Your Germany2006 Final! (1 Viewer)

Apr 12, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
An interesting survey has been held in Western Europe for some football magazine which' name I forgot, asking people what fixture they would most like to see if they could NOT pick their most favourite nation. Frequent mentions were Holland-Brazil, England-Germany, France-Spain and Italy-Argentina.

What about you??

Since I can't choose Holland, I'd have to go with:

SPAIN-ARGENTINA. With the former to finally, finally win :cool:
Italy-Argentina, Italy 2-0.


The Rival
Jul 21, 2002
i have always wanted italy- argentina, because italia 90 is still hard to accept. IMO that was our best team ever and only penalties stood in our way from the final.

but ofcourse penalties stands in our way every tournament. hahaha. :(

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