The Obama Deception (24 Viewers)


New Member
Aug 1, 2009
One of the guys who was involved in the conspiracies behind Swine Flu, believes that he saw underground cities below dallas that has devoloped mutant attack apes that could jump 20 ft in the air and run faster than a cheetah....
The brilliant Dr William Deagle. A man who believes mini nukes brought down the twin towers, human colonies on Mars, and of course, modified attack baboons capable of ripping a man in half.

I do love a good conspiracy me.

As for the Obama Deception, it's at best misleading (theres a surprise! Alex Jones made it...) and at worst, disguising common sense stuff as massive conspiracy. Big business has control over politics? Shock fucking horror man! Lots of big business people get together to talk about business and how to make money and like to keep it private? Mein Got! Especially when the main bloke they're keeping it quiet from likes to believe they're out to kill us all. One of the biggest finanical crises globally ever and the bloke who runs the most powerful country in the world fills his administration with people who know finance? Well, what a stupid idea that is, etc etc.

Yeah, Obama's not been a raving success yet but bloody hell, the worlds a fucking mess. Give the fella a chance. The Obama Deception didn't. It was released spectacularly shortly after his inaugeration.


Senior Member
May 14, 2004
A foreigner's view on the healthcare debate over in the US.

The writer is a former EU commissioner for external relations and chairman of the British Conservative Party, and was the last British Governor of Hong Kong. He is currently Chancellor of Oxford University and a member of the British House of Lords

America's very own Groucho Marxists

GROUCHO Marx has always been my favourite Marxist. One of his jokes goes to the heart of the failure of the ideology -- the dogmatic religion -- inflicted on our poor world by his namesake, Karl. "Who are you going to believe," Groucho once asked, "me, or your own eyes?"

For hundreds of millions of citizens in communist-run countries in the 20th century, the "me" in the question was a dictator or oligarchy ruling with totalitarian or authoritarian powers. It didn't matter what you could see with your own eyes. You had to accept what you were told the world was like. Reality was whatever the ruling party said it was.

The designated successor to Mao Zedong in China, Hua Guofeng, raised this attitude to an art form. He was known as a "whateverist". The party and people should faithfully follow whatever Mao instructed them to do.

Groucho posed two insuperable problems for the "whateverists" of communism. First, your own eyes and reason would surely tell you before long that the communist idyll -- the withering away of the state and the triumph over need -- would never come. Communism, like the horizon, was always just beyond reach. It would be interesting to know how many of those at Beijing's Central Party School -- the party's main educational institute -- believe that the Chinese state is about to wither away, or ever will.

The second application of Groucho's question was that citizens of most communist countries soon learned that the loss of freedom that they suffered was not compensated by greater prosperity or a higher quality of life. The more that Russians, Poles, Czechs and others saw of the lifestyle in the Western democracies, the more they questioned their own system.

In his magisterial book The Rise and Fall of Communism, Archie Brown notes how travel abroad opened Mikhail Gorbachev's eyes to the failure of the system that he had lived under all his life.

So, in the political sphere, reason has trumped both faith in an unattainable goal and self-delusion about the consequences of its pursuit. Authoritarian party-states such as China and Vietnam survive, but not through commitment to communism. Their legitimacy depends on their ability to deliver economic growth through state-managed capitalism.

Democracies, of course, allow people to use their reason to make choices based on the evidence of their own eyes. When you don't like a government, you can turn the rascals out without overthrowing the whole system. Change can be made in an evolutionary, rather than a revolutionary, way.

But no one should think that debate in democracies is always based on reason, or that democracy necessarily makes people more rational.

Sometimes, reason does prevail. This is what appeared to happen in the last Indian elections, and the election in the United States of President Barack Obama was also plainly a supremely rational moment. But reason does not seem to be getting much of a hearing during the current healthcare debate in the US.

Outsiders, even admirers, have often wondered how the most globalised country in the world -- a continent inhabited by people from every land -- can be so irrationally insular on some issues. We scratch our heads about America's gun laws. We were astonished during president George W. Bush's first term at the administration's hostility to science, reflected in its stance on climate change and Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. The opposition to healthcare reform is a similar cause of bemusement.

We know that despite its great wealth -- and its groundbreaking medical research -- America's healthcare system is awful. It is hugely expensive. Its costs overwhelm workplace health-insurance schemes. The poor go unprotected. Too many of the sick are untreated. Overall health statistics are worse than those in comparable countries.

