Rock, in all shapes and sizes (2 Viewers)



The end of Jihadism
Jan 16, 2013
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  • Thread Starter #421
    QotSA are more critically acclaimed than FF, not LZ lol

    They gave up the ghost after OKC because they knew they couldn't match it or better it, so they decided to do something totally different so as to not draw direct comparisons. I can't think of another rock act as highly acclaimed as Radiohead that was so afraid of tarnishing their own legacy right in the prime of their career. Kid A is the most pretentious album I've ever heard. It's incredibly boring and devoid of any real melody. Darkness can be a good thing in music, but to base an entire album on 'woe is me' is poor taste and frankly shows a lack of self awareness. The lyrics are nothing but self pity, unlike equally gloomy bands such as The Smiths and Alice in Chains who self depreciate but have the foresight and taste to not pity themselves. Unlike Ok Computer, Kid A rarely builds to any crescendos; the songs do not go anywhere or build to anything. They just tend to meander about in gloominess until they are over. Random electronic meanderings are not a substitute for dynamics or creativity (or lack thereof).
    If that's your take then there's no point discussing this any further, I of course disagree with everything said but I'm not here to change minds.

    But, really... Why do I have this funny feeling you copy/pasted that? :shifty:

    Buy on


    Jul 11, 2011
    If that's your take then there's no point discussing this any further, I of course disagree with everything said but I'm not here to change minds.

    But, really... Why do I have this funny feeling you copy/pasted that? :shifty:
    Google search that, I didn't copy paste it. I can write more than 3 words :D


    Sep 23, 2003
    But I guess it could be a matter of perspective. Per instance, for a Metal fan who's also into Progressive music there isn't a better time than now (the 00's). You have plenty of good bands coming from that scene; Porcupine Tree, Opeth, Tool, Meshuggah, Riverside and so on...
    Agreed there.

    But then if you're into Jazz like me, where are the new Mileses? Hancockeses? Coltraneses? Where are the artists that can completely reinvent an entire genre? Ask any Jazz man and you'll see the answer is there isn't any.
    It's not that great. But outside of the Joshua Redman throwbacks, I'm into more foreigners with electronica fusion... big fan of Erik Traffaz from France ... and Fer Isella of Argentina for more nativist sounds as well.

    I doubt QotSA is as popular as FF for the younger generation. FF became an arena kind of band.

    Maybe one day you will give a proper real listen to Ok Computer and Kid A. And then maybe try to find out why are they universally praised so much. Why they sound like they do. The technicalities behind it. The influences found on those records and how they were used. The complexity of both the production and song writing. What they represented to the music scene when they were first released, and what they do now, how did they age. What it means for a band to truly evolve and many other questions that can be answered if you want them to.

    Maybe then you'll understand there's nothing overrated about it.
    They took big risks and definitely pushed boundaries.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003

    I think the most recent work, as far as release date, that I have listened to is Bob James' work. And I'm talking his stuff from the 70's. Specifically, his first three groundbreaking albums.

    That's how little I think of any jazz music that has come out in the last 35 years.


    The end of Jihadism
    Jan 16, 2013
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #428

    VH1 classic are playing a bunch of Bowie videos right now. They just played this one :touched:

    Still on? :D

    - - - Updated - - -

    Agreed there.

    It's not that great. But outside of the Joshua Redman throwbacks, I'm into more foreigners with electronica fusion... big fan of Erik Traffaz from France ... and Fer Isella of Argentina for more nativist sounds as well.

    They took big risks and definitely pushed boundaries.
    Listening to this Erik Traffaz dude (which I'm REALLY enjoying so far) and I'm left wondering if are you still or were you at any point in the 90's into the whole Trip Hop scene; Portishead, Tricky, early Massive Attack, Howie B, etc? It's funny how I could never get into hip hop (aside from the old school proper and real stuff like Public Enemy) but I love trip hop and things in the whole acid/psychedelic jazz realm, always did.

    I ask because IMO the latest Portishead record, Third, is amazing. I told a friend it's what Radiohead tried to achieve with King of Limbs but failed. Portishead on the other hand nailed it. It's pure art.

