US Presidential Elections thread - the fate of the world to be decided (67 Viewers)

Who would you vote to be the next President of the United States?

  • John McCain

  • Barack Obama

  • undecided

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"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Hillary would be mistake as a vice president. I could see the debate question "So Senator Clinton, what exactly did you mean when you said John McCaine has tons of experience and Barack Obama only has a speech he made in 2002?".
One of the main reasons why I voted for Obama and not Clinton in the primaries was because Obama stuck his neck out and stood by his convictions in believing this whole Iraq War was sold to us as a complete sham. Clinton, on the other hand, swallowed it whole and smiled for the cameras like some porn star after swallowing a load.

That's the moment I felt that Hillary will do what's good for Hillary and not necessarily what she believes is right or correct.

After all, she was there when the same lineup of think tank assclowns were telling us to invade Iraq under completely different pretenses when her hubby was in office just five years prior. So she's either a major appeaser or completely oblivious to reality -- both of which reflect poorly on her legitimacy as a candidate, IMO. For prez or VP.

If we listened to Obama back then, versus Ms. Clinton, we could have spared thousands of lives, billions of dollars, and a deflated currency that has been sold short by the world's lenders thus making food and fuel ridiculously expensive here.
True. I'm a Socialist and I hate that load. If Obama puts her on his ticket then he will probably lose me.
I'm no fan of Hillary, and I would certainly prefer her not on the ticket in my view, but you've got to think about this for a moment. People in this country are stupid. There are millions of fervent menopause females out there voting for Hillary just for one obvious reason - to see a female in the office. That's all they care about. The future of the country is of second importance to many of them. For instance, my mother states she will not vote for Obama if he's the nominee and Hillary isn't his running mate, just because she's so biased towards Hillary that she can't look at things two ways.

Then you have the working class white America in certain states not voting for Obama for various reasons... NAFTA issues, economy issues, homeland security issues... even race issues. Many of those people have stated they will not vote for Obama if he wins the nomination.

Even though it might be painful, Hillary has to be the running mate for a sure win. No question. You cannot lose the entities above if the Democrats want to win this November, because as we all know, McCain will trick various morons into subscribing to fear while the women and some working class either sit at home or vote for McCain. It's sad but true. This race has been too HOTLY contested with both parties gnawing each others heads off to not have these two on the ticket, because 99% of both candidates supporters are thoroughly against one another. We need a sure win even if that means Hillary is in the White House.

You guys know all this tension is all politics anyway, but other people don't see it that way.

But I could be wrong. Perhaps many of the people I highlighted above will come together under Obama once he starts fighting McCain in August and people will be like, "WTF, McCain is just another Bush. Fuck this, Obama will get my vote." But it isn't just that simple. These are different times than prior elections, so who the hell knows what will happen.


Sep 23, 2003
ßöмßäяðîëя;1647769 said:
40's are for college kids, 16 year-olds, the homeless, and straight gangsters and dope dealers.

Ohh, and 6'6" alien autopsy-ists.
:lol: You know me too well... (OK, you've seen the photos.)


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
I'm no fan of Hillary, and I would certainly prefer her not on the ticket in my view, but you've got to think about this for a moment. People in this country are stupid. There are millions of fervent menopause females out there voting for Hillary just for one obvious reason - to see a female in the office. That's all they care about. The future of the country is of second importance to many of them. For instance, my mother states she will not vote for Obama if he's the nominee and Hillary isn't his running mate, just because she's so biased towards Hillary that she can't look at things two ways.

Then you have the working class white America in certain states not voting for Obama for various reasons... NAFTA issues, economy issues, homeland security issues... even race issues. Many of those people have stated they will not vote for Obama if he wins the nomination.

Even though it might be painful, Hillary has to be the running mate for a sure win. No question. You cannot lose the entities above if the Democrats want to win this November, because as we all know, McCain will trick various morons into subscribing to fear while the women and some working class either sit at home or vote for McCain. It's sad but true. This race has been too HOTLY contested with both parties gnawing each others heads off to not have these two on the ticket, because 99% of both candidates supporters are thoroughly against one another. We need a sure win even if that means Hillary is in the White House.

You guys know all this tension is all politics anyway, but other people don't see it that way.

But I could be wrong. Perhaps many of the people I highlighted above will come together under Obama once he starts fighting McCain in August and people will be like, "WTF, McCain is just another Bush. Fuck this, Obama will get my vote." But it isn't just that simple. These are different times than prior elections, so who the hell knows what will happen.
So there are no other politicians out there who can garner the working class whites and women other than Hillary Clinton? There are probably about 5 other VP candidates better than Clinton right now. Hillary would be a mistake, she gives the republicans way too much 1990s cannon fodder. And we really don't need anymore of the 90's. Everyone other than the far left would view the Obama/Clinton ticket as "uber liberal", which unfortunately in these days is a negative in the eyes of the average citizen. Obama needs a more conservative VP candidate with military background, union support, and preferably from a small or southern or midwest state (sorry Mayor Bloomberg). Obama just needs to stick her to the side, gather her and Bill's endorsement and then give her the Supreme Court after the General. Thanks for coming out.