Yet Obama's attempts to reform healthcare have run into hysterical opposition. His proposals would lead, it is said, to the state murdering the elderly. They would introduce Soviet communism into the US -- just like what apparently exists in Canada and Britain, with their state-sponsored health systems. Communism in Toronto and London? Or just better, cheaper, more reliable healthcare for all?

Reason seems to be having a hard time of it in the US just now. Maybe it's no coincidence that Groucho Marx was an American citizen. But surely the way a society cares for its sick and needy and elderly is sufficiently important to deserve serious and thoughtful argument based on what we really can see with our own eyes rather than on uninformed partisan prejudice.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
A foreigner's view on the healthcare debate over in the US.

The writer is a former EU commissioner for external relations and chairman of the British Conservative Party, and was the last British Governor of Hong Kong. He is currently Chancellor of Oxford University and a member of the British House of Lords

America's very own Groucho Marxists

GROUCHO Marx has always been my favourite Marxist. One of his jokes goes to the heart of the failure of the ideology -- the dogmatic religion -- inflicted on our poor world by his namesake, Karl. "Who are you going to believe," Groucho once asked, "me, or your own eyes?"

For hundreds of millions of citizens in communist-run countries in the 20th century, the "me" in the question was a dictator or oligarchy ruling with totalitarian or authoritarian powers. It didn't matter what you could see with your own eyes. You had to accept what you were told the world was like. Reality was whatever the ruling party said it was.

The designated successor to Mao Zedong in China, Hua Guofeng, raised this attitude to an art form. He was known as a "whateverist". The party and people should faithfully follow whatever Mao instructed them to do.

Groucho posed two insuperable problems for the "whateverists" of communism. First, your own eyes and reason would surely tell you before long that the communist idyll -- the withering away of the state and the triumph over need -- would never come. Communism, like the horizon, was always just beyond reach. It would be interesting to know how many of those at Beijing's Central Party School -- the party's main educational institute -- believe that the Chinese state is about to wither away, or ever will.

The second application of Groucho's question was that citizens of most communist countries soon learned that the loss of freedom that they suffered was not compensated by greater prosperity or a higher quality of life. The more that Russians, Poles, Czechs and others saw of the lifestyle in the Western democracies, the more they questioned their own system.

In his magisterial book The Rise and Fall of Communism, Archie Brown notes how travel abroad opened Mikhail Gorbachev's eyes to the failure of the system that he had lived under all his life.

So, in the political sphere, reason has trumped both faith in an unattainable goal and self-delusion about the consequences of its pursuit. Authoritarian party-states such as China and Vietnam survive, but not through commitment to communism. Their legitimacy depends on their ability to deliver economic growth through state-managed capitalism.

Democracies, of course, allow people to use their reason to make choices based on the evidence of their own eyes. When you don't like a government, you can turn the rascals out without overthrowing the whole system. Change can be made in an evolutionary, rather than a revolutionary, way.

But no one should think that debate in democracies is always based on reason, or that democracy necessarily makes people more rational.

Sometimes, reason does prevail. This is what appeared to happen in the last Indian elections, and the election in the United States of President Barack Obama was also plainly a supremely rational moment. But reason does not seem to be getting much of a hearing during the current healthcare debate in the US.

Outsiders, even admirers, have often wondered how the most globalised country in the world -- a continent inhabited by people from every land -- can be so irrationally insular on some issues. We scratch our heads about America's gun laws. We were astonished during president George W. Bush's first term at the administration's hostility to science, reflected in its stance on climate change and Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. The opposition to healthcare reform is a similar cause of bemusement.

We know that despite its great wealth -- and its groundbreaking medical research -- America's healthcare system is awful. It is hugely expensive. Its costs overwhelm workplace health-insurance schemes. The poor go unprotected. Too many of the sick are untreated. Overall health statistics are worse than those in comparable countries.

Yet Obama's attempts to reform healthcare have run into hysterical opposition. His proposals would lead, it is said, to the state murdering the elderly. They would introduce Soviet communism into the US -- just like what apparently exists in Canada and Britain, with their state-sponsored health systems. Communism in Toronto and London? Or just better, cheaper, more reliable healthcare for all?

Reason seems to be having a hard time of it in the US just now. Maybe it's no coincidence that Groucho Marx was an American citizen. But surely the way a society cares for its sick and needy and elderly is sufficiently important to deserve serious and thoughtful argument based on what we really can see with our own eyes rather than on uninformed partisan prejudice.
obviously, the author of the piece hasnt a fucking clue....

first bold- we have something here called Medicaid, which covers the poor (I should know, they take enough money out of my paycheck to pay it). The people here who get screwed are the ones who have little or no insurance through their employers

second bold- ask Canada about gun violence. There is a country with strict gun laws, but people are still being shot every day. Why shouldnt private citizens who have no criminal record or mental illness be able to carry a firearm for protection, and protect their home ??

I have no problem with stringent background checks and interviews before someone is issued a pistol permit, and the county/state/governments right to refuse someone based on their background checks


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
I don't get Medicaid/Medicare, even though my income is about 10k a year. And the insurance available from my employer is way too expensive. It sucks, but it's my right as an American not to have health insurance. It would be cool to have another option, but it's something needs to be thought out so that we don't have a more expensive, less sustainable medicare system on our hands (our current medicare/medicaid is basically bankrupt or on it's way).

As for guns, I don't really see how anything has changed since Bush was in office. I don't think much will change. That would be like taking down farm subsidies. My opinion is pretty cut and dry: As long as you pass the background check then fire away.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
It's nothing, Martin. No need to investigate anything anymore. Bush and Cheney love us, and so does Obama. That's why they helped manufacture the largest transfer of wealth in human history through bailouts funded by the taxpayer. That's why they developed the command and control Patriot Act, just for us. Just normal business as the guy above said, Martin!

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
It's nothing, Martin. No need to investigate anything anymore. Bush and Cheney love us, and so does Obama. That's why they helped manufacture the largest transfer of wealth in human history through bailouts funded by the taxpayer. That's why they developed the command and control Patriot Act, just for us. Just normal business as the guy above said, Martin!

you are just no :juventus: and a fucking hypocrite.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Charlie Sheen Requests Meeting With Obama Over 9/11 Cover-Up

Actor demands investigation be reopened after majority of 9/11 Commission members say government lied about official story.

Actor and television star Charlie Sheen has publicly requested a meeting with President Barack Obama to urge him to reopen the official investigation into 9/11 in light of the fact that the majority of the 9/11 Commission members have now publicly gone on record to express their conviction that the government agreed to lie about the official story.

Sheen’s request takes the form of a letter to the President in the context of a fictional meeting between the two entitled “20 Minutes With The President,” published exclusively on radio talk show host Alex Jones’ and Prison websites.

The letter cites evidence, backed up by a substantial online bibliography, that proves the official story behind 9/11 is a fraud and that this conclusion was also reached by the majority of the 9/11 Commission members, a fact that mandates President Obama to reopen the investigation into the terrorist attacks.

Sheen expresses his hope that President Obama will follow through on his promises of change, accountability and government transparency by using his executive powers to re-examine 9/11, adding that he voted for Obama with the understanding that he would follow a different course to the Bush administration.

However, as Sheen highlights in his letter, the course of Obama’s first year in office clearly indicates that he will do nothing to reverse policies crafted by the Bush regime, and in fact has sought to exceed outrages of the previous administration in areas such as warrantless wiretapping, rendition, detention without trial, and wars in the Middle East – all of which arrived as a consequence of 9/11.

Sheen’s letter is a public declaration demanding the truth behind 9/11 as America approaches its eighth anniversary since the tragic events of that day. His questions are shared by a majority of victims’ family members, according to Bill Doyle, the representative of the largest 9/11 families group.

The letter focuses around the fact that no less than 60 per cent of the 9/11 commissioners have now publicly stated that the government agreed not to tell the truth about 9/11 and that the Pentagon was engaged in deliberate deception about their response to the attack.

Sheen also presents a plethora of other evidence to illustrate how the official story is a fraud, including the revelations of whistle blowers like FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, who recently broke a Federal gag order to expose how Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were working for the U.S. government right up until the day of 9/11.

The issues highlighted by Sheen do not represent idle speculation or conspiracy fodder, they are documented facts that have been deliberately ignored by strawman 9/11 truth hit pieces that are now doing the rounds again as the anniversary approaches, particularly last months’ 9/11: Science and Conspiracy which was aired by the National Geographic Channel and wasted little time in portraying people who have doubts about the official 9/11 story as extremist cranks, while failing to acknowledge that the majority of the members of the 9/11 Commission have publicly expressed similar concerns.

Charlie Sheen is once again using his prominent public platform in an attempt to expand a national debate about the disturbing unanswered questions behind 9/11, having first spoken out on the issue in March 2006. After he first went public, Sheen was asked to do more and now he is doing more as he feels there is a chance to get more traction behind a new investigation with a new President in the White House.

Sheen is directly appealing to Barack Obama to read his letter and to look into the lies surrounding 9/11 for himself.

Regardless of whether or not President Obama agrees to meet with him, Sheen is confident that his letter will serve as a catalyst from which questions surrounding 9/11 and other false flag events will be brought to national attention.
This is a call to action and a declaration of war on the lies of 9/11 that have formed the foundation of the endless wars abroad and the police state at home as the Republic falls. Sheen is demanding that truth activists and those who simply care about the future of the country stand up beside him and speak truth to power.

Sheen is now urging grass roots political organizations and individuals across the country, such as the town hall protesters and We Are Change groups, to go to press conferences and other public events and demand answers about the truth behind 9/11. As much awareness as possible around the issue of false flag terrorism needs to be generated in order to prevent tragedies like 9/11 from happening again. Sheen emphasizes in his letter that we cannot let 9/11 become ancient history, try and forget about it or just move on, because if a nation forgets its history then it is doomed to repeat it.

We cannot allow governments to continue to advance their political agendas by exploiting forged pretexts, argues Sheen, and the fact that big budget hit pieces against 9/11 truth are still being rolled out proves that the establishment is upset that the population is waking up to false flag terror.

Sheen will appear live on The Alex Jones Show on Wednesday and Friday to discuss the content of his “20 Minutes With The President” piece and how he plans to move forward with this exciting new initiative. You can listen free here or subscribe to prison to watch live streaming video.

No matter what your views are on 9/11, Sheen is begging the thinking public to look at how many members of the 9/11 Commission itself have questioned the official story, along with the scores of other highly credible former and current government officials, intelligence professionals, military officials, scientists, structural engineers and architects, and legal scholars who have all publicly denounced the fraud that continues to masquerade as the official 9/11 story.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Well, Obama has the choice and chance to change the whole "sweep it under the rug" cover the Bush administration pulled for seven years. This is the last chance for Obama to save my opinion of him, but I doubt anything will become of it.

Kudos to Charlie Sheen.

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
But the american government didnt do it, there is a reason why (bad) actors and (shit) musicians are the spokes people for 9/11 truthers, because its all bullshit what you believe. If it really were an attack by the american gov or the jews of whoever you want to blame, then by now a major newsource or someone of serious standing would have taken on the cause. But they havent. And don't say its because they are under control or have been bought, its because its bullshit that you have convinced yourself is true.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
6 out of 10 of the 9/11 committee members claimed that the investigation was compromised. Sorry, but your conspiracy theories won't work here.

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
My conspiracy theories? are you that far up your own arse that you think reality is a conspiracy? Of course the investigation could have been compromised, its the biggest attack on america soil by a foreign body in you're (short) history. Just because people say it was compromised doesnt mean that the fucking governement did it. :sergio: I'd imagine that nearly every investigation that has ever taken place has been compromised in some way. Can you not read a statistic (which i would like you to citate from a reputable source, not alex fucking cuntface jones) without covering it in your retarded discourse?


New Member
Aug 1, 2009
I'd take anything that comes out of Ol'Leatherlungs mouth, or those associated with him, with a whole ton of salt. This is a man who believes that a large proportion of the ruling elite in the US and the rest of the world are 'Luciferians' intent on wiping out most of the world. Whilst also somehow imprisoning us all as slaves of the NWO! Presumably by that point all the billions they've killed (why? Because they're Luciferians of course and they can!) will have been reanimated as zombies to be those slaves, but that's by the by.

I'd like to see Sheen's points. I bet they've been debunked.

Of course the problem with conspiracy theories and theorists is that its very easy to say what doesn't agree with their points of view are clearly the man's doing.

Ultimately, this is what happened. 2 planes hit the Twin Towers. Thousands of people of all races, ages, creeds and backgrounds died in the following moments. Elsewhere some very brave people prevented similar. And the Pentagon was also hit and more lives lost. It was an immensely sad but very simple event. And that is all.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004

But what you said in your first post is an assumption as it does not have any substance behind it. You say that the media would report on it, something you can't prove, so it's the same thing as a false conspiracy theory.

800 physicists and engineers have came to the conclusion that the towers were brought down with explosives. Sorry, but that means that someone had prior knowledge, and no matter how many people want to thwart another investigation, there needs to be one.

People talk about evidence, yet the FBI admits they don't have enough evidence on Bin Laden to list him as a suspect in the attack.

So no, you are the real conspiracy theorist, buddy. And I don't go any further with people like you because you don't keep an open mind.

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
Andy, these are the people that support your cause....

I welcome another investigation, because it will have the same results as the first one and it shut you morons up, jet fuel is an explosive btw.

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