Türkiye (21 Viewers)


Sep 23, 2003
As an old history teacher taught me, "History is tricks we play on dead men."

We want recognition from the Turks that it happened. The holocaust was recognized by the Germans for what they did. The Turks haven't almost after a 100 years. That's why were not giving up. Anyway, the main archives from our side is being released online in 2015, a 100 years later, and the Vatican just recently opened up their archives for a book they are publishing on what they saw at the time.
Because it will bring the dead back to life?

Because it will prevent genocides from ever happening again?

Because it gives someone historical grievance handicap points for their ancestors so they can try to one-up Jews, Cambodians, Tasmanian Aboriginals, American Indians, Circassians, Chinese, Assyrians, Greeks, Hutus, East Timorese, Iraqi Kurds, Darfurians, etc., in the World Cup of Human Suffering?

Woo hoo! :shifty:

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Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003

What are you talking about? Seriously, what are you talking about?

Kemalist support the idea that government and religion should be totally two different things. Just like United States, France, England, Spain and Italy, so on. Separation of church and state, does it ring a bell?

On the other hand, AKP and religious people want Turkey to be not Republic of Turkey, they want to have a country just like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Libya and so on.

And you think good way to improve a country is to become like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria and Libya? Not France, England, Spain, United States or Italy?

Really? And you're calling us that we made no contribution to the modern world?

Your understanding from modern world is to become an Arab country? No. We don't want dictatorship, we want democracy. Just like we still have since 1923.

By the way, I come to Sweden a lot for work purposes. I love Swedish girls, just like you like Turks but Turks in Sweden are actually from East, and most of them don't even have any education whatsoever. Just like Turks in Germany. They shouldn't represent Turks.
What do you mean "like these countries"? What do these countries have in common anyway?

I'm hoping you don't say, they're dictatorships, because while that is definitely true, Ataturk was no less a dictator.


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
As an old history teacher taught me, "History is tricks we play on dead men."

Because it will bring the dead back to life?

Because it will prevent genocides from ever happening again?

Because it gives someone historical grievance handicap points for their ancestors so they can try to one-up Jews, Cambodians, Tasmanian Aboriginals, American Indians, Circassians, Chinese, Assyrians, Greeks, Hutus, East Timorese, Iraqi Kurds, Darfurians, etc., in the World Cup of Human Suffering?

Woo hoo! :shifty:
Uhh, yes...Who are you to say otherwise ? When people aren't aware of history, they tend to repeat the same mistakes of others so yes, who are you to say otherwise ?


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
Turkey expels the Israeili ambassador over his refusal to apologize for the flotilla attack. Day after day, Erdogan's government is gaining more and more of my respect. If only Arab countries would grow a pair of balls ala Turkey, great move :tup:
Jul 2, 2006
Turkey expels Israeli diplomats, suspends military ties after UN report

In the face of a leaked United Nations panel report on the Mavi Marmara incident, which includes accusations both against Israel and Turkey, Turkey on Friday announced that it is further reducing diplomatic relations and cutting military ties with Israel over the country's refusal to apologize for last year's deadly raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla.

The decision effectively expels Israeli diplomats in Turkey.

"The time has come for Israel to pay for its stance that sees it above international laws and disregards human conscience," Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said at a press conference in Ankara. "The first and foremost result is that Israel is going to be devoid of Turkey's friendship."

Davutoğlu said the UN report "displayed the violence committed by the Israeli soldiers," but also criticized it for describing Israel's naval blockade as a legitimate security measure and in line with international law.

He stated that Turkey is downgrading its diplomatic representation in Israel from charge d'affaires to the level of second secretary, suspending all military agreements with Israel, and that Turkey will, as the country with the longest coastal line in the eastern Mediterranean, take necessary measures pertaining to freedom of navigation, lend full support to the victims of the flotilla incident in their legal efforts to seek their rights and will seek a review of the Israeli blockade of Gaza by the International Court of Justice (ICC) as Turkey does not recognize the blockade.

