Coronavirus (COVID-19 Outbreak) (56 Viewers)

Apr 29, 2006
There are 3 ways to combat the corona virus:

1. The Chinese way - military assisted quarantine; costing tons of money
2. The Swedish way - essentially doing nothing
3. The Bulgarian way - first nationwide call for chinese style prevention (-) then swedish-type realization and(=) pocketing the money.

I am not completely certain, but I think the translator[in the corona prevention HQ briefing] for the hearing-impaired audience was just repeatedly doing the sign of the cross.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2015
I thought it was a conspiracy theory at first and now I'm not that sure of it. The theory that the virus originated in the Wuhan virology lab is getting traction from legit people
if any of it is true, it's a legit reason to break any relationship with china, be it commerce, diplomacy, tourism, whatever. i'd fucking nuke them too for good measure, but that might be an overreaction. :boh:


May 27, 2007
There are 3 ways to combat the corona virus:

1. The Chinese way - military assisted quarantine; costing tons of money
2. The Swedish way - essentially doing nothing
3. The Bulgarian way - first nationwide call for chinese style prevention (-) then swedish-type realization and(=) pocketing the money.

I am not completely certain, but I think the translator for the hearing-impaired audience was just repeatedly doing the sign of the cross.
Bulgaria isn't doing much?


May 27, 2007
Concentrated on saving the economy and yeti. People less so. Alas we are used to this - we are usually fighting the dangerous russian hybrid attacks, while starving.
Everything seems so weird. Nothing can be compared with others. We have similar population. At the moment we are doing more tests than Bulgarians (we used to do less) yet we have 7x more cases and almost 3x deaths. We had around 350k came into the country once this began so that might be the reason, tons were from Italy and probably carrying the virus. Our restrictions are pretty damn high, though.
Apr 29, 2006
Our restrictions are pretty damn high, though.
Many laws in our country, few willing to follow them. As a man once said everything you need to know about life is in this book, too bad you can't read.

Bulgaria has neither the capacity to 'deal' with a man-made disease, nor the inclination. This virus can be a brutal wake-up call for the world. Westerners are amazing in their ability to suspend reality and believe whatever suits them. Take the USA for instance - if 1/3 of the population has NO health care at all how do you expect to get out of a pandemic? No local manufacturing, most talents are bankers not doctors... Or even worse they are doctors who work in labs to test new viruses.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Everything seems so weird. Nothing can be compared with others. We have similar population. At the moment we are doing more tests than Bulgarians (we used to do less) yet we have 7x more cases and almost 3x deaths. We had around 350k came into the country once this began so that might be the reason, tons were from Italy and probably carrying the virus. Our restrictions are pretty damn high, though.
The tests aren't accurate. Pharmaceutical companies have extreme difficulties finding the right protocol. There are a lot of numbers floating around, but honestly there are only a couple of things we know:

- the virus is highly contagious
- it will be around for a long time
- usually a 'fast' vaccine means at least five years
- mortality is low
- countries that imposed face masks on their population seem to do better

Do with those facts what you want.

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May 27, 2007
The tests aren't accurate. Pharmaceutical companies have extreme difficulties finding the right protocol. There are a lot of numbers floating around, but honestly there are only a couple of things we know:

- the virus is highly contagious
- it will be around for a long time
- usually a 'fast' vaccine means at least five years
- mortality is low
- countries that imposed face masks on their population seem to do better

Do with those facts what you want.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ONEPLUS A6003 met Tapatalk
Wait, how come it's five years? It's it 12-18 months time?

Also, I'm not entirely sure how they measure mortality. In my country it's currently 2.3% and average age is around 65 years.


Sep 23, 2003
lol reminds me of this meme


But talk about people wanting to politicize the virus. You have the "it's racist against blacks" argument, thought blacks dying more of disease is pretty much true for every health issue. Then you get the talk about how the virus will disproportionally affect women, set back their careers as caregivers, exploit the poor women around the world, etc.

But yet nobody is really saying a thing about the mortality rate of the virus being about 2x for men than it is for women. That is acceptable. :lol:

I get your social grievances, but now isn't the time.

Our friends at Fox News went fishing for BS take of the day, yet again. Couldn't get it from a real doctor, so they found it in a guy, who likes pretending he is one.
He's no doctor but he plays one on TV.

Dr. Phil is not a doctor. These guys should be jailed
This is what America considers are "experts".

25th amendment is put into constitution for times like this, you know.
The 21st Amendment too, btw. :vodka:

there’s a big protest tomorrow here in SLC to open the economy. not sure what’s going to happen but there are a lot of sovereign state types showing up
Americans are kind of scientifically and mathematically challenged more than most in the world it seems. Sure, there's this independent streak of "fook everybody else as long as I get mine" mentality in the US, which permeates these attitudes. This is why health care seems like private privilege rather than a necessary public good there. I saw a video of someone woman near San Diego wanting to start a protest because you could tell, just like any anti-vaxxer, she felt her feeble scientific and mathematical mind knew better than anything an epidemiologist or even an economist could tell her.

