Croatian Manager Doesn't Want Homosexuals On His Team (5 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++
In one of the matches I played some time ago, I was very impressed of an opponent. He used to be everywhere in the pitch, made fancy moves with the ball, and scored many goals. I was a bit surprised later when I was told he was homosexual.
Why is that thou? What does one have to do with the other?

Buy on


Jul 15, 2002
++ [ originally posted by tarmpropp ] ++
Because he is (IMHO) abusing his power. He was hired to pick the best players available for Croatia, is a player is gay or not is not relevant. The Croatian FA can fire him, but IMO he shouldn't have taken the job if he wasn't gonna do it properly and let his personal feelings interfere.
True that & I think he is wrong on discriminating. The correct thing for him to have done IMHO is to resign. Stand by his choice & resign.


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by DaJuve ] ++
No offence taken Erik. Skin colour is natural - You are born with it. But sexual preference is a choice. I find it hard to believe that homosexuality is attained through genes. I find homosexuals unnatural. I am not stereotyping it's just that I find it incredibly disgusting. I do not discriminate against them & it's not like I go around campaigning against them but I just can't stand their deviant ways.
Hm like that then. Thanks for explaining! I respect your point of view though I have a different one myself as I believe homosexuality is something you are born with.


Jul 15, 2002
Glad you understood my point of view. I've been called names before :rolleyes:

Question for you:
If sexual preference is determined through birth why then should a homosexual man be born a man?


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by DaJuve ] ++
Glad you understood my point of view. I've been called names before :rolleyes:
So have I but I don't often resort to that as it really kills off any chance of a good discussion (though I'll admit I sometimes use that kind of language when someone/something really ticks me off)

Question for you:
If sexual preference is determined through birth why then should a homosexual man be born a man?
That's a good question and to tell you the truth: I haven't the faintest of clues. I just came to the conclusion that it's something that's determined through birth because I have homosexual acquintances and some of them really struggled with it - they didn't want to feel the way they did.

That was proof for me, personally.


Jul 15, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Matto ] ++
So have I but I don't often resort to that as it really kills off any chance of a good discussion (though I'll admit I sometimes use that kind of language when someone/something really ticks me off)
I rarely loose it.

That's a good question and to tell you the truth: I haven't the faintest of clues. I just came to the conclusion that it's something that's determined through birth because I have homosexual acquintances and some of them really struggled with it - they didn't want to feel the way they did.

That was proof for me, personally.
Tough call.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
Not trying to be rude, funny or insulting but I heard from someone, a Juve fan who runs a website (can't remember), that there were gay couples in the Juventus squad in the past and that the other straight players accepted it.

I really can't remember the exact story but I think I do recall Mirkovic being one of the names called.

Anyone knows about this?

About homesexuality, it doesn't bother me because how does it affect me negatively? It's just a matter of choice, you know, Pizza or Pasta? Vodka or Rum?


Jul 15, 2002
++ [ originally posted by K10 ] ++
Not trying to be rude, funny or insulting but I heard from someone, a Juve fan who runs a website (can't remember), that there were gay couples in the Juventus squad in the past and that the other straight players accepted it.

I really can't remember the exact story but I think I do recall Mirkovic being one of the names called.

Anyone knows about this?
Never heard about this.


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by DaJuve ] ++
I find it hard to believe that homosexuality is attained through genes. I find homosexuals unnatural.
It's a bit strange alright, but apparently gay men have slightly diffferant brain chemistry to the rest of us.


Jul 15, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Matto ] ++
Well it doesn't appear that either of us will change their opinion a great deal so that seems like the wise thing to do.

Deal. ;)
Deal :)
Nothing but respect though.


Jul 15, 2002
++ [ originally posted by mikhail ] ++
It's a bit strange alright, but apparently gay men have slightly diffferant brain chemistry to the rest of us.
Some analysis go out of their way to find something to justify gayness.


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by DaJuve ] ++
Some analysis go out of their way to find something to justify gayness.
Why would someone just chose it? It makes a lot of sense that it be an oddity. Besides, I struggle to argue with sound scientific results.


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by mikhail ] ++
Why would someone just chose it? It makes a lot of sense that it be an oddity. Besides, I struggle to argue with sound scientific results.
But are they sound? Propaganda is more common than you might think.


Jul 15, 2002
++ [ originally posted by mikhail ] ++
Why would someone just chose it? It makes a lot of sense that it be an oddity.
People differ - vastly.

Besides, I struggle to argue with sound scientific results.
I think propanganda is the word I was searching for.
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