The New York Times said on Thursday that it obtained the copy of a 105-page UN report on the flotilla incident and that the report includes accusations both against Israel and Turkey. The report was delayed several times to provide a chance for reconciliation between Turkey and Israel, but the UN has decided to release the report on Friday after the former allies failed to bury their differences.

The 105-page report, which The New York Times obtained, found that Israeli commandos faced “organized and violent resistance from a group of passengers” and were therefore required to use force for their own protection. However, the report criticized Israeli soldiers for using “excessive and unreasonable” force, saying the loss of life was unacceptable and that the Israeli military's later treatment of passengers was abusive.

Turkish-Israeli relations were badly damaged after Israeli naval commandos stormed the Mavi Marmara, which was carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza in breach of an Israeli naval blockade. The raid resulted in the death of nine Turkish civilians, including an American citizen. Turkey demands an official apology and compensation for the families of victims. Israel says its soldiers acted in self-defense.

The UN report said the findings noted that the panel did not have the power to compel testimony or demand documents, but instead had to rely on information provided by Israel and Turkey. Therefore, its conclusions cannot be considered definitive in either fact or law.

Israel and Turkey earlier worked out some sort of joint statement which would include Israel's “regret” rather than apology. Turkey later rejected this and demanded a full apology. The report also recommends that Israel should make “an appropriate statement of regret” and pay compensation to the families of victims.

Jul 2, 2006
They have lost their only two allies in this region. Regime in Turkiye and Egypt was installed by USA to protect existence of israel. Now they will feel like an animal in cage and they are the only one to blame.


Sep 4, 2007
They haven't lost us quite yet, but it's a matter of time, very soon

I wonder what would happen if the US falls as the major power of the world and another nation arises.. Israel would be nothing more than a trapped rat


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2005
They haven't lost us quite yet, but it's a matter of time, very soon

I wonder what would happen if the US falls as the major power of the world and another nation arises.. Israel would be nothing more than a trapped rat
Who do you think it will be? China? :scared: I hope EU.
Jul 2, 2006
Anybody who support this shit should check his humanity.

Two killed, eight injured as PKK attacks football-playing police

Suspected members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) terrorist organization opened fire on policemen who were playing soccer in the eastern city of Tunceli, killing one policeman and his wife, who was a spectator at the game, the state-run Anatolia news agency said, citing Gov. Mustafa Taşkesen. Eight policemen were wounded in the attack and three of them were reported to be in serious condition, Anatolia said.

Jul 2, 2006
Erdoğan says Israel not keeping to defense deals

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan accused Israel of failing to meet its obligations in defense deals, saying Israel had not returned drones that Turkey had bought and sent back for maintenance.

“Israel is not being loyal to bilateral agreements in the defense industry,” he told reporters. “There could be difficulties, problems with another country, such things may happen, but there is an international code of ethics that needs to be upheld in business agreements,” he said.

Erdoğan's comments add to tensions with Israel, which have escalated since an Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla killed nine people last year. Last week, Turkey announced a set of measures against Israel after it refused to offer an apology for a deadly raid on an aid ship trying to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza on May 31, 2011. It expelled the Israeli ambassador and other senior officials and suspended military agreements.

Erdoğan said on Tuesday that more sanctions could be imposed and that trade ties have also been suspended, but officials at the Prime Ministry said he referred to the defense industry.

On Wednesday, Erdoğan said Turkey would not care if the sanctions prove costly for Turkey because it is national pride that is at stake. “The cost could be $15 or $150 million. We as Turkey would not be bothered by this. What is important for us is that we don't let anyone trample our pride,” he said.

Erdoğan also played down the harassment of Turkish tourists in Israel, saying it is a “temporary” issue, but added that Israeli treatment of Turks reveals “Israel's character.”

07 September 2011, Wednesday / TODAYSZAMAN.COM,


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
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    What do you think of this Israel diplomatic wrangling, Turk? A good strategy or could be a danger?
    Jul 2, 2006
    We should have done it long time ago. Israel need us more than we need them. What would be the danger? They are already providing weapon and intelligence to pkk. Some of the terrorist attacks planned and executed by mossad. They have supported/supporting coup d'etat in Turkiye. Can they get more hostile than they are?

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