Fab Fragment

Senior Member
Dec 22, 2018

Incredible. We have money to throw away and yet our very own struggle to survive. Our economic policies fail the very people who are the most vulnerable. And, I'm not talking about the lazy leeches on the dole. Every day, without fail, I deal with people whose source of income is being slashed by Medicare and Social Security cuts. Many are faced with a choice - pay for food or buy meds. Of course, there are a multitude of factors that go into these Medicare cuts. But to throw money away like our genius government does is just criminal.

We can criticize Trump and his egotistical narcissism and racist mentality all day long (and we should) but at least his macroeconomic priorities were generally in the right direction.

The best was Ron Paul, my personal fav. Too bad that his son turned out to be a complete jerk.


Sep 23, 2003
Me on the days I have to commute

This is so American. Personally aggrieved and death be upon any pedestrians should I have to stop for the insult of traffic, of which I am contributing towards. :bambi:

Keep Portland gay with parades.
That parade is pretty cool though. It's not a gay thing as much as a uniquely neighborhood thing. America has no actual neighbors or neighborhoods anymore. We're all just transactional consumers doing the corporate bidding.


Incredible. We have money to throw away and yet our very own struggle to survive. Our economic policies fail the very people who are the most vulnerable. And, I'm not talking about the lazy leeches on the dole. Every day, without fail, I deal with people whose source of income is being slashed by Medicare and Social Security cuts. Many are faced with a choice - pay for food or buy meds. Of course, there are a multitude of factors that go into these Medicare cuts. But to throw money away like our genius government does is just criminal.

We can criticize Trump and his egotistical narcissism and racist mentality all day long (and we should) but at least his macroeconomic priorities were generally in the right direction.

The best was Ron Paul, my personal fav. Too bad that his son turned out to be a complete jerk.
You do realize 80% of the world reads this, rolls their eyes, and thinks, "First World Problems":



Sep 23, 2003
Speaking of Italiens... a slight oldie but a goodie, so I wanna put this right here

Good rules for anyone planning to visit Juventus Stadium this year.

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