Jun 17, 2011
Just make sure to take the most cost-effective route. Are you in the corporate world? If so, I can understand your frustration.

I'm in the banking sector, you could say I'm well paid compared to others my age but I just can't imagine slaving myself 40 years into something I hate. I have some side-hustles but I'm not settling, I want to be a millionaire... I know I'll make it. Hopefully we're all gonna make it.
Definitely corporate, almost finance. A shit industry to be in if you don't have connections. My role sucks though, and I get pigeon-holed into it so when applying to jobs, my resume is immediately discarded because of the title. So I've had enough, and after paying off my loans, starting a 401k, and saving up a good amount of money, I can now attempt to switch over to a new industry as I originally planned.

That must be rough. I know the hours are tough to handle for sure, I'm still at work at the moment 12 hours later so I get it. But I bet your late days are a lot more frequent than mine and I'm sure you're getting paid substantially more. If that's your goal though, you're certainly in the right place. Just keep at it and remember to take time to recharge yourself. Don't burn out.


Burn this club
Jan 17, 2011
Just a way of speaking, I will make it work. There are some free options as well, but I think I would benefit from a classroom setting considering that's what we've been trained to learn in since birth and it's a bit more structured. There are low cost options, I'm looking into two right now. As for the bold part, always my friend.

It's really difficult to find the discipline to really learn on your own. They will also give you assignments I suppose. That will force you to learn by doing (the best way of learning).

I find that many people waste their time reading books and doing other non practical chit. They never feel ready so they just keep absorbing useless material. They feel like they never know enough. And that's a bullshit way of doing things if you want to go places.

It's always better to focus on learning how to fix the problem sitting in front of you. You have no idea how to manage Facebook ads? Well, fuckin learn when you need to apply it. And DO IT. Fix the problem and move on to the next thing.

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