The AFC Asian 2007 Cup (21 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
japan played the better football and deserved there win even tho they didnt really hurt us when we had ten men. That ref tryed to control the game but went about it the total wrong way and punsihed grella way to harshly a red for that incident alone is a disgrace. They werent dives they where fouls any day of week sure they made them look worse than they where but when you get clipped thats how it is its not like they where rolling around wasting time about it and called for the stretcher. This is where they get it wrong. When you roll around grabbing your head and call for strecher there must be a punishment even 5 to 10 mins out of game this will stop the stupidity. It changed the game and ruined it as a specticle. Australias ace cards of Cahill and kewell went with it. But if it cost us a world cup place hell i would be not this nice. But hell its only a asian cup and after this we are better for it well you would hope so. Overall iam glad we turned to asia, sure asian nations wont accept us as one straight away but in the long run football in asia will be better for it as will australian football. Penalities can be cruel and can make a player look awful when it counts but this is now apart of football and its just the way it is. If you do not love to be the hero in the tight times than your not made for the game scoring a winning penalty is what you dream of. As for my input for the rest of the tourny i believe anyone can win.


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
I couldn't see the extra time because I had to go out for a drink so I was pleased to see the result when I got back home. The match was highly anticipated and boys were so determined to get their revenge.

Some of the thoughts on the game.

As I expected we dominated the majority of possession. And we looked dangerous by attacking Austrailia's left wingback. But the biggest problem with this team is that we lack serious punch up front. Maki is a good boy; good looking, fit wife, and heck he was even willing to get married so that he can concentrate on his professional career. I like him as a person. But as pro, I have my doubts about him. He is big and wins headers every now and then, and work his ass off for the team. But he lacks necessary technical skills, and composure in front of goal. Beside, he and Takahara is too similar in their movement, so it becomes rather too predictable. We need a proven segunda punta with pace badly, and one can only hope Morimoto Takayuki will develop pretty soon.

Nakazawa was my man of the match. Biggest match-up was that of him and Mark Viduka. Viduka looks sharp but my word Nakazawa put up one of the best performances I have seen in a long time. His last minute tackle on Viduka's turn in the first half was almost Baresi-esque. Abe Yuki was surprisingly good CB in such a competitive match, and two fullbacks, especially, Komano, had excellent game. I still think if there is a weakness in the team it is Kaji. Whenever Austrailia put some crosses in, we didnt look comfortable. But going forward Kaji was pretty decent.

Endo had a shit game. He couldnt hit passess, scuffed good chance, and hit over the first line of defence in corner. Had he missed that cheeky PK, I would have been out-raged by his performance. But he has been pretty good in the tournament so far, and lets hope he quickly regains his form. Suzuki Keita was terrific. Although he is a player with least profile, he is the glue that makes things run together. He smothered Austrailian attackers from DM, as soon as they touched the ball. Again, as forward, midfield lacks pace. The lack of penetration will hurt us if we move to next level of competition in this tournament, more importantly, against better opposition in the world. Shunsuke had quite game for his standard, but there were glimpses of magic you can see, like Cryuff trun followed up by smart right footed shot.

And Kawaguchi what legend. I knew he was in a godo form the moment he smartly smothered Viduka's shot in first 5 minutes of first half. A out of depth Kawaguch would have spilled that shot. As frustrating as he is, good day Kawaguchi is a match-winner, and how he showed his worth in PK. Osim what legend! You telling hard man like him had to watch the game from dug-out TV?!! Got to love him. On a negative side, I thought he could have made changes earlier and change the pace of the game by bringing Sato. But heck, we got our revenge so why should I complain.

I got this feeling from the start, the final was bound to be Japan vs Korea. That looks like to be the case if Korea wins today.


Junior Member
Jun 6, 2007
i been impressed by the dark horse( Iraq )thru out the tournament , they are tactically astute team and have quality players from defence to attack, they might actually win this tournament and this could be a big boost for their citizens back home.


