US Presidential Elections thread - the fate of the world to be decided (27 Viewers)

Who would you vote to be the next President of the United States?

  • John McCain

  • Barack Obama

  • undecided

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"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I abhor how all these politicians keep saying, "we are held hostage by foreign oil."

No we are not, you goddamn morons. The United States is the primary reason for the fact that a barrel of crude is $120 right now for various reasons, ranging from our stranglehold over the Middle East that cause supply concerns and the fact that the AMERICAN speculators at the NYMEX can control the market at times. Don't give me this bullshit that foreigners are the reason for high oil prices. We go invade oil rich nations and the indigenous people try to ward us off by blowing up the pipelines they know we're there for.

So shut the hell about that crap already, and stop arguing over your economically-idiotic 'gas tax holiday' plan that even you Obama supported prior to your candidacy. It's inane, so shut up about it already.

Just face it, politicians. The only way to lower prices is to STOP BURNING up petroleum. Of course we cannot rely on you goons to stop using your private jets though.

Buy on


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Vinni, why don't you ever harp on one of the several thousand retarded things that have spouted out of John McCain's mouth?
because everyone already knows that he's an idiot

If we're back to the reverand and thus back to AIDS as well, your conservative friend Huckabee had some interesting things to say about that as well :D.

But hey, I'd say conservatives hold the truth on AIDS, as they did torch the house of an AIDS victim in Alabama back in 1988.
not a Huckabee guy either...although he'd be the best pick if he was in with these 3 other clowns

So you're choosing between Jeremiah Wright and John McCaine? Wright isn't even on the ballot. We are talking about Obama here, not Wright. They aren't the same person. And if you're going to vote based on candidates associations instead of their records then do some research into the associations of the other candidates, not just the sound bites from the "liberal" media. If you would look at things this way you would indeed find out that Obama is the lesser of two evils. I mean McCaine is associated with conservative American and the Republican party, two of the most anti-American organizations ever.
conservatives are anti- American ??

Liberals are anti- American, E......if they had their way, we wouldnt even be a country anymore. We'd be overrun by Mexicans, and the English language would be a thing of the past. Not to mention that we'd be apologizing to, and sucking Bin Laden's dick, begging forgiveness for insulting his version of Islam

and stop with the Mc Cain comebacks...he's not worthy of being president....but then neither are the other two

isnt this when Al Gore is supposed to run to the ring and throw Hillary, John, and Barack over the top rope, to win the battle royal ??? Maybe I'm on the wrong channel :p

That's totally different. They were developing nuclear bombs or what not and if people in the process were exposed then it wasn't intentional. some more research

I abhor how all these politicians keep saying, "we are held hostage by foreign oil."

No we are not, you goddamn morons. The United States is the primary reason for the fact that a barrel of crude is $120 right now for various reasons, ranging from our stranglehold over the Middle East that cause supply concerns and the fact that the AMERICAN speculators at the NYMEX can control the market at times. Don't give me this bullshit that foreigners are the reason for high oil prices. We go invade oil rich nations and the indigenous people try to ward us off by blowing up the pipelines they know we're there for.

So shut the hell about that crap already, and stop arguing over your economically-idiotic 'gas tax holiday' plan that even you Obama supported prior to your candidacy. It's inane, so shut up about it already.

Just face it, politicians. The only way to lower prices is to STOP BURNING up petroleum. Of course we cannot rely on you goons to stop using your private jets though.
simple solution...time to start drilling in Alaska, and producing our own oil

also, China has paid Cuba 40 billion dollars to start drilling off the Cuban coast....that could very well be in US waters


Sep 23, 2003
simple solution...time to start drilling in Alaska, and producing our own oil
Actually, uh, no.

Anybody who believes that oil drilling on American soil somehow affords Americans with a "discount" or even "rights of first refusal" has no idea how world business and a global economy works. Companies like Dutch Shell, or even U.S.-based companies like Exxon or Chevron, are global conglomerates. They are corporations. And as corporations, their obligation is to their shareholders -- not to the gas tanks of only Americans.

So basically, we drill in Alaska and that doesn't mean squat in terms of prices. They sell to the highest bidder. Just as much of that crude will end up getting bought up by China, etc., as it does today.

Really doesn't solve the problem.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
because everyone already knows that he's an idiot
So then why do you perpetually castigate Obama just because of this Wright guy? They are not the same entity, you know. This whole thing is getting silly and old.

simple solution...time to start drilling in Alaska, and producing our own oil
Oh, yeah. Time to start drilling in Alaska. Because, you know, that's really going to put a major dent in the amount of oil we import from other nations.

