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  1. Tom


    How the devil is everybody?!?!? I have computer access again after a long year in the wilderness, getting msn and facebook back on track and remembered you guys :pint:
  2. Tom

    Players You'd Keep

    With all the uncertainty over our players whereabouts for next season, due mostly down to the whole corruption saga, which 3 players would you most like to keep and why? Personally 1) FABIO CANNAVARO - the world cup has proved he is the best defender in the world, not that we didn't know...
  3. Tom

    [CL - Semi final, first leg] Villarreal - Arsenal

    Hey, at least this one will get re-opened :eyebrows:
  4. Tom

    a quick show of hands

    who else is absolutely shitting it that we're going to play a totally inept match, devoid of creativity, hoofing the ball aimlessly up the park for 90 mins and looking like a substandard pub team? (ie like we did vs 'pool last year and more recently werder bremen for at least an hour) Its...
  5. Tom

    Mottos & Phrases To Live By

    Mine is simply AV IT LARGE! :pint: what are yours :D
  6. Tom

    Forum Clock

    Bit of a mute point but its seven minutes slow :D
  7. Tom

    Songs You're Embarassed To Like

    We've all got them - through the ages there have been many songs that the urban cool have avoided en masse, the media have torn these tracks to pieces by review; your mates are all to "cool" to like that sort of music. So why then, with your window shut, curtains drawn and lights off do you...
  8. Tom

    Lift Wars Episode Three

    Alright since the other one got shut down for i) off topic ii) religious discussion (which we now have a thread for) iii) someone impersonating a mod :shocked: Which three forum members would you most HATE to be stuck in a lift with and why? :pumpkin:
  9. Tom

    Hi, anyone of you know why this file is not working. Uploaded it, took about 40 mins yesterday but nobody can get to it? - post #699 thanks :)
  10. Tom

    Dry Weekend

    Yeah, you've guessed it. I am having a weekend of not drinking. Basically I've been ill for a couple of weeks, last weekend made the mistake of going out before I'd fully recovered. Friday/Saturday night, plenty of beer, a lot of smoke filled pubs and clubs. When the hangover finally wore off...
  11. Tom

    whatever happened to

    DJ Juve! :D what a dude, needs to get back here :cool:
  12. Tom

    Mod Poll 2005!

    Here's your chance to vote. I've included the main suspects. if you want to vote for someone else just hit "other" and specify who with a post. Cheers! Also if one of the candidates doesn't want to be considered just say so and I'll remove you :)
  13. Tom

    New moderators

    Well, this place is in dire need of some moderation - lets be frank. Thought it would a be a fun if fruitless exercise to have a poll to see who the favourite members are (in terms of potentially becoming a mod) - with the new owner soon to be in charge, this could hopefully give him some...
  14. Tom

    Live Aid 2!

    OK so there's nothing concrete as yet.. but WOW things are hotting up for this, can't wait till tickets are on sale!! LIVE AID 2 IN THE PIPELINE May 17 2005 BOB Geldof has secretly clinched a deal with the BBC to screen a second Live Aid concert. The spectacular...
  15. Tom


    Well I feel the time has come to quit my post Since I reckon I'm on a completely different track to the rest of the bunch with how we'd like this forum to progress, and with the imminent arrival of a new owner, I'm getting out while the going is good. I'd like to thank Martin and the rest...
  16. Tom

    An appeal for calm

    I'm sure it won't have escaped your notice that emotions are running rather high in several volatile threads across the boards, a prominent member in Vinman has sadly taken the decison to leave, and with it there is even talk of the forum being divided or split. I don't think its gotten as...
  17. Tom

    The Del Piero Issue

    So it comes down to this.. the final battle of our time Simple really, should he be sold or not... and NO SITTING ON THE BLOODY FENCE! :D Its time the forum speaks on this matter loud and clear, since the debates are getting nowhere. nb. poll suggested by Paranoia (Desmond)
  18. Tom

    Bush Vs Kerry

    Simple as it sounds, take your pick!
  19. Tom

    How Far Can We Go In Europe

    Per Stuart's thread. you requested a poll so here it is matey :)
  20. Tom

    15,006 Post Dedication

    First of all an apology. I left the forums I reckon on Wednesday having deliberately left my post count at 14,999 so I could do one of these ole dedications. Had a quick look yesterday and screwed it all up by posting. Since Martin wouldn't reset my post count ( :P ) then here is the result...