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
japan played the better football and deserved there win even tho they didnt really hurt us when we had ten men. That ref tryed to control the game but went about it the total wrong way and punsihed grella way to harshly a red for that incident alone is a disgrace. They werent dives they where fouls any day of week sure they made them look worse than they where but when you get clipped thats how it is its not like they where rolling around wasting time about it and called for the stretcher. This is where they get it wrong. When you roll around grabbing your head and call for strecher there must be a punishment even 5 to 10 mins out of game this will stop the stupidity. It changed the game and ruined it as a specticle. Australias ace cards of Cahill and kewell went with it. But if it cost us a world cup place hell i would be not this nice. But hell its only a asian cup and after this we are better for it well you would hope so. Overall iam glad we turned to asia, sure asian nations wont accept us as one straight away but in the long run football in asia will be better for it as will australian football. Penalities can be cruel and can make a player look awful when it counts but this is now apart of football and its just the way it is. If you do not love to be the hero in the tight times than your not made for the game scoring a winning penalty is what you dream of. As for my input for the rest of the tourny i believe anyone can win.
Personally, I think Grella red card was debatable. He leaned his right arm forward almost punch-like motion. He didnt swing the fist, but the matter of fact is, it is not natural for players hand to contact other player's face. Was red card, justified? May be. Was it too harsh? May be. It wasnt clear cut case IMO. But I do suspect the referee being too harsh on Austrailian in the entire tournament (the reasons are obvious), and hence, I can understand your frustration. Kewell was a disgrace the moment he came on the to the pitch. But be fair to him, Takahara was just as badly simulating injuries and falling on to the pitch.

I think addition of Austrailia to the Asia Group is one of the best thing that happend in a long time. Lets pace it, ever since 1998, Big Four of Asia, had pretty easier time qualifing to the next round of competition. I mean, beside, our overreacting media, who would have been worried that we would not qualify group which include likes of North Korea? If you split game with Iran, then you are more or less guaranteed to qualify to the next group stage (which we did). With Austrailia in the group, one group is bound to have a serious challenger to the qualification. This will raise the standard of competitive play, focus on NT, and make qualifying teams better prepared to do better in the Finals competition. And as for Austrailia surely qualifing from Asia (despite somewhat tragic past) is surely easier than competiting against likes of Uruguay, and for a country that probably needs a constant flux of WC matches for the sport to compete with Rugby, I think it was smart decision by their management. Asia Cup may not be taken too seriously compared to Euro or Coppa America, but it will make Aussies better prepared to what might lie ahead when serious things begin to start. At least they will know now not underestimate Oman, and Iraq in couple of years time.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Personally, I think Grella red card was debatable. He leaned his right arm forward almost punch-like motion. He didnt swing the fist, but the matter of fact is, it is not natural for players hand to contact other player's face. Was red card, justified? May be. Was it too harsh? May be. It wasnt clear cut case IMO. But I do suspect the referee being too harsh on Austrailian in the entire tournament (the reasons are obvious), and hence, I can understand your frustration. Kewell was a disgrace the moment he came on the to the pitch. But be fair to him, Takahara was just as badly simulating injuries and falling on to the pitch.

I think addition of Austrailia to the Asia Group is one of the best thing that happend in a long time. Lets pace it, ever since 1998, Big Four of Asia, had pretty easier time qualifing to the next round of competition. I mean, beside, our overreacting media, who would have been worried that we would not qualify group which include likes of North Korea? If you split game with Iran, then you are more or less guaranteed to qualify to the next group stage (which we did). With Austrailia in the group, one group is bound to have a serious challenger to the qualification. This will raise the standard of competitive play, focus on NT, and make qualifying teams better prepared to do better in the Finals competition. And as for Austrailia surely qualifing from Asia (despite somewhat tragic past) is surely easier than competiting against likes of Uruguay, and for a country that probably needs a constant flux of WC matches for the sport to compete with Rugby, I think it was smart decision by their management. Asia Cup may not be taken too seriously compared to Euro or Coppa America, but it will make Aussies better prepared to what might lie ahead when serious things begin to start. At least they will know now not underestimate Oman, and Iraq in couple of years time.
yellow card granted for sure but i seen players do much worse for red cards contact was minimal and intent was debatable. But this is football and you all must respect the ref even if he gets it wrong. i think Kewell menatallity was if they get away with it so will i which is the wrong way to go about it, he still a mear shadow of what he can be on the pitch he wasent great at all. Yes sure the crowd there didnt show the crave it had in other asian countries but i tell you this will be great for football and one day when the asian cup is held in australia you will soon realise what a great idea it was to take us with you. The interest here is growing all the time and this is only positive for us. So thank u asia but hopefully eventually you will treat us right next time and australia will learn to respect there opponents. We should have met Vietnam if we performed as we should have and thats only got the players and coaching staff to blame.