I think this also has to do with the expectation of most Americans that being inconvenienced is an affront to their personal liberties. Like they are entitled for nothing wrong to ever happen to them and to never have to sacrifice anything.

Situations like this kind of line up that mentality for the slaughter. That whole idiotic, selfish attitude of, "Well, it's been a month and I'm tired of this and want to hang out and have beers with my friend and I'm not over 80 or immunocompromised, so I should just do what I want and the world will just act like my choices don't make a difference." Even still, people don't understand non-linear effects, how human behaviors contribute to shared issues, the deceptiveness of growth curves, probabilities and risk, etc.

Really, America is worthless when it comes to something like addressing climate change. They can't even understand how staying indoors ultimately improves the prospects for their own health and the health of their economy. The concept of shared burden for shared benefit just doesn't compute. There's a presumption that they are above and systemically independent from every person in the country and the rest of the world, and so none of their actions affect anyone but themselves.

And that's the other thing I don't get. Just because Amerika sez, "We're open for business", it's like these people expect we'll all go back to December 2019 and act like this never happened? That people won't distrust getting near others, sitting in bars next to others, etc.? The smart ones -- the ones with better shots of survival -- will be leery. The rest are lining up in front for nature's lawnmower.

Dissent at the state and individual level is the hallmark of a weak or nonexistent federal government. In an attempt to cope with the pandemic, states across the country are forming collaborative unions of several states, basically looking to fill the void left by a dysfunctional administration.
It's part of the problem, but I think it's bigger than that. If Obama was president and he actually had a coherent operation in place (regardless if you agree with his politics), there would still be these nut jobs in the US. This is a distinctly common US thing... nothing ever bad should happen to us, and we should never be asked to sacrifice.

I saw this in a discussion about Trump's tweets today

"This is going to get thousands infected and hundreds to thousands of people killed unnecessarily, if people follow through, and extend lockdown in those states, the day after he said it's up to the Governors' when to re-open. That means those Governors are going to be the ones blamed for this. Governors of blue states.
NYT listed Wisconsin and Virginia as key states in the 2016 election, they both went Blue (Clinton won by 1% in Minnesota and 6% in Virginia), and many people believe that Michigan was also a key loss for Clinton as Michigan voted blue in every presidential election from 1992-2012.
Trump just basically just rewon Michigan, secured Minnesota, and quite possibly Virginia too, 3 key states for the 2020 election, in 3 tweets, in 4 minutes."

Americans, you think this is the case?
I go back to Robert Block, the famous writer and author of Psycho, on this one when he once famously said, "The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone else he can blame it on."

That's pretty much Trump right now.

Ive seen plenty of comedies recently but nothing beats reading stuff thats happening in the US.

The fuk is wrong with China :sergio:

They're being human is all. Americans blame the Chinese, Chinese blame black immigrants. This goes back millennia.

Looks like preliminary news that I will distrust until it's confirmed. I get people seeking reasons to be optimism, but preliminary research studies are like transfer rumors on Tribal Football. You have to know that 90% of it is bullcrap and only need to care when it becomes finalized with a trusted source. Until then, it's just feel-good trade in unsubstantiated rumors. There are bad and statistically insignificant studies all the time.

Hi Greg!!! how are you doing bro?? I hope you and your family are doing well and safe!!:))) I'm doing fine so far which is great :tup: well we didn't move here on a permanent basis we decided to spend winter here and we ended up coming to Egypt back in November, visited Saudi Arabia to meet up with my mum and little bro and luckily left Saudi Arabia before they imposed the lockdown only to get locked in back in Egypt which isn't as bad as it sounds really we got ourselves to the south of Sinai in a small town on the Gulf of Aqaba which is filled with ex-pats down-shifting and whatever comes with that package ( vegans, yoga lovers, bohemians, and hippies). so we are fine can't really complain as stressing as it is with regards to wanting to go back to normal life. the good thing is my young one is free to get out of the house in the sun for a couple of hours every day as opposed to being stuck in a house in Cairo which would surely drive me and the wife insane :D surprisingly the government here are handling this well, they have gone beyond my expectations which is shocking :D funny enough its the people who are insisting on not following the guidelines......

of course, back in Russia things seem to be escalating and once again the figures are surely inaccurate, the stories we hear about life in Moscow now is reminiscent of George Orwell's 1984 so some people are worried (rightly so considering the lovely people in charge are not to be trusted) they won't loosen up these new rules even when the world defeats this virus which is worrying.
Doing well, Bisco! Feeling much safer in the Socialist sh*thole of Portugal than I would in the US, that's for sure. :D

I didn't know that about the south of Sinai. Damn, you get them Bali hippies everywhere. Sounds like a good hangout spot though... glad you guys are safe and out of the immediate sphere of Russian influence. :D :baus:

