Who was right... (3 Viewers)

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Ronaldinhoisgod ] ++
Beckham, Ferdiand, Henry, Ballack.....Bwah hahahaha these players are very weak compared to Ronaldinho Nesta maybe an exception he is very good but if any of you watch some of the silky touches and runs that Ronaldinho can produce then the bechams and ferdinands of this world look worthless.

But we must not forget that we all support Juve here and that we all have our own opinions about all the players.
well, if u say so Mr. Im-A-Great-Scout-With-Great-Judgement-Of-Player-Potential-and-Skill :D


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Evelyn8 ] ++

Those players are soooo much 5 minutes ago

Come on Big IZZ your living in the YEster World

Those guys are yesterdays news.......

Pray tell who is tomorrow's news i wonder:confused:

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Evelyn8 ] ++

Those players are soooo much 5 minutes ago

Come on Big IZZ your living in the YEster World

Those guys are yesterdays news.......

i know what u mean...N Something is much better rite :D


New Member
Aug 27, 2002
Ronaldihno isnt that good...Brazil was very lucky in this WC dont forget it, England excepted they only meet weak opponents...

There is only one player who can do it all in this world...In fact some can do useless dribbles (zz) without knowing realy how to take a shoot or a fk...others r very fast and have a good shoot (Figo) but never heard about passes...others can do great fk and cross (Beckham) but lack in style when it comes about shoot or dribble....others r only oppurtunist and can score sometimes but doesnt realy have teknik (Raul, Ronaldo)...

In fact there is still only one player in the world who make wonderful assists, incredible fk, who can shoot from anywhere everywhere, who dribbles like no other men can do, who never make a useless move (isnt it zz?)....whatever this man do is lethal and its for this and no others reasons that he is the best in the world, noone can do what he can I mean if someone is good in something he will be weak in a other aspect, thats not his case, his name???


You got it!


New Member
Aug 27, 2002
You didnt change man...

U see, Im only talking about facts, and during the WC I have realize that the fact was that we should have use DP more cauz he has the correct spirit...

But DP is DP, and Baggio is Baggio something stands...Like Lippi he will be for ever the evil...

And Baggio still have to fight the evil this year for the honor of the truth and the justuce


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000

  1. Zizou only knows how to do "useless" dribbles and has no clue how you take a shot on goal.
  2. Figo cannot pass
  3. Beckham lacks in style when it comes to shooting
  4. Raul does not have any technique
  5. Ronaldo does not have any technique

    Not to even begin commenting on your claims about Baggio, above is a list of so-called "facts" in the world seen through your eyes.

    If you are too narrow minded to notice that this list above is utter crap, there isn't much I can do to convince you otherwise.

    I see you haven't changed either...


New Member
Aug 27, 2002
Sorry but thats the truth, this players have their qualities but this is true...

Zidane for example has a very good teknik but very useless when u put a solid men on him he is only a shadow...he can do great passes but isnt that good in shoot and fk...No comparaison with the master Baggio...Realy man us hould take back all the full game of Baggio and make an analyse, you will learn a lot of things...When I say that only Maradona was so complete its the truth...

With his feet (not his head, his only weak point) he can do anything in any condition...Do u really think that Zz for example take fk like Del Piero (who is close to Baggio) ? No

Raul, who is that guy? He is in the same category of Inzaghi, they r good thieves but thats it...Ronaldo is powerful like Vieri but teknikaly, well its not very beautiful to see...

Do u see thats facts


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Raul in the same category as Inzaghi? What? Raul imo is the most technically gifted striker in the world to day. Zidane is the best in the world and his dribbles are not useless.

Enough of this Baggio talk he was great and please no where near Maradona, only an Italian will talk such rubbish, they are not on a par, I am sorry to say.

Baggio is one of the easiest players to man mark out of a game because he was not physically strong and to say you put a man on Zz thats it, it applies to Baggio more, but Baggio was superior in goal scoring i will give you that but not in too much else.

Ronaldo is technically superior to Vieri or are the ppl who pay to come watch Ronaldo just doing it because he is Brazilian, please give other ppl credit, if I was just coming to this world from what you have said i would have thought Baggio is the best ever player which is not true.