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
yellow card granted for sure but i seen players do much worse for red cards contact was minimal and intent was debatable. But this is football and you all must respect the ref even if he gets it wrong. i think Kewell menatallity was if they get away with it so will i which is the wrong way to go about it, he still a mear shadow of what he can be on the pitch he wasent great at all. Yes sure the crowd there didnt show the crave it had in other asian countries but i tell you this will be great for football and one day when the asian cup is held in australia you will soon realise what a great idea it was to take us with you. The interest here is growing all the time and this is only positive for us. So thank u asia but hopefully eventually you will treat us right next time and australia will learn to respect there opponents. We should have met Vietnam if we performed as we should have and thats only got the players and coaching staff to blame.
I agree. If Austrailia is going to participate on a long-term basis, we need to treat them as equals, not as outsiders trying to threaten us. I see to much hatred towards Aussie in this board alone, and many who thinks Austrailia is in the Asian Federation for easier ticket to WC. But ignore the fact that the presence of Socceroos will dramaically raise the competitive stakes in the game, which in turn, should improve the quality of teams. Its a classic case of making the pie bigger and get less share of the enlarged pie.

Now regarding some officiating. I have to disagree on Grella challenge. Its not black and white as to what ref should have called. The motion was extremely unnatural, which shows a degree of intent, and whilst Takahara made a meal out it, a seasoned vet like Grella should know better that in modern day, any raise of hand or elbow is an automatic red. Nonetheless, I do honestly believe Austrailia got done by the refs throughout the course of tournament, due to cronyism between refs and Asian countries. Even last night, I thought both of us were diving and simulatig, but you know, yellow was always given to men in yellow, whilst the ref gave us a benefit of doubt. If you are going to call warnings on diving, you got to do it consisently, rather than picking which team to warn. This needs to be improved quickly, so that when instances are sending off occurs, Aussies can regard them as (1) different view on the matter, (2) mistake on the part of refs instead of unseen discrimation for not being part of Asia.


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
Quick notes on Iran vs Korea match.

It was physical affair with not much chances happening for both teams. Korea seemed to have more possession, but Iran was more decisive. I thought No 12 for Iran was terrific. Good defender with excellent physique and ability to win headers in the air. But as I have predicted, this Iranian team doesnt have the same penetration it used to in 2003, with the decline of their captain Madhavikia, and loss of form by Ali Karimi. Karimi at least put on half decent performance for the first time in the tournament.

As for Korea, I think I have found a bit of weakness in their team. Their fullbacks are too tight to the CB, and their left back doesnt seemed to be natural defender. He is extremely good on One vs One, but defensive positioing is terrible. And their wingers doesnt back-track much to provide cover, which often leaves them exposed. So I think if opposition double up on the flanks, then there is good chance that teams could break into their back four. And pressing their 3 midfielders will yield good dividens because none them of adequate on the ball, even if Song Dae-Ho (?) seems to be very good at giving some meat into their midfield. No 14. is the weak link, and teams should be looking to expose him a bit.


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #214
    My boys impressed me today, despite being a bit shaky at the back. The mid and forward seemed very in-sync and played wonderful plays and one-twos. Just watch our second goal to get an idea, I must say one of the best goals in the tourny. In addition to countless of perfectly built up missed chances. I must say I am impressed!

    Now we are at the bottleneck, if we can get passed the Japanese, I would say its downhill from there.


    The Linuxologist
    Dec 24, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #215
    Well basically there are two camps over here, east and west.

    East: Japan and South Korea lead, while North Korea and China kinda come second to them.

    West:Saudi Arabia and Iran, while Iraq and UAE kinda trails a bit behind them. Recently we have seen the rise of Bahrain and Jordan.

    We also recently saw the rise of the Uzbeks, which is kinda in between east and west.

    But comon Iraq winning the WC? don't be so ridiculous.
    God I love it when I am right!:eyebrows:

    I also mentioned 6 of the final 8, I am gooood :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 16, 2002
    My boys impressed me today, despite being a bit shaky at the back. The mid and forward seemed very in-sync and played wonderful plays and one-twos. Just watch our second goal to get an idea, I must say one of the best goals in the tourny. In addition to countless of perfectly built up missed chances. I must say I am impressed!

