unsticky all the player threads excpet for del piero and buffon..... (1 Viewer)

Do what?

  • Leave only Del Piero and Buffon thread sticky?

  • Leave it like this.

  • Lion, among other Tuzzers, doesn't understand the purpose of threads and stickiness

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Apr 15, 2006
Here's a better idea: create a Player Thread Index thread, which has links to all player threads in one post, then sticky that thread only and no one elses. If someone is creating a player thread, check the index thread before it.


Sep 23, 2003
Here's a better idea: create a Player Thread Index thread, which has links to all player threads in one post, then sticky that thread only and no one elses. If someone is creating a player thread, check the index thread before it.
Unfortunately easier said than done.

Half the time I end up stickying threads is because someone either didn't or forgot to look for an already pre-existing thread. The system is clearly imperfect. But I think it's silly that we're talking about it here. It's really more of a thread management mechanism for mods.


The Bookie Queen
Jun 5, 2010
Why do you have to make everything about some other player? We're talking Marchisio now, I clearly pointed out that a poll should be started for every player who is underperforming. Just because two people are sucking balls at the moment, doesn't make it any better for their individual cases.
everytime :disagree: i was asking you why marchisio is so much underperforming in all of your eyes.
That is just why del piero, buffon and chielo should be sticked. All the others should be unsticked.
Apr 15, 2006
Unfortunately easier said than done.

Half the time I end up stickying threads is because someone either didn't or forgot to look for an already pre-existing thread. The system is clearly imperfect. But I think it's silly that we're talking about it here. It's really more of a thread management mechanism for mods.
Why don't you block all users from creating threads in the Player section, just like the Matches and Polls sub-forum?


Oct 28, 2010
Turns out it was Graham of all people who unstickied the thread. It's not like him to pull tirades because he's unhappy with a player or something. Must be some other reason.

But looking at the thread logs, there are dozens of soft deleted posts by various members in the past 24 hours. Weird.
A religious fight broke in the Cheesio thread too iirc.

He shouldn't be stickied anyways, people will post there regardless so it's the same as if it was stickied. I don't know why people are so butthurt over it.
Apr 15, 2006
Because they could still show up in the other subforums. But I do like your suggestion. I'll look into it. :tup:
Think about it, we only ever need to create a new thread there in the transfer windows. In other times, it is absolutely unnecessary to create one. Might as well lock it.

Greg, ban those people who create duplicate threads. Make a living example out of them. Instil fear asking anyone who disobeys that rule!


Sep 23, 2003
OK, I think I turned the switch on that says only moderators can make new threads visible in the player discussion subforum. We'll see.


Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
Firstly, unsticky your pants, Lion!

Secondly, unsticky all the player threads, I don't get the point of a sticky thread anyway.


Oct 28, 2010
The only purpose of sticky threads is to piss of Marchisio fanboys by unsticking him.

I have to say that's a good enough reason for me :lol:


Sep 23, 2003


Sep 23, 2003
Though I suppose you know a better Marchisio fanboy retort would be, "Of course his thread should be sticky. Otherwise you'd never find him." :shifty: :D
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