He is a notch or 2 below Pele, Platini, Cruyff, Beckenbauer, Zico, Van Basten and is he really better than Romario or as gifted as Bergkamp .

As its the case with every fan, players are rated far more than they really are


New Member
Aug 27, 2002
Yeah yeah,

Again Im not talking about opinions but facts...U know I only would like to know how many games u guys have watch of all this players...Ur opinion are a lot made by stereotypes...It seems to u that a player is good and u saw it did sometimes 2 or 3 good things and bam he is a genius (raul gifted????)...

U know my father work at the TV archives and I can have all the match I want past or present of any competion of any league...I see at least 1 or 2 games each days (classical and not classical, past and present) Ive analyse all the player very carefuly and I can give u real example of what I say...

For example seing that Baggio is easy to take proove that u r a real rookie man, no offense but I can illustrate this by a few FACTS (I will only take the most knows):

* Italia Bulgaria second goal, look carefuly at Baggio movement he walk horizontaly and suddenly he goes deep in vertical letting all the defense...

* Italia Francia (98) 0-0 On his volley who was very close to the goal he did the same thing

* Brescia Juventus (01) exactly the same

* Brescia Atalanta (01) and much more

U see and thats only 3 examples...But he does this in a manner like no others...Another interesting example is Spain Italia (94) on the first goal of Dino Baggio (who is from 25 meter) u can see Baggio running in vertical suddently after having done some horizontal movement...

So all ur arguments on the "Baggio is easy to take" are obsolete...and if I take u re saying this I will come with 100 example this time...(I have most of the Baggio goals on my computer)

After Teknikaly...the freekicks: the only men who can be compare to Baggio is maradona on fk and even more Baggio is better U WANT FACTS??????????????? Brescia-Napoli Inter-Parma Juventus-Borussia Dortmund Juventus Cagliari Juventus Barcellona etc. etc. etc.

on pk he has the best average of all time with 87% just before Maradona 86%...

If we continue he has score181 goals in Serie A who made him the best actual scorer in serie A but more, Ive a stat that not a lot of men have, he has 254 assists...who made him the first all time assistmen in Serie A U CALL THIS OPINIONS??????????????

Now teknikaly I never saw a player like ZZ make a control like Baggio did against juve 2 years ago...Zidane do often useless things and can be easly taken ex: Italia Francia Euro 2000 Italia Francia france 98 etc.. Look at Baggio runs like the one against Napoli and Czech in 90 they r only example of what he can do running with the ball...I mean Baggio has no need to show some useless things like zz (just good for eurosport spots) all what he does is important, he does very simple things but in a manner that no others could do...

Example 95% of Baggio goals r not shoot in the air but near the ground if u see what I mean, cauz Baggio has an extreme control of the ball and know where is the weak point of the keeper

Ex Brescia Lecce (01) his goal wasnt very impressive but he put the ball exactly where the keeper couldnt have catch it...others like ronaldo or vieri would have try to do something more spectacular missing maybe the opportunity...

I mean Baggio can still and has ever done some great dribbles shoots and assits...Look at Brescia Reggina (01) and the manner that he has to bring all the team on him before passing an incredible ball very softly to Fillipini in vertical (like Maradona did in 90 against Brazil for Caniggia)...

So keep talking guys, I know that most of u didnt watch enough football to judge, so u can tell that Im crazy, if u want, but dont come to me saying that Raul is gifted and that Ronaldo is so teknikal (do u see the goals that he does in the wc????) I mean the only player who can be compare (and is still weaker) then Baggio today is Rivaldo, all the others have shown their limits...But if u r not sure ask and I will come with evidence this time to prove that u should watch game a little more deeply before judging...

And Maradona cant be compare to Baggio??????????When an argentinian paper in 98 ask him who was the player that he think was the best that he saw, he didnt say cruyf, he didnt say pele, he didnt say platini, he simply said Roberto Baggio...So now do me a favour go to see Maradona and try to explain him that Baggio isnt that good...

Sorry to be a lttle bit rude guys but if u want to start with the "evidence game", I can bring as many evidence as u want

PS: And Denco u said that only an italian could tell this, go inform u and u will see that Baggio has follower all over the world, he is consider by a lot of people like one of the greatest player of all time...