Not really.

also, China has paid Cuba 40 billion dollars to start drilling off the Cuban coast.... that could very well be in US waters
I highly doubt they're drilling/ going to drill in our waters. Our military would have already been all over that situation like pollution in the Dangzhou River.
Jan 7, 2004
conservatives are anti- American ??

Liberals are anti- American, E......if they had their way, we wouldnt even be a country anymore. We'd be overrun by Mexicans, and the English language would be a thing of the past. Not to mention that we'd be apologizing to, and sucking Bin Laden's dick, begging forgiveness for insulting his version of Islam
On the Democrats winning the midterms:
"Tomorrow you’re all gonna wake up in a brave new world. A world where the constitution gets trampled by an army of terrorist clones created in a stem cell research lab run by homosexual doctors who sterilize their instruments over burning American flags. Where tax and spend Democrats take all your hard earned money and use it to buy electric cars for National Public Radio and teach evolution to illegal immigrants. Oh, and everybody is high! Whoooo."
--Stephen Colbert - The Colbert Report


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002

Colbert cant NEVER get old. But reading his funny stuff is USELESS compared to him delivering them. Its funny in writing, but 10 times more priceless in person. Most of the hilarity is the gravitas they are delivered with :D

Btw, corious siggy you have ;)


Sep 26, 2007
Too bad we as America need to just suck it up and pay the prices at the pump. We have been pretty lucky this long to not have to pay such high prices when Europe and other areas around the world pay much higher prices. All these ideas like "gas holidays" are retarded and pointless. Either pay up at the pump and all the other areas it affects or we reduce our dependency by finding an alternative solution. It is that simple really.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Too bad we as America need to just suck it up and pay the prices at the pump. We have been pretty lucky this long to not have to pay such high prices when Europe and other areas around the world pay much higher prices.
No kidding. We're getting what we wanted - you paying the same prices that we've done all these years. I saw a story recently that said there was a boom in compact cars in the US the last few months because of gas prices. Again, just what the doctor ordered. So now that we're beginning to speak the same language perhaps we'll have more luck with pesky things like environmental discussions.


Sep 26, 2007
No kidding. We're getting what we wanted - you paying the same prices that we've done all these years. I saw a story recently that said there was a boom in compact cars in the US the last few months because of gas prices. Again, just what the doctor ordered. So now that we're beginning to speak the same language perhaps we'll have more luck with pesky things like environmental discussions.
Well I'm glad you guys always wanted that. It doesn't sound very petty at all :p but really I agree with you. Although I doubt that Americans will change overall. We as a whole still feel we have a self entitlement to everything still so we "DESERVE" to have lower prices than everyone else. We also don't really believe anything is happening to the environment as a whole. So we will continue to be unwilling to really do anything. I just don't see everything changing unless we get ourselves someone who knows a thing or two in office.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
conservatives are anti- American ??

Liberals are anti- American, E......if they had their way, we wouldnt even be a country anymore. We'd be overrun by Mexicans, and the English language would be a thing of the past. Not to mention that we'd be apologizing to, and sucking Bin Laden's dick, begging forgiveness for insulting his version of Islam
That notions of being overrun by Mexicans is so anti-American. I'm sure at one period of time some WASP was worried about being overrun be Italians or the Irish. America is founded on accepting the poor and downtrodden, the huddled masses perhaps you should take a quick trip to Ellis Island to remind you. If Liberals ran the country I might have health care, oil wouldn't be trading at 120 a barrel, and Bin Laden would have been caught. Some decently intelligent men once said that all men are beholden to certain unalienable rights, conservatives seek to destroy that. And have started the path toward tyranny with certain legislative efforts (Patriot Act) and certain foreign enterprises (Iraq). The truth is my friend your side to far more damage to this country everyday than Liberals could do in 100 years. Conservatives lower taxes and then spend to the point where we are selling bits and pieces of our selves to a nation we consider our greatest enemy. You speak of losing foreign dependency on oil, yet out largest military action in 30 years takes place in an oil rich nation, yet the American people see no fruits of their sacrifice. According to The Art of War, "If you cannot defeat your enemy, evade him". Through it all I get to hear how Liberals and the un-American are ruining our country or will ruin our country, but let me ask you this. Whose in power right now? Not the dreaded liberals but the conservatives who put helping themselves above helping their country. They are the ones ignoring the principles on which this country was founded and those listed in the Constitution. So go ahead and call men like Jeremiah Wright anti-American, do it up Mr. McCarthy. In actuality, men who speak their mind regardless of what they say are more American than those who don't.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Too bad we as America need to just suck it up and pay the prices at the pump. We have been pretty lucky this long to not have to pay such high prices when Europe and other areas around the world pay much higher prices. All these ideas like "gas holidays" are retarded and pointless. Either pay up at the pump and all the other areas it affects or we reduce our dependency by finding an alternative solution. It is that simple really.
Oh hush. You don't pay your own gas.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Well I'm glad you guys always wanted that. It doesn't sound very petty at all :p but really I agree with you. Although I doubt that Americans will change overall. We as a whole still feel we have a self entitlement to everything still so we "DESERVE" to have lower prices than everyone else. We also don't really believe anything is happening to the environment as a whole. So we will continue to be unwilling to really do anything. I just don't see everything changing unless we get ourselves someone who knows a thing or two in office.
Our country really isn't constructed to absorb high gas prices. Europe has this thing called infrastructure. That allows Europeans like Martin other means of transportation than cars. In America we don't have that, yet we consume more than anyone. It's really our own fault, well really our parents fault, mine, your parents fault, Andy's parents fault, and Burke's parents fault. Not them individually, but parents that give their kids gas cards and credit cards and never taught their kids to save and sacrifice. Seriously the baby boomers dropped the ball big time.


