The Official Alberbo Zaccheroni Thread (1 Viewer)

Mar 24, 2006


The Arabian Knight
Aug 6, 2007
till when will we say NEXT YEAR,NEXT YEAR,NEXT YEAR?????
it seems that there is no future for Juve atleast in the near future


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2004
Zaccheroni: «We must share the same idea»

There has been little time for Alberto Zaccheroni to stop and think since he arrived at Juventus yesterday as the new coach: a first training session, a presentation press conference, another training session today and a second press conference afterwards.

During the press conference the journalists touched on various topics. Here are the highlights.

The players available for the match against Lazio.
I have little information too since I arrived yesterday morning and with a lot nto do. Once I finished my commitments I began working on my team. Normally, I announce the list of call-ups after the last training session but I have not been in a position to do so, also because I did not meet the medical staff yet. I will be thinking of this even tomorrow.

Who is in the worst of situations Lazio or Juventus.
I have been concentrating on Juventus even though I watched Lazio too. I will take advantage of the time I have to see what I can do with the players available. I believe that we have the duty to make the game ours.

How difficult is it to join a team in such a moment?
Who likes this profession, and arrives in such a particular situation, not have a pre-season and all the time to get to know the players well. I know the players when it comes to their technical abilities but less when it comes to their characters. They are also under stress and therefore my objective is to put things back in order.

The disposition of the players.
I spoke to the players and nobody resisted to making himself available. My relationship with the players is based on clarity and roles. We must start slowly and demand more as we move ahead. I hope that we do away with the fear that conditioned the last matches. The psychological part of the team is the part I know least and it is the most delicate. I must understand what these players can give me when it comes to concentration for instance. Juventus is not a team that plays to avoid relegation but it plays to win and therefore in these situations concentration is very important.

How to move on.
We must see the average performance of the players and seeing the abilities of these players there performances have been under average. I want to put them in the condition to perform to the best of their abilities. I began by speaking to the captain and I told him what I expect from him and what is of an advantage to us and what is of a disadvantage. I will do the same with each and every player.

Since when did you believe in this chance?
I began to hope when you started mentioning me as a possible candidate to this position just like any coach who does not have a team.

The time to think.
My role is to think of how to put my players in the condition to show their abilities. Perhaps, as strange as it may seem, tomorrow, the day of the match, is when I will manage to find more time to think about it. I have ideas in my mind. It is not enough for me to tell the players about them but I must convince the players that they are valid. All players have their preferences when it comes to coaches and modes of play but the important thing is that we share the same ideas.

The feeling of getting back to coaching.
I made a choice at the start of my career. It was a choice of life and since then, with all the sacrifices made even by my family, I always preferred not to compromise. I never had an agent and always managed myself and doing so I was always free from certain situations like have the same agent as one of your players. With such a way of managing things when you are first on the list everybody seeks you and when you are last you just have to wait and see. However, no president can ever say that he called me and did not reach an agreement with me because I asked for too much.

The right spirit.
I want the spirit of the start of the season.

The feeling with the supporters.
I must win the love of the supporters. I know perfectly well that it is up to me to do so. I have no history with the team. However, I must first win the love of my players and then it is all a chain reaction.

The performances of certain players
I make no distinction between players. Certain players are distinct for what they have done but a coach should not make these distinctions. In the dressing room there are players whose voice is made more heard but others who show themselves better on the field. We will see what are the advantages and disadvantages of their suggestions and then we will decide.


Junior Member
Aug 19, 2004
I think Zaccheroni will do well. IMHO he is the best "available" option. He is definitely better than Gentille. (I saw few matches of the Azzurini while he was the coach. His style was boring and defensive.) Gentille has no experience at club level. So he is a very risky option. Other options (e.g. Laudrup, van Basten, etc.) are also very risky. I am confident that Zac will be able to reach the 3rd or 4th spot. But we have to be patient. (Remember that he is just a caretaker and we will have a great coach next season.)
Dec 31, 2008
I think Zaccheroni will do well. IMHO he is the best "available" option. He is definitely better than Gentille. (I saw few matches of the Azzurini while he was the coach. His style was boring and defensive.) Gentille has no experience at club level. So he is a very risky option. Other options (e.g. Laudrup, van Basten, etc.) are also very risky. I am confident that Zac will be able to reach the 3rd or 4th spot. But we have to be patient. (Remember that he is just a caretaker and we will have a great coach next season.)


The Dutch Touch
Aug 17, 2007
Is there any info about the training sessions he's done so far? We used to hear about Ferrara tryin a certain formation in training etc.

Would be nice to hear he had Giovinco playing or something, or give us a sneak peek at what he might field tomorrow.

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