New Member
Aug 27, 2002
oh and by the way when I talk about Lippi like a devil..

its only cauz I dont know a lot of men who has catch out a player after this one has qualified him in CL and then in the next season after one match he leaves saying "Mi vergogno di questa squadra"

I mean thats the worst shame that I never saw from someone


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Sagha ] ++
Baggio has follower all over the world, he is consider by a lot of people like one of the greatest player of all time...
Yeah, so does Zidane, Raul, Romario, Beckhem et al but who cares :yawn:


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Thank you Sagha you got my juices going now, all those goals you mentioned are great goals, and if you want to see a catalogue of great goals. go watch Bergkamp as he scores great goals himself.

Please name a game that Baggio was man marked as we all know in internatinal football, Italy are one of the only countries who play man to man football.

You mentioned Zz and the games against Italy, permit me if I am wrong but didn't Zoff resign because Berlusconi criticised him for not putting a player on Zz thereby letting Zz run the show.

Baggio for all you have mentioned has been European player if the year once, compared to Platini and Marco 3 times, has never topped the serieA scoring list ever, how many Italian player of the year has he won, was he ever highest goalscorer in a wc, was he ever voted best player in the wc, how many scudettos did he actually win as the main player, how many cl league finals did he boss.

What exactly is his claim to world dominance except from the fact that his fans are so blind to the fact that he is not and will never be regarded as the best player ever.

Yes he scored some fantastic goals but his greatest ever triumph was to lead Juve to UEFA cup victory

Free kicks, he is very good but no better than Dp, Maradona, Zico Eder, Rivaldo

You say you watch matches archives and all that, how many of those matches don't involve baggio, do u actually watch Raul, forget the hype and all that nonsense, watch the guy, watch his runs, his superb ball control his ability to lob any goalkeeper from anywhere near the penalty area.

Please do us a favour, no way will Maradona say Baggio is the best player he ever saw

How many international; goals did Baggio score 27, for the greatest of all time thats pretty low compared to Ronaldo's over 40, Batistuta had 56 scoring more goals than Baggio had caps, even maradona who was not a goal score per scored 31, Passarella a defender had 26, Hierro had 29, Raul has 28, Pele had 91 or so, Zico had 78 or so, Platini had 41 and even guys like Suker and Kluivert scored more international goals all these would have been irrelevant if Baggio actuall led his teams to wc or European champioships, even scudettos or Cl but he didn't so why or what makes Baggio the greatest

Every palyer like Alex says has followers but until I came on here, i didnt know how misinformed Baggio's fans are really

He is great no doubt about it but compared to the really greatests he is just good


New Member
Aug 27, 2002
Thats why only experts can see how Strong Baggio is? Yes Baggio did scores 27 goals but for how many presence? 54...So that isnt so bad...

The real problem is that Baggio was sacked for a lot of reason in Italy...Iam only telling this: how many goals will have score Baggio if he had the same tranquility of DP and titular place for all his career like all others champions????????

I mean Baggio didnt win all u say because he didnt have the oppurtunity!! Massaro did win a lot of title, is this making him a legend???

I mean when Baggio was in juve the team was not so good and if he had the chance to stay he will have won too the CL and the others scudetti thats evident...

So forget it...Baggio could have score more then 250 goals with the correct respect...

I think that in his situation nobody will hace done what he did...All his career he has been against all...

Why cauz he is fantasista and not a coward like DP, Baggio has a great humility but he doesnt let others involve him in strange things...And one of the main reason is too that he is buddhist, I know that its a shame but hear in Italy, people have kept a high catholic tradition......

I mean Baggio has seen strange things in juve, he told this in his book and he refuse to take all the products that the manager want to give him, but thats another story...

And yes Maradona did say this...Like it or not

But enough talkings we will see this season what Baggio is STILL able to do....Lets see...


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
I know that I'm going to take some heat for saying this, but Baggio is still one of Italy's best. He's up there with DP and Vieri.

I would have rather had him than Totti (like I said even before the WC)

He'll never be picked for the Euro, he pissed off Trap with his comments following the WC, and if Lippi is in charge by then, Robi has a better chance of making the English team !!!!

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