Sep 26, 2007
Our country really isn't constructed to absorb high gas prices. Europe has this thing called infrastructure. That allows Europeans like Martin other means of transportation than cars. In America we don't have that, yet we consume more than anyone. It's really our own fault, well really our parents fault, mine, your parents fault, Andy's parents fault, and Burke's parents fault. Not them individually, but parents that give their kids gas cards and credit cards and never taught their kids to save and sacrifice. Seriously the baby boomers dropped the ball big time.
You're right I don't pay my own gas but it is as you mentioned our fault. I live in NYC and we have a great transit system but a lot of people who live in the city still have cars and insist on using them. Its in our culture not just our infrastructure. In Rochester, we have a great bus system but no one would dare step foot in one if they aren't from the inner city. It's not like that in Europe and places like that. Its not a big deal for you to take a bus anywhere like it is here. Its our own fault. We should reap what we sow really. We have to change our way of thinking.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
That notions of being overrun by Mexicans is so anti-American. I'm sure at one period of time some WASP was worried about being overrun be Italians or the Irish. America is founded on accepting the poor and downtrodden, the huddled masses perhaps you should take a quick trip to Ellis Island to remind you. If Liberals ran the country I might have health care, oil wouldn't be trading at 120 a barrel, and Bin Laden would have been caught. Some decently intelligent men once said that all men are beholden to certain unalienable rights, conservatives seek to destroy that. And have started the path toward tyranny with certain legislative efforts (Patriot Act) and certain foreign enterprises (Iraq). The truth is my friend your side to far more damage to this country everyday than Liberals could do in 100 years. Conservatives lower taxes and then spend to the point where we are selling bits and pieces of our selves to a nation we consider our greatest enemy. You speak of losing foreign dependency on oil, yet out largest military action in 30 years takes place in an oil rich nation, yet the American people see no fruits of their sacrifice. According to The Art of War, "If you cannot defeat your enemy, evade him". Through it all I get to hear how Liberals and the un-American are ruining our country or will ruin our country, but let me ask you this. Whose in power right now? Not the dreaded liberals but the conservatives who put helping themselves above helping their country. They are the ones ignoring the principles on which this country was founded and those listed in the Constitution. So go ahead and call men like Jeremiah Wright anti-American, do it up Mr. McCarthy. In actuality, men who speak their mind regardless of what they say are more American than those who don't.
I gotta say one thing though. I can't stand the Democrats. If they are the antithesis to the "conservatives" then no wonder we're screwed. They're barely a shade away and they purport to being the solution. Meanwhile keep voting through bills to spend more money on war, to extend spying programs and domestic fascism (which is basically what it is), all the while giving people false hope that they're not a bunch of scumbags.

The Democrats aren't liberal, they're barely less conservative than the "conservatives".


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Actually, uh, no.

Anybody who believes that oil drilling on American soil somehow affords Americans with a "discount" or even "rights of first refusal" has no idea how world business and a global economy works. Companies like Dutch Shell, or even U.S.-based companies like Exxon or Chevron, are global conglomerates. They are corporations. And as corporations, their obligation is to their shareholders -- not to the gas tanks of only Americans.

So basically, we drill in Alaska and that doesn't mean squat in terms of prices. They sell to the highest bidder. Just as much of that crude will end up getting bought up by China, etc., as it does today.

