Syrian civil war (15 Viewers)


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Not to write your opinion, scared of the fanatics taking over is what I meant.

Of course I can't discuss the issue as the Syrians themselves. What some of you fail to see is that Bashar is not only a dictator towards his people, he's also a world-wide criminal and that's my biggest issue with him. 80% of the negative things that takes place in Lebanon he's behind it, he's behind a Palestinian party against another, he's influencing the Iraqi's situation badly and many other things. His foreign policy is as dangerous as his internal.

Look, you can worry day and night Snoop, fact is people were worried before you concerning the Egyptian, Libyan and Tunisian situation and I see no fanatics up till now.

Seriously, isn't obvious that it's your regime that is making you having this fear? Do they have other options to protect themselves other than killing their own people and telling them how fanatics religious Sunni people want to overtake the country? It's too obvious.
you won't believe it, but I never listened to what Bashar or his father told to people all the years. So I can't be brainwashed by his words, I live in Syria man, I see these fanatics daily, I talk with them, I know how their mentality works, sometimes I feel their hatred towards us non-Christians. I don't need anyone to tell me what these people would do when they come to power. And we have a lot of these people, they love the likes of Usama bin Ladens, when you go to their places, they put thos anti-American flags as posters, they put those anti-American products, like Microsoft for example, when that Danish caricaturists mocked Muhammed, some of them stopped selling Danish products, like Lurpak. You know what happened once? at the start of Iraqi war, when it was Christmas, they destroyed a shop called "American Corner", they came to our (Christian) area, and destroyed the huge Xmas tree we had in the square. I know these people better than you Rab, so it is natural to have concerns of seeing them in control of the country. At nights, some idiots come, stands in the middle of our streets, and starts insulting Jesus, virgin Mary with a baseball stick in his hand, and he doesn't allow any car to pass, these are simple examples, you can imagine the rest.. and ofcourse, when we call the police, these people get beaten so bad. Because there is a restrict rule, if you attack the minority or religions, the punishments are heavy.. Will the new ones protect me from these like this one did?

Buy on


Ѕenior Аdmin
Apr 2, 2007
Why don't you move out of Syria, Snoop? Do you have good business there that you don't want to abandon or is there something else keeping you in Syria?

It might be home, the place you were born and raised, but if you're scared for your life why don't you consider other options? And why not Armenia? You obviously love it more than Syria.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
I'm sure you haven't seen me taking sides here, I know nothing about Syria and everyone here must know that even in Iran, I'm all for reformations even if the regime has barely left any place for that.

I hate revolutions. Everything seems ideal at first, everything is supposed to become great overnight, every problem is always going to be fixed blah blah. The truth is that it will always leave you with an extremely chaotic place where everyone wants a part of. This is of course my personal opinion but I see absolutely nothing good in revolutions. They are fast and destructive, they leave you no time and place for rebuilding what you have ruined, they are likely to make bigger tyrannies and they most of time result in even bigger disappointments. You can never change for better if you don't move towards it slowly. You can never build anything solid without strengthening the foundation. I will take the least chance I am given to have a say in my future, that's why I will always participate in the elections even if they never count my vote. Being against revolutionary movements doesn't make you a coward, it sometimes takes much more courage to bear up with the bad situations for several years trying to make it better little by little rather than to go to the streets, to feel the pain for a second and to die. I'm with you on this.
Exactly how I think, and I didn't say you take side, that one was for the rest of members, I know you are objective here :)