My list would go...

Jim Web
Zell Miller
Joe Biden
Ted Stickland
John Tester
Sam Nunn

My favorites being Jim Web and John Tester. With Zell Miller as the dream.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
So there are no other politicians out there who can garner the working class whites and women other than Hillary Clinton? There are probably about 5 other VP candidates better than Clinton right now. Hillary would be a mistake, she gives the republicans way too much 1990s cannon fodder. And we really don't need anymore of the 90's. Everyone other than the far left would view the Obama/Clinton ticket as "uber liberal", which unfortunately in these days is a negative in the eyes of the average citizen. Obama needs a more conservative VP candidate with military background, union support, and preferably from a small or southern or midwest state (sorry Mayor Bloomberg). Obama just needs to stick her to the side, gather her and Bill's endorsement and then give her the Supreme Court after the General. Thanks for coming out
I don't think it's that simple. Nobody knows fuckall about the governor of Virginia except those who voted for him, and nobody knows anything about all the other possible VP's out there. So we will be stuck with the same problem of having this fucking ridiculous intra-party feud where the middle-aged females will be so upset that they won't vote for Obama, and key states such as Ohio and Kentucky will end up voting for McCain just because he's the white candidate that will protect the nation. You need to look past how much we abhor Clinton because if not, the party will be divided and the Hanoi McCain will take the ticket just because people here are too stupid to see past political ties and color issues.

And by the way, Hillary is sort of conservative in some issues, so she could draw those sort of votes, which is partly why she's done well in the Appalachians.

Whether we like it or not, it's really the only way to go, because personally, I don't have much faith in this nation to elect someone who is very liberal and African American in this nation right now. With a white female in there, someone whom many, MANY people like, it might be the only way to secure the Presidency, whether we like it or not.
Sep 26, 2007
I don't think it's that simple. Nobody knows fuckall about the governor of Virginia except those who voted for him, and nobody knows anything about all the other possible VP's out there. So we will be stuck with the same problem of having this fucking ridiculous intra-party feud where the middle-aged females will be so upset that they won't vote for Obama, and key states such as Ohio and Kentucky will end up voting for McCain just because he's the white candidate that will protect the nation. You need to look past how much we abhor Clinton because if not, the party will be divided and the Hanoi McCain will take the ticket just because people here are too stupid to see past political ties and color issues.

And by the way, Hillary is sort of conservative in some issues, so she could draw those sort of votes, which is partly why she's done well in the Appalachians.

Whether we like it or not, it's really the only way to go, because personally, I don't have much faith in this nation to elect someone who is very liberal and African American in this nation right now. With a white female in there, someone whom many, MANY people like, it might be the only way to secure the Presidency, whether we like it or not.
To be honest, Obama just needs a white, middle-aged male VP candidate. It is really simple as that. You are going to be alienating all the guys who would never vote for Hillary which there are a lot of them out there. Obama needs a VP candidate that does not take anything away from the ballot. Hillary does. Most people consider her dishonest. Recent polls show that Hillary is considred not honest and trustworthy by 6 out of 10 Americans that is horrible. The baggage the Hillary will bring to the ballot is not worth it. What you seem to forget is that Obama is not a turn off to most women. He can still attract the majority and does well with women overall just not as well as Hillary which is expected since she is a women. McCain's views on a lot of things will definitely keep women from voting from him. I even would hesitate to vote for Hillary as VP candidate because I don't think she can be second to anyone that does not seem to be in her nature.

You really think a woman and a black man can win the general election? I don't think so.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
I don't think it's that simple. Nobody knows fuckall about the governor of Virginia except those who voted for him, and nobody knows anything about all the other possible VP's out there. So we will be stuck with the same problem of having this fucking ridiculous intra-party feud where the middle-aged females will be so upset that they won't vote for Obama, and key states such as Ohio and Kentucky will end up voting for McCain just because he's the white candidate that will protect the nation. You need to look past how much we abhor Clinton because if not, the party will be divided and the Hanoi McCain will take the ticket just because people here are too stupid to see past political ties and color issues.

And by the way, Hillary is sort of conservative in some issues, so she could draw those sort of votes, which is partly why she's done well in the Appalachians.

Whether we like it or not, it's really the only way to go, because personally, I don't have much faith in this nation to elect someone who is very liberal and African American in this nation right now. With a white female in there, someone whom many, MANY people like, it might be the only way to secure the Presidency, whether we like it or not.
It's the only way to go if we want to loose the election. Really it is. What are white democratic females going to do, vote McCain? No they won't. You think I haven't looked past my dislike for Hillary? I actually have, I've spent quite a bit of time looking at other options and have found much better options. It's as simple as that. Sure Hillary has down well in Appalachia and ok in the South, but that was during a democratic primary. On top of that, think of the dirt the Republican campaign machine could dig up on her. It would be a slaughter.

