like homosexuals. It's my choice so what? So now you will call me names? You think am narrow minded? C'mon guys am entitled to have a choice & just because it does not bode well with society does not mean am wrong.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by DaJuve ] ++
    Am just curious, why are you all livid to this man's choice? Is it because he does not agree with your choices or? If he does not like homosexuals then that is his choice & the Croatian FA can decide whether he should stay or live.
    How would you feel if you couldn't be selected for your national team because the international manager doesn't like your favourite colour? What does that have to do with football? Nothing - same as a player's sexual orientation. That's why we're livid - he's discriminating on an irrelevant basis, and what's more, he's not even basing this on actual knowledge of a player - just his gut feeling. It's plain stupid.


    Jul 15, 2002
    Agreed on the discrimination part that's why I included this line ...
    If he does not like homosexuals then that is his choice & the Croatian FA can decide whether he should stay or leave.


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by DaJuve ] ++
    Personally I don't like homosexuals. It's my choice so what? So now you will call me names?
    I'm not going to call you names, evidently. What good would that do. I have a question though: how can you make distinctions between groups of people based on such irrelevant matters such as sexual preference or, for that matter, skin colour?

    I can't, for the life of me, understand why you would do that. Do you use stereotyping to "justify" this way of thinking for yourself or?

    Mind you: I mean no disrespect, I would just like to understand :)


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by DaJuve ] ++
    Am just curious, why are you all livid to this man's choice? Is it because he does not agree with your choices or? If he does not like homosexuals then that is his choice & the Croatian FA can decide whether he should stay or leave.
    Because he is (IMHO) abusing his power. He was hired to pick the best players available for Croatia, is a player is gay or not is not relevant. The Croatian FA can fire him, but IMO he shouldn't have taken the job if he wasn't gonna do it properly and let his personal feelings interfere.


    Jul 15, 2002
    No offence taken Erik. Skin colour is natural - You are born with it. But sexual preference is a choice. I find it hard to believe that homosexuality is attained through genes. I find homosexuals unnatural. I am not stereotyping it's just that I find it incredibly disgusting. I do not discriminate against them & it's not like I go around campaigning against them but I just can't stand their deviant ways.
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