But I can never understand you denying what happens in Syria. Even if you believe that it is being exaggerated, you can't tell me that the media can sell their BS so largely like that to the public in the 21st century. I don't understand your stance about this.
I am not denying anything, over 1000 of people died, and this what I believe also. You are probably reading Fred's or Rebel's childish replies to my posts to conclude that idea. What i laugh on sometimes about the obvious lies. For example once they said (at the beginning) that a huge demonstration is happening in my city, to a place that is 2 minutes away from my place, I swear I went there to see if it is real, and there was no single thing, I even asked someone I know there about it, and he laughed at it. The other incident in Rastan for example, our neighbor was heading there one night, and he saw gangs with guns, shooting from vans randomly (to make chaos), the other day on news I heard that Syrian army moved there, no one mentioned on the news channels what happened prior night in there, people here think that they are moving army to some areas just for fun. Thins like these Hoori, for example I heard once that there were protests in a city called qamishly, I asked my friend who has relatives there, and he told me nothing is happening there, ofcourse later it started.. All I am saying is medias are playing the provocateurs role, and not to give the truth to people.. I didn't comment about rest, because I didn't have infos, but when I can have a reliable source, I comment instead of watching these bullshits.. on the other hand, Jazeera, BBC and the likes, give you the news from phone calls to their channels, without investigations and all, we have to accept it as truths? Yes there are massacres everywhere, but also there are lots of lies spreading and lots of provocations, can you deny that?


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Why don't you move out of Syria, Snoop? Do you have good business there that you don't want to abandon or is there something else keeping you in Syria?

It might be home, the place you were born and raised, but if you're scared for your life why don't you consider other options? And why not Armenia? You obviously love it more than Syria.
Good business is the main reason. Family, relatives, friends etc.. I didn't pick it but this is my home, I am not scared of my life ffs :D there is no such a risk so far, if non-Muslims' life is in threat, sure we all will move then..

As for Armenia, it's my roots, but Armenia is not my home, I will be a total stranger there, we talk in different accent that we can't even understand each others, and we don't like each others (the locals and diaspora) :D


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
Government under these circumstances were forced for reforms (unfortunately they didn't want those reforms for decades, but they realized now that this is their only survival), they announced it one after other, but people are not communicating with them at all, neither the opposition, they are not earning these victories. The system are in terrible condition, pressure from everywhere, even from one of their biggest allies, Turkey! This is a perfect chance for people to get the changes, to keep the country up! With communications, and not with fight or trying to destroy the system, when you try to destroy them, they will respond in ugly way like they do now.

Syria was a headache for USA and Israel for not accepting of being a puppy, and when USA or others try to get involved in here, some fools unfortunately think that they care about Syrian people's suffering, this is also another perfect chance for them to destroy this little power in here with "legal" actions, and I hate it when people serve their purpose. I am not saying USA or Israel are behind all these demonstrations, but you can't deny that they are opportunists, and will take as much as opportunities as possible.

People gave a strong message to the government, and the government understood it, for that they promised reforms and started some of them, why they are acting stupidly now, and trying to destroy the country, when they won this battle, and ended the fear of decades and could control the system themselves? Either they didn't want reforms, they only wanted to bring this system down, or they are being provoked by the outside media or forces to serve their goals. When you ask everything by the government, and they accept it, but you still demonstrate and want to bring it down, then there is something unfair in this situation..
There's no doubt whatsoever that a power struggle between political organisations outside the current body of government will occur. It's difficult to say what the U.S will eventually do but looking at Obama's recent record with the current regional changes he seems to have gone about it as multilaterally as possible, therefore there is less of a chance for America and Israel to take full advantage of the situation because they probably won't be controlling the situation unilaterally. They will however, condemn any new leader that doesn't serve their interests as much as possible and that may be the greatest dividing factor if the current regime is overthrown - whether to side and cooperate with the U.S or not.

The violent reaction from the government probably stemmed from the other revolutions in the region and the fate of each leader which would have struck fear into every oppressive regime in the region.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #986
    Reuters says that the result for yesterday's massacres were killing 63 people. 53 of them are it Hamah city alone.

    Get over this fear. I don't see any signs of Egypt turning into a religious fanatic country, same goes with Tunisia and other countries.

    Things can't get any worse than it is right now.
    Any revolution costs blood shed. Nothing is for free.