Without an experienced semi conservative VP candidate, battlefield states like Ohio and Florida will surely go to McCain. The VP candidate doesn't need to be a huge big name candidate, known by all. Who had heard of Gore in '92, Quail in 88', Cheney in '00, etc. You pick a VP to help get the votes the Presidential candidate cannot. Like Kennedy did with Johnson. Hillary doesn't really do that. Other than old white women and a few rednecks she doesn't get votes that Obama doesn't already have. In order to get those votes Obama needs someone else.

PS. Way to go John McCaine, way to support the troops today by voting for the new GI Bill.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
This is what John Tester, Senator from Montana looks like.

Tell me this guy won't play to the white working class. He's pro life and pro gun as well. I could see him with a stogie in one hand and an arm around Obama, pointing the cigar at the camera say "Now which one of you wants to call my boy names?".:D


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
This is what John Tester, Senator from Montana looks like.

Tell me this guy won't play to the white working class. He's pro life and pro gun as well. I could see him with a stogie in one hand and an arm around Obama, pointing the cigar at the camera say "Now which one of you wants to call my boy names?".:D
the polar opposite of Obama ??
Sep 26, 2007
This is what John Tester, Senator from Montana looks like.

Tell me this guy won't play to the white working class. He's pro life and pro gun as well. I could see him with a stogie in one hand and an arm around Obama, pointing the cigar at the camera say "Now which one of you wants to call my boy names?".:D
Yeah that would be "super smart" to get Mr. Pro Life for VP and attract the females that voted for Hillary. That is one of the first things all those feminists will look at and they will definitely just not show up in the elections. Way to scare away all the single women who are twice more likely to vote than married women. I don't like the values of pro-choice people in general and they usually bring a little too much religion to the White House even if they are just a VP candidate.

Just another interesting thing before WV, the women's vote was split between Obama (46%) and Hillary (49%). Its not as bad as the media makes it out to be.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
It's the only way to go if we want to loose the election. Really it is. What are white democratic females going to do, vote McCain? No they won't. You think I haven't looked past my dislike for Hillary? I actually have, I've spent quite a bit of time looking at other options and have found much better options. It's as simple as that. Sure Hillary has down well in Appalachia and ok in the South, but that was during a democratic primary. On top of that, think of the dirt the Republican campaign machine could dig up on her. It would be a slaughter.

Without an experienced semi conservative VP candidate, battlefield states like Ohio and Florida will surely go to McCain. The VP candidate doesn't need to be a huge big name candidate, known by all. Who had heard of Gore in '92, Quail in 88', Cheney in '00, etc. You pick a VP to help get the votes the Presidential candidate cannot. Like Kennedy did with Johnson. Hillary doesn't really do that. Other than old white women and a few rednecks she doesn't get votes that Obama doesn't already have. In order to get those votes Obama needs someone else.

PS. Way to go John McCaine, way to support the troops today by voting for the new GI Bill.
Good arguments, but I still think we cannot compare this election to any other because of the racial and sex issue.

The dirt that the Republicans could dig up on her will be no worse than the dirt the Dems could dig up on either Obama or Hillary. It's all just a bunch of stupid nonsense that has plagued the campaign already. Everybody knows about it, so it's not really a surprise. And Obama could easily make up for Hillary just by his own cunning arguments.

I heard of Gore before all of that. Unfortunately I heard of Cheney before that crap as well. I just think the current situation we face is MUCH different than the circumstances we have faced in prior elections with the same situation. This is no joke. We cannot compare this election to the Kennedy election because Kennedy was white and there was no "fear factor" introduced to battle his candidacy. There is something really odd about these primaries in the states that decide elections, specifically my retard state of Pennsylvania and Ohio. We cannot let these people believe that McCain is the better option through these elections, which is what some people will naturally do if their candidate is not on the ballot. This was well documented on 60 Minutes when they sampled a random town in oil that has been exposed to many different hardships.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
This is what John Tester, Senator from Montana looks like.

Tell me this guy won't play to the white working class. He's pro life and pro gun as well. I could see him with a stogie in one hand and an arm around Obama, pointing the cigar at the camera say "Now which one of you wants to call my boy names?".:D
Like he'd be such a great vice Prez. Pro gun... yeah, let go gunz, son.


Sep 23, 2003
This is what John Tester, Senator from Montana looks like.

Tell me this guy won't play to the white working class. He's pro life and pro gun as well. I could see him with a stogie in one hand and an arm around Obama, pointing the cigar at the camera say "Now which one of you wants to call my boy names?".:D
I thought Johnny Unitas haircuts went out with, well, Johnny Unitas' corpse.
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