Sometimes, people in here sounds naif about all this drugs use in sports...everyone, and i mean everyone of the current football stars in Europe and the world uses drugs to improve fitness and performance, and they are nothing, if compared with the quantity and strenght to those drugs used in american baseball or basquetball, or olimpic games...
But, there is also lots of political implications in this trial: there is a current and open war for the control of Lega Calcio between two well defined bands: in one side, there is Galliani( actual president of calcio lega and AC milan), Moratti (Inter), Moggi and the head of this group is Antonio Giraudo (AD of Juve); in the other side there is Sensi(roma), Corioni(brescia) Zamparini(Palermo) and other people: this trial is, in a way, a arena for the second group to use is political power to atack mainly Giraudo and obtain and reprobatory condem for him, diminsing his influence in the control of economy in serie A...
For those that speak italian, read this....,2588,179470-11, will give you a hint in what is going on in all this mess.....