    Now we are at the bottleneck, if we can get passed the Japanese, I would say its downhill from there.
    Congrats on your progression Atropos.:)

    Your second goal was simply a joy to see. A little back hill, followed by 2 or 3, and what finish by Al Mousa (Spelling ?). However, I must say Uzbek was pretty unlucky themselves with that blatant goal disallowed. I mean Shatkikh must have about 3 or 4 meter onside.

    Yasser is a smashing player. When I first saw him I wasnt too impressed because I expected him to be technically excellent. Nevertheless, he is a goalscorer, and what good eyes he has in the middle of the box. Malek too is a fantastic player. Really lively and I love the fact that he is not afraid to run at defenders.

    However, I suspect your GK is somewhat unconfortable with those inswinging deep crosses because Uzbek could have scored 2-3 goals from headers. I would like to see my boys hitting crosses in all over the place to give your GK something to think about. Anyway, sorry pal, but this tournament has Japan vs Korea written all over it. That would be my dream final.:D In case you guys go through though, I hope Iraq will reach the final.


    Senior Member
    Oct 1, 2006
    Quick notes on Iran vs Korea match.

    It was physical affair with not much chances happening for both teams. Korea seemed to have more possession, but Iran was more decisive. I thought No 12 for Iran was terrific. Good defender with excellent physique and ability to win headers in the air. But as I have predicted, this Iranian team doesnt have the same penetration it used to in 2003, with the decline of their captain Madhavikia, and loss of form by Ali Karimi. Karimi at least put on half decent performance for the first time in the tournament.

    As for Korea, I think I have found a bit of weakness in their team. Their fullbacks are too tight to the CB, and their left back doesnt seemed to be natural defender. He is extremely good on One vs One, but defensive positioing is terrible. And their wingers doesnt back-track much to provide cover, which often leaves them exposed. So I think if opposition double up on the flanks, then there is good chance that teams could break into their back four. And pressing their 3 midfielders will yield good dividens because none them of adequate on the ball, even if Song Dae-Ho (?) seems to be very good at giving some meat into their midfield. No 14. is the weak link, and teams should be looking to expose him a bit.

    no.12 is Hossieni, probably the one consistant player we had.
    I was left completly dissapointed after the match, the coach's substitute desicions were very poor IMO, i dont see why he didnt play Kazemian in the second half or extra time. if theres one player who made a diffrence in the past matches it was him. but no, he was saving up the last substitution for Talebloo, when our current keeper was doing fine. like Talebloo was gonna save all the penalties:disagree:

    but anyway the teams overall perforamce throughout the tournament wasnt good, not up to irans standard at all, except for nekonam ofcourse :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 16, 2002
    Cant wait for the Semi-Finals!

    Saudi has been very strong in this tournament, and getting better all the time with arguably the best striking pair in the tournament (I thought Korea and Iran had the most potency but sorry Saudi I was totally wrong). Malek is one little tricky customer who starts from deep, and make quick runs into the box, or channels. I know Yasser is a real goal-getter almost Inzaghi-esque (with an ability to play a bit as well), but IMO, Malek is the one who get things going, and stopping him will be the key to the game. The problem is that unlike Mark Viduka, Malek is type of player that is hard to pick up so presents somewhat of bad match-up for both Nakazawa and Abe.

    On a plus side, Saudi's didnt look good in terms of defending crosses. That has been the sequence ever match I watched them when we beat them 3-0. I feel the GK is too unconventional not too make mistake if we get enough good crosses in or hit shots on the target. If Takahara and Maki are on full alert, I think we can knick an easy goal or two inside the box.

    The key approach to the game is keep possession and hit a lot of shots and crosses. We shouldn't commit too much men forward, because Saudi's IMO are the best team in tournament at hitting opposition on the break, so we have to keep our shape all times, and instead of giving cheap possession with interchange of passes, we should be more decisive with our plays.


    Hoesini has impressed me in the tournament. I didnt know him prior to the tournament, but I thought he has a game that could suit European style. He is physical, doesn't play fancy stuff, and just downright solid. Nekonam is good defensive mid no doubt. But you know, I was more impressed by Teymourian. His movement, and tacticial awareness makes him smashing player for Asian standard. But WHERE IS REAL ALI KARIMI?!!

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