    And yes, Radiohead definitely did. You probably already know this but at the point Thom Yorke was just so bored with the idea of being rockstars, acting and sounding like it. He was desperate for something more. Talking Heads did it for him. Meanwhile Greenwood was heavily into Miles Davis and Dub Reggae/Krautrock. You really can't make a great record if you don't have great influences :D


    The end of Jihadism
    Jan 16, 2013
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  • Thread Starter #430
    Thanks bro! :D

    You have a quite a bit more knowledge in the musical realm than I do, so I respect your opinion here and definitely take what your saying as having weight. As you know, I like quite a few new bands... However, I have noticed with a lot of newer stuff, I like it at first, but get bored of it very quickly and move on to something else, and that is a major difference between it and the great music of the 50s-90s... It was timeless, and for the most part never really gets boring, which speaks to your point about most new music lacking in being dynamic, challenging, impressive, unique. I've learned the hard way with several album purchases by bands I very quickly became bored as fuck with.

    With regards Matt Elliott, see if you can find this documentary on Kodi... I saw it at a film festival in 2013. Super interesting guy imo. Looks like it is only $1 to rent on vimeo.
    I do because it's a passion of mine. A major part of my family are of musicians at some level or another, as am I, of course. My father is a Jazzy/Bossa nova accomplished guitar player himself and I grew up seeing the old man play and listening to his collection. Until of course I started my own. :D

    It's called the golden age for a reason :agree: You had everything and I mean everything; Motown; RnB, Soul, Funk, Fusion, etc... And everybody was at the top of their game, that's the main difference today. Actual musicians and I'm not talking about just being technically skilled but having sense of melody and harmony. Knowing what to do and when to do it. Today any fucker can sit in front of a computer and get a song done in 5 minutes, make a beat, add a repetitive bassline, some strings every two bars or so, add lyrics, done. Genius!!

    Belew (If you're not familiar with the guy, let me just start saying he played for Frank Zappa, David Bowie and King Crimson. nuff said) posted this today, made me laugh a lot. Zappa was an asshole but I loved him :lol:

    In 1978 I did my first tour of Europe as "stunt" guitarist and singer for Frank Zappa's band. The night we played in Cologne, Germany unbeknownst to me Brian Eno was in the audience. Brian knew David Bowie was looking for a new guitarist for his upcoming tour.

    He called David after seeing our show and told David he should come see the guitarist for Frank's band.
    The next night we performed in Berlin. There was a part of the show where Frank took an extended guitar solo and most of the band members, including myself, left the stage for a few minutes. As I walked to the back of the stage I looked over at the monitor mixing board and saw David Bowie and Iggy Pop standing there. Wow! I couldn't believe it!

    So I walked over to David Bowie, shook his hand and said, "I love what you've done, thank you for all the music". And he said, "Great, how would you like to be in my band?" I motioned back towards Frank and said, "Well, I'm kind of playing with that guy." David laughed and said, "Yes, I know, but when Frank's tour ends my tour starts two weeks later. Shall we talk about it over dinner?"

    David said he would meet me back at our hotel and sure enough when I arrived back at the hotel David Bowie and his assistant Coco Schwab were sitting on a couch in the lobby. As I walked past them they whispered to me, "Get into the elevator, go up to your room, come back down in a few minutes, and meet us outside. we have a car waiting." It was like something out of a spy film.

    When I came back down and went outside there was a black limousine waiting. The driver opened the door and I got in the back with David and Coco. David immediately launched into all this plans for his upcoming tour, the songs we would play, the staging, and so on, and how much he loved my guitar playing! It was so exciting! He said they were taking me to one of his favorite restaurants in Berlin.
    How many restaurants are there in Berlin? 25,000?

    We arrived at the restaurant, went in the front door, and who should be sitting at the very first table but Frank Zappa and the rest of the band! So the three of us sat down with Frank and the band. David, trying to be cordial, motioned to me and said, "Quite a guitar player you have here Frank."
    And Frank said, "F••• you Captain Tom."
    (note: Frank had demoted David from Major Tom to Captain Tom.)
    David persisted, "Oh come on now Frank, surely we can be gentleman about this?"
    Frank said, "F••• you Captain Tom."
    By this point I was paralyzed. David said, "So you really have nothing to say?" Frank said. "F••• you Captain Tom."
    David and Coco and I got up and went back out the front door. Getting in the limo David said in his wonderfully British way, "I thought that went rather nicely!"


    The end of Jihadism
    Jan 16, 2013
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  • Thread Starter #436
    It's like a prog Deep Purple that is also kind of southern rock

    So pretty good :D
    I've had it that record for at least 20 years. Love it. Caldwell is easily one of my favorites drummers of that time, fucking beast he was.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'm going to listen to this tomorrow, and if there is not even a slight hