The Financial Situation (18 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2012
There is one interesting point in today released draft financial statement:
"In August and September 2020, contracts with the player Blaise Matuidi and the player Gonzalo Gerardo Higuain, expiring on 30 June 2021, were terminated by mutual consent. The aggregate effect of these two transactions will generate a positive net economic effect on the 2020/2021 financial year of € 39,7 million. "


Capo di tutti capi
Jan 5, 2006
There is one interesting point in today released draft financial statement:
"In August and September 2020, contracts with the player Blaise Matuidi and the player Gonzalo Gerardo Higuain, expiring on 30 June 2021, were terminated by mutual consent. The aggregate effect of these two transactions will generate a positive net economic effect on the 2020/2021 financial year of € 39,7 million. "
@s4tch explain this sorcery :D


★ ★ ★
Aug 8, 2006
There is one interesting point in today released draft financial statement:
"In August and September 2020, contracts with the player Blaise Matuidi and the player Gonzalo Gerardo Higuain, expiring on 30 June 2021, were terminated by mutual consent. The aggregate effect of these two transactions will generate a positive net economic effect on the 2020/2021 financial year of € 39,7 million. "
:lol: these football clubs and their accounting gymnastics


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2015
@s4tch explain this sorcery :D
i thought about it after @jukazem spotted in the higuain press release that a 18.3m negative effect was accounted for the previous financial year. when you release a player with a positive book value, the write-down of the remaining book value affects the previous financial period, hence the negative effect on '18/19, and it was already calculated a couple of weeks ago, when the news about that 70m loss were released. the same happened with llorente's book value too, see '15/16 report for details. and since the player is released, his book value isn't weighting on the next financial year anymore, hence the positive effect on the current financial year in higuain's and matuidi's case. even the numbers add up approximately: higuain cost us ~30-31m per season, wages included, and matuidi was supposed to cost around 10m for a season with the lower amortization after the club renewed his contract.


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2007
i thought about it after @jukazem spotted in the higuain press release that a 18.3m negative effect was accounted for the previous financial year. when you release a player with a positive book value, the write-down of the remaining book value affects the previous financial period, hence the negative effect on '18/19, and it was already calculated a couple of weeks ago, when the news about that 70m loss were released. the same happened with llorente's book value too, see '15/16 report for details. and since the player is released, his book value isn't weighting on the next financial year anymore, hence the positive effect on the current financial year in higuain's and matuidi's case. even the numbers add up approximately: higuain cost us ~30-31m per season, wages included, and matuidi was supposed to cost around 10m for a season with the lower amortization after the club renewed his contract.
I checked the draft earlier today, I see that the €70m loss is now €90m loss for 19/20 (including Higuain's book value write-off), so it wasn't previously included in the writeoff. Detailed annual report is still pending so will probably wait for that to see if severance pay/provisions etc were included in 19/20 or not.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2015
I checked the draft earlier today, I see that the €70m loss is now €90m loss for 19/20 (including Higuain's book value write-off), so it wasn't previously included in the writeoff. Detailed annual report is still pending so will probably wait for that to see if severance pay/provisions etc were included in 19/20 or not.
where's that draft? i'd take a look at it.

btw the severance pay can be estimated using the expected amount of amortization + wages and that actual 39,7m from the report. we must have paid a couple of millions to higuain.


Senior Member
Jul 5, 2014
who is this kid we bought for 4.3m and loaned back for 2 years?

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so we lost 40m from tv money, 21m from ticketing and 12.3m from marketing sales

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Campagna Trasferimenti 2019/2020 Acquisti e cessioni di diritti pluriennali alle prestazioni sportive di calciatori Le operazioni perfezionate nella Campagna Trasferimenti 2019/2020 hanno comportato complessivamente un aumento del capitale investito di € 280,8 milioni, derivante da acquisizioni ed incrementi per € 349,4 milioni e cessioni per € 68,6 milioni (valore contabile netto dei diritti ceduti). Le plusvalenze nette generate dalle cessioni ammontano a € 166,6 milioni, cui si sommano i proventi derivanti dalle cessioni temporanee, pari a € 0,9 milioni. L’impegno finanziario netto complessivo, ripartito in cinque esercizi, è pari a € 126,8 milioni, inclusi gli oneri accessori, nonché gli oneri e i proventi finanziari impliciti sugli incassi e pagamenti dilazionati. Per ulteriori dettagli si rinvia alle note illustrative. Rinnovi contratti prestazioni sportive di calciatori A decorrere dal 1° luglio 2019 sono divenuti efficaci i rinnovi dei contratti di prestazione sportiva di Daniele Rugani (fino al 30 giugno 2024) e Rodrigo Bentancur (fino al 30 giugno 2024). Inoltre, nel corso dell’esercizio 2019/2020, sono stati rinnovati i contratti di prestazione sportiva con i seguenti calciatori:
-Leonardo Bonucci (fino al 30 giugno 2024);
-Gianluigi Buffon (fino al 30 giugno 2021);
-Juan Bello Cuadrado (fino al 30 giugno 2022);
-Blaise Matuidi (fino al 30 giugno 2021);
-Carlo Pinsoglio (fino al 30 giugno 2021);
-Marko Pjaca (fino al 30 giugno 2023);
-Wojciech Szczęsny (fino al 30 giugno 2024).

Tali prolungamenti hanno comportato minori ammortamenti per circa € 16,1 milioni nell’esercizio 2019/2020. Garanzie fideiussorie Con riferimento alla Campagna Trasferimenti 2019/2020 sono state emesse fideiussioni per complessivi € 64 milioni.

so we renewed some contracts to lower the annual deprecation fees which is over 220m right now
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Senior Member
Mar 23, 2015
I’m trying to translate the report

seems like the first 10 pages are a recap of seasons past with key insights and context

is this their version of a 10-k?
maybe wait a bit, i expect the proper english report to be uploaded very soon here:

this is an annual report with all the bells and whistles, and the financial data complies with ifrs instead of gaap. afaik 10-k is only required for companies operating under us law.


★ ★ ★
Aug 8, 2006
maybe wait a bit, i expect the proper english report to be uploaded very soon here:

this is an annual report with all the bells and whistles, and the financial data complies with ifrs instead of gaap. afaik 10-k is only required for companies operating under us law.
Yup I meant is it something similar to a 10-k filing or official release to shareholders

I’ll keep an eye out for the English version :tup:


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2015
Yup I meant is it something similar to a 10-k filing or official release to shareholders

I’ll keep an eye out for the English version :tup:
under ifrs, there's only one type of annual report i know of, which contains a couple of reports (balance sheet, cash flow statement, income statement, statement on retained earnings). there's no "barebones" report á la 10-k, but all the available data should be in there with the required items, you just have to scroll through a LOT of text unfortunately.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2020
new here

i'm interested in Juve FFP situation
seems like 19M loss in 2018 and 40M loss in 2019 means nothing to worry for 2021 FFP monitoring periode
for 2022 monitoring periode it maybe difficult for juve i assumed
juve have to make more plusvalenza and money, before buying more player that suite pirlo style
espesially for money, i think juve need a loan again if they want to buy someone like chiesa
raffles and paramatch money for sure can't make that kind of transfer for juve

yes juve can get less wages burden by releasing matuidi, khedira, higuain, and more deadwood if it happens but the real problem is current liability vs current receivable. surely juve have to pay much more this season...

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