I thought it was a conspiracy theory at first and now I'm not that sure of it. The theory that the virus originated in the Wuhan virology lab is getting traction from legit people
You do realize that the U.S. feds are running a cheap imitation Russian disinformation campaign now. The trouble with telling the truth is that you can only tell it one way and it can only propagate and convince so far. The great thing about lies is that you can experiment and float out multiple variants to see what works and what goes "viral". What we're witnessing is a deflection disinformation campaign that is experimenting to see what will become credible to outsiders to relieve perceived responsibility from the feds in power. And you are part of that experiment.
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Senior Member
Oct 24, 2006
Many people in Bulgaria are really tired of the restrictions becuse our hospitals are half empty and there has never been a real spike in cases. Slightly more than 200 people in hospitals due to Covid-19 is really nothing ( I think just two hospitals in a nearby regional city can take all Bulgarian corona cases and still have rooms left).
Now here comes Easter so after it we could expect some increase in hospitalisations but I doubt it will be anything significant.
We are also obliged to use masks when going outside.
I have been following the rules for more than a month and it is really frustrating to not know when they will be relaxed. The Emergency law should be over on 14th of May but to me waiting so long seems excessive. This is one of the longest Emergency laws I know that have been implemented around the world. And this for 15-40 cases daily. Even after the emergency situation is over not much will happen as I do not see social distancing and wearing masks being abandoned as measures anytime soon.
Even if we are able to eradicate corona in my country it will come back from outside.
I think the three things that we can do from now on is to wear mask, follow social distancing rules and implement mass testing.
Only a vaccine and a cure will bring the normality back.

Изпратено от моят HUAWEI LYO-L21 с помощта на Tapatalk
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May 27, 2007
Many people in Bulgaria are really tired of the restrictions becuse our hospitals are half empty and there has never been a real spike in cases. Slightly more than 200 people in hospitals due to Covid-19 is really nothing ( I think just two hospitals in a nearby regional city can take all Bulgarian corona cases and still have rooms left).
Now here comes Easter so after it we could expect some increase in hospitalisations but I doubt it will be anything significant.
We are also obliged to use masks when going outside.
I have been following the rules for more than a month and it is really frustrating to not know when they will be relaxed. The Emergency law should be over on 14th of May but to me waiting so long seems excessive. This is one of the longest Emergency laws I know that have been implemented around the world. And this for 15-40 cases daily. Even after the emergency situation is over not much will happen as I do not see social distancing and wearing masks being abandoned as measures anytime soon.
Even if we are able to eradicate corona in my country it will come back from outside.
I think the three things that we can do from now on is to wear mask, follow social distancing rules and implement mass testing.
Only a vaccine and a cure will bring the normality back.

Изпратено от моят HUAWEI LYO-L21 с помощта на Tapatalk
Sounds like you have same restrictions like we have here. However we have a lot more cases than you guys. I think we are supposed to soften these restrictions in 2 weeks time, at least some of it, as we are in 6th week at the moment.


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2006
Sounds like you have same restrictions like we have here. However we have a lot more cases than you guys. I think we are supposed to soften these restrictions in 2 weeks time, at least some of it, as we are in 6th week at the moment.
It is very hard to convince the population that corona is a really serious threat with 15-40 cases daily for more than a month. The weather is also fine as fuck and due to social distancing the flu season has been almost non existent.
The hospitals are emptier than before the corona.
I try to reason with friends and relatives to stay cautious but many of them do not care anymore. I expect more than 20 people to come visit us tomorrow and I can't tell them to go back.
I am really not worried at all about myself but for my parents and I am worried I could become a carrier and infect someone else.
You may not believe me but I have never got the flu in my life, have no health issues and I am in a very good shape. I should be fine.

Изпратено от моят HUAWEI LYO-L21 с помощта на Tapatalk


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
I thought it was a conspiracy theory at first and now I'm not that sure of it. The theory that the virus originated in the Wuhan virology lab is getting traction from legit people
if any of it is true, it's a legit reason to break any relationship with china, be it commerce, diplomacy, tourism, whatever. i'd fucking nuke them too for good measure, but that might be an overreaction. :boh:
Lgor told you MONTHS ago and what source is more legit? Even toasted literal Chinese News video footage from 2018 saying some wuhan lab made progress on corona virus :lol:


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
Muricans, is there a good place for buying grains in bulk?

Ordered two pounds of rice yesterday for grocery pickup. By the time I went to pick up in evening, sold out. All I wanted was two pounds lol.


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2013
Spain on 900 new cases thats nice. Italy seems stuck on 3500, jeez, its like its never gonna end over there.
Their numbers are updated throughout the day, unlike Italy where the numbers are updated once a day. Spain had 5900 new cases yesterday, by the end of today they'll atleast have 3k to 4k cases.
Their daily average in April is about 5.5 k cases daily, while in Italy the number is about 4.5k.
Source for data:

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