Smokin' (4 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2004
yup but most of us seem to forget about that .....
and we just keep on building walls arounds ourselves .....

i'll stop right there ... i'm such a hippie i wish i was born atleast 30 earlier


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Personally I think all drugs should be legalised and people should have the choice... if someone wants to do something that will do them harm.. why not... We should have the choice to do as we like... As long as we think about others that dont like these habits


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2004
that wouldn't work with our system .....
plus, then everyone would be on drugs
or atleast half of the population
lets use alcohol as an example:
look around you, almost everyone drinks ...
now imagine having all kinds of drugs legal, and you can try any of them without breaking the law. so you don't feel like you're doing anything wrong when you take them, and OF COURSE you'll find your drug of choice that is eventually gonna makes holes in your brain and your kids are gonna look like aliens or some shit. a lot more people would be drug addicts i think ...... and addiction isn't a funny thing

i do like the idea
but people are too stupid and greedy to live without any written laws


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I think there'd be chaos if drugs were legal and available to anyone. It'ou can't just say "it's okay as long as your drug habits don't affect other people", because drugs can affect the minds of even the most rational people.

Drunk drivers don't take to the wheel saying "I think I'll cause a pileup and kill a young family today"... nobody intends to screw up people's lives with drugs; they just have that affect on people


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
Personally I think all drugs should be legalised and people should have the choice... if someone wants to do something that will do them harm.. why not... We should have the choice to do as we like... As long as we think about others that dont like these habits
Ah but addicts cost society a lot of money. At least, if the society is any decent.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
I've never smoked anything and never will. I cant stand the smell, think yellow/discoloured fingers are vile, gives you bad breath, stains your teeth.....yuk On the other hand I have asthma so have to stay out of smoky atmospheres...


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Mac ] ++
Drugs dont need to be legalised. Not like its hard to get them if you want them anyway.
But when in the hands of criminals prices can rise astronomically. It's easy to rip-off addicts. Their financial situation will fall sharply into the red, they will be forced to steal and society has one extra problem.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
I smoke about a pack a day and I TOTALLY LOVE IT !!! I love nicotine and I like the blow the smoke. I am 26 now and when I get married and have kids- I'll quit (I hope).

As for drugs- I would legalize them purely for pragmatic reasons.

1. There are billions and billions of dollars made on a drug black market. This money should go to the government AND THEN used to combat the desire of young people to do drugs.

2. At least in the US drugs are easily accesable in schools, in colleges, on the streets- everywhere! Why keep them illegal? It is NO DETTERANT for people who wanna use them.

I personally like alcohol (and sex too!) better than any drugs.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2004
i like your point of view but
do you think drugs like LSD and PCP need to be legalized ?
those are really dangerous and if you have a bad trip you might actually kill someone, or even yourself - to free your soul.

..... and YOU'RE FROM BAKU ??? :shocked:


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2004
i think heroin is more dangerous when it comes to getting addicted
a lot of people that try it once get hooked on it easily
b/c it's physically addictive
and acid will make you do absolutely insane things, when people on heroin will just sit back and "chill"
but yeah if heroin is legalized then a lot more people would wanna try it b/c they'll think that " if it's legal than it can't be that bad" and well our world would be full of heroin addicts

btw does anyone know if oxicotton is anything like heroin ?

i just forgot to mention it Vilhelmas :rolleyes: thank you


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
Personally I think all drugs should be legalised and people should have the choice... if someone wants to do something that will do them harm.. why not... We should have the choice to do as we like... As long as we think about others that dont like these habits
Bang on Paul

As far as I'm concerned, as long as its not damaging others then let them do it. Things like passive smoking are what need to be cracked down on, its probably the thing i hate most, since i despise the smell, it gets all over your clothes and its doing your insides harm too!
Sep 28, 2002
but drugs, alcohol and stuff like that does damage others. ok, you start to take heroin because its legal. but it ****s you up and you lose your job. you're an addict so you need money. you spend your money very fast and you need more cause you're in debts and so on. then you start to rob people, do all kinds of shit because you're barely a decent person anymore. and if drugs were legal number of addicts like this would increase enomously. so it does affect more than only the person who uses it.


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
True but if you look at things like that, then everything has a knock on effect. If people get mugged to feed drug habits, they will continue to get mugged if its made legal; I don't think that would really change things. In fact, it would probably improve matters as underground crooks couldn't charge way out prices for them.
Sep 28, 2002
and then it would be available to even more people.
alcohol cant be compared to that cause one has a lesser chance to become and addict. smoking cant be compared at all.

so now lets all join hands, et ourselves a bottle of brilliant lithuanian beer and light a cigarette. world would be a better place straight away.

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