Really doesn't solve the problem.
stopping our dependence on foreign oil is a good step forward

That notions of being overrun by Mexicans is so anti-American. I'm sure at one period of time some WASP was worried about being overrun be Italians or the Irish. America is founded on accepting the poor and downtrodden, the huddled masses perhaps you should take a quick trip to Ellis Island to remind you. If Liberals ran the country I might have health care, oil wouldn't be trading at 120 a barrel, and Bin Laden would have been caught. Some decently intelligent men once said that all men are beholden to certain unalienable rights, conservatives seek to destroy that. And have started the path toward tyranny with certain legislative efforts (Patriot Act) and certain foreign enterprises (Iraq). The truth is my friend your side to far more damage to this country everyday than Liberals could do in 100 years. Conservatives lower taxes and then spend to the point where we are selling bits and pieces of our selves to a nation we consider our greatest enemy. You speak of losing foreign dependency on oil, yet out largest military action in 30 years takes place in an oil rich nation, yet the American people see no fruits of their sacrifice. According to The Art of War, "If you cannot defeat your enemy, evade him". Through it all I get to hear how Liberals and the un-American are ruining our country or will ruin our country, but let me ask you this. Whose in power right now? Not the dreaded liberals but the conservatives who put helping themselves above helping their country. They are the ones ignoring the principles on which this country was founded and those listed in the Constitution. So go ahead and call men like Jeremiah Wright anti-American, do it up Mr. McCarthy. In actuality, men who speak their mind regardless of what they say are more American than those who don't.

this post is the joke of the day :rulz:

I know my grandparents learned English when they came here...unlike so many Mexicans and Cubans who refuse to assimilate

Take a look at Joey Vento, the owner of Geno's cheesesteaks in Philly, for having the "speak English" sign in his business...every liberal in America wanted to put him out of business...



Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
You're right I don't pay my own gas but it is as you mentioned our fault. I live in NYC and we have a great transit system but a lot of people who live in the city still have cars and insist on using them. Its in our culture not just our infrastructure. In Rochester, we have a great bus system but no one would dare step foot in one if they aren't from the inner city. It's not like that in Europe and places like that. Its not a big deal for you to take a bus anywhere like it is here. Its our own fault. We should reap what we sow really. We have to change our way of thinking.
It's not in our culture. Until the 70s and 80s came Americans were all about saving and consuming less. Then came credit cards and a false sense of financial security accumulating in the 1987 stock market crash. Thank you Reaganomics. The truth is parents should have taught us to to use less and save more. They all knew nothing is forever, history shows that. The generations behind us should have known better. Bottom line. Now we get to fix their mistakes.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
stopping our dependence on foreign oil is a good step forward

this post is the joke of the day :rulz:

I know my grandparents learned English when they came here...unlike so many Mexicans and Cubans who refuse

Take a look at Joey Vento, the owner of Geno's cheesesteaks in Philly, for having the "speak English" sign in his business...every liberal in America wanted to put him out of business...


start thinking, please. I know you're able to make a whole lot of sense, but you've posted quite some bullshit in this thread the last few days. As far as I'm concerned Obama's definitely right on one thing: the debate between Republicans and Democrats doesn't focus on certain issues anymore, it's just an ideological mudslinging in which pretty much every inane argument may be used.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002

start thinking, please. I know you're able to make a whole lot of sense, but you've posted quite some bullshit in this thread the last few days. As far as I'm concerned Obama's definitely right on one thing: the debate between Republicans and Democrats doesn't focus on certain issues anymore, it's just an ideological mudslinging in which pretty much every inane argument may be used.
many of the arguments I bring up are what many people here are thinking, and the facts I bring up about Obama are pretty good reasons why he waont get elected


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
stopping our dependence on foreign oil is a good step forward

this post is the joke of the day :rulz:

I know my grandparents learned English when they came here...unlike so many Mexicans and Cubans who refuse to assimilate

Take a look at Joey Vento, the owner of Geno's cheesesteaks in Philly, for having the "speak English" sign in his business...every liberal in America wanted to put him out of business...

You really don't know what you are talking about do you? That post was a joke? You're a joke. Is that really all you can say? Perhaps I've given you too much credit. You're a smart man Vin, I've always said so in your defense. Don't make me wrong by posting crap.

Liberals wanted Joey Vento out of business? Liberals protect his right to place such a sign in his shop. The ACLU, which conservatives so bash for pulling mangers out of high school gymnasiums at Christmas, and other liberal organizations look out for people like Joey. Trust me, I know I've gone to meetings.

If Mexicans speaking english is the only reason you have to combat my argument, I'd say that is weak. Take a look at the Constitution one time and then come and tell me whose side is anti-American. Conservatives are borderline fascist.
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