    But people can't keep this regime for a life long and be happy with their lives just because there will be no blood shed. Sacrifices will take place, martyrs will fall down, but at the end of the day you know you've brought down a dictator criminal that doesn't belong in the 21st century and it's time for the Syrian people to decide their own faith and way. Something that sounds logical and civilized to me. One man or one family can't be having the whole nation in his pocket.
    Syria isn't Israel's puppy? How about the Joulan? One of their most valuable lands which is occupied by the Israeli's up till now and they never asked for it, not the father neither the son.
    You saved my time to write all of those, Rab :tup:


    Sabet is a nasty virgin
    Oct 2, 2001
    Syria isn't Israel's puppy? How about the Joulan? One of their most valuable lands which is occupied by the Israeli's up till now and they never asked for it, not the father neither the son.
    Are you saying Syria is Israel's puppy? are you kidding me? :D or you concluded this from anti-Bashar pictures on facebook with Israel flags in the back posted by 13-14 year old teenagers :D All these suffering of Syria is because of Syria's refusal of making peace with Israel, and being ally with Iran! and they tried to negotiate with Israel to take back Golan against peace but never worked, for that Syria refused to have any relation with Israel. "Either give back Golan, or stay enemies forever", they never gave up of their principles, unlike some clowns of your country, who we all know were agents of Israelis back decades ago, if not some of them are till now..

    I would have loved if Syria had forsaken Golan for these troubles, it would put the country in less pressure, just like other puppies Saudi Arabia and the likes did. But Saying Syria is one of those is extremely funny, and Syria couldn't done anything else, to fight a giant like Israel and specially when they have USA in their back, going for war against Israel for that? would have been the funniest ever suicide.

    Reuters says that the result for yesterday's massacres were killing 63 people. 53 of them are it Hamah city alone.

    You saved my time to write all of those, Rab :tup:
    you are giving him a thumb up for that? WOW! Never seen an ungrateful person like you, EVER! Syria is probably one of the rare regimes that gave you support all these years for your case, Palestinians are being treated equally here like everyone else, and you are giving him thumb up of for dissing Syria's political relation against Israel? lol

    Wow, I hope other Palestinians are not ungrateful like you, I guess some of them worship Erdogan like you do, for that 5 minute comedy show in Davos forum :lol: and yet they had and still have political relations, deals with Israel and for years. Really wow! I am shocked of how a person can be a double faced like you!


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #989
    you are giving him a thumb up for that? WOW! Never seen an ungrateful person like you, EVER! Syria is probably one of the rare regimes that gave you support all these years for your case, Palestinians are being treated equally here like everyone else, and you are giving him thumb up of for dissing Syria's political relation against Israel? lol

    Wow, I hope other Palestinians are not ungrateful like you, I guess some of them worship Erdogan like you do, for that 5 minute comedy show in Davos forum :lol: and yet they had and still have political relations, deals with Israel and for years. Really wow! I am shocked of how a person can be a double faced like you!
    Don't make it personal.

    Ok. Why should I be grateful for Al-Assad family?

    I'm so grateful for the Syrian people who are treating my people in a very nice way since they were forced to leave their houses. But as a guy who should stick with those who stood by his case, I have to stand with their case against the criminal family who kills them since years.

    Regarding Golan, let us not kid ourselves. Al-Assad family was always Israel's puppy and will always be.


    Sabet is a nasty virgin
    Oct 2, 2001
    Maybe he should have put you in "kheyme" like they do in Lebanon, and never let you have a regular life so that you would know the meaning of the word appreciation.. They did the same way to Iraqis and Lebanese when they run at last war. You are an ungrateful person for denying these.

    As for the last line, 100% (not 99) original pure bullshit that was, and I am sure you are aware of it.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #991
    Maybe he should have put you in "kheyme" like they do in Lebanon, and never let you have a regular life so that you would know the meaning of the word appreciation.. They did the same way to Iraqis and Lebanese when they run at last war. You are an ungrateful person for denying these.

    As for the last line, 100% (not 99) original pure bullshit that was, and I am sure you are aware of it.
    If it was for Al-Assad family, they would have put us in a tent when we were refugees, Snoop.

    Thanks God, when the refugees arrived to Syria, that stinky family was not leading the country.

    You want us not to express our anger for the bloodshed of Syrians because "the regime there was good to us"? Sorry, but that is just hypocracy for sure.
    Jul 2, 2006
    I know these people better than you Rab, so it is natural to have concerns of seeing them in control of the country. At nights, some idiots come, stands in the middle of our streets, and starts insulting Jesus, virgin Mary with a baseball stick in his hand, and he doesn't allow any car to pass, these are simple examples, you can imagine the rest.. and ofcourse, when we call the police, these people get beaten so bad. Because there is a restrict rule, if you attack the minority or religions, the punishments are heavy.. Will the new ones protect me from these like this one did?
    I don't think those who are insulting Jesus and Mary are Muslims. Maybe you're confusing them with others, you know which community has a problem with Prophet Jesus.

    Fake Melo

    Ghost Division
    Sep 3, 2010
    I don't think those who are insulting Jesus and Mary are Muslims. Maybe you're confusing them with others, you know which community has a problem with Prophet Jesus.
    Yeah I thought the same. Jesus and Mary are important in Islam too. Those people may be muslims by name but insulting/mocking other religions is a sin.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    rab and reb said Assad the father is a puppy for isreal and thats not entirely un-true bro. then again who is'nt a puppy for isreal in the arab world ( the past dictators mainly?) just like u i thought the only reason syria never kept golan hieghts during the october war was egypt not pressuring isreal on the sinai front but it turned out that too is not the main reason ( its def one of the reasons i can accept that but not the main reason as its made out to be since 73) for golan returning again to isreal after the syrian army reached and toke back the golan hieghts. this morning i saw highlights of a book called سقوط الجولان لرائد المخابرات السورية خليل مصطفى الموجود حالياً فى سجون النظام البعثى and in this book he states a lot of things rab and reb are mentioning here also this is not the first time i hear eye witnesses stress on this point in particular in a long list of others but this one caught my eye bec of its historical significance considering the 73 war is probably the only war in arab history were all arabs some how joined forces.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    Cutting Internet on Fridays is the solution, dumbasses.
    i dont know why they all insist on doing this move in particular!! it always back fires i mean if they think this will contain the angry feelings they r mistakened bec this adds more determination to the people to go out and demand for him to leave and this coming after all the reports of children losing there lives really adds more fuel to an already existing fire.


    Sabet is a nasty virgin
    Oct 2, 2001
    I don't think those who are insulting Jesus and Mary are Muslims. Maybe you're confusing them with others, you know which community has a problem with Prophet Jesus.
    Jews? :D

    No I am pretty sure they are Muslims, it's always when a Muslim here fights with a Christian, these are the first insults that fly in the air. Just like there are good Christians and bad, good atheists and bad there are also good Muslims and bad, maybe you wouldn't use that kind of insults, but there are many Muslims do when they are angry at Christians. These insults the few naming isn't the problem anyway, the problem is some Muslims here make the same troubles, either by calling these, or other insults to Christian community, no different, same has one purpose, which attacking!

    Erdogan also had this weak argument about denying Armenian genocide with "Muslims don't make genocide, it's against Islam". But at the same time, some people call the murders in Syria genocide, or specially the ones in Sudan, they were genocide right? Islam being against it doesn't mean the followers would never do it. It happens..

    i dont know why they all insist on doing this move in particular!! it always back fires i mean if they think this will contain the angry feelings they r mistakened bec this adds more determination to the people to go out and demand for him to leave and this coming after all the reports of children losing there lives really adds more fuel to an already existing fire.
    Completely retarded, there is no point in doing it, but I would really love to hear the funny excuse about it. Seems they are not aware of the 21st century's technologies, that way or other, there are always ways to communicate within inside and outside..


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #1,000
    Today, around 10 people were killed during the attack on Jesr Al-Shughur town near Edleb city. Sources inside the town said helicopters were used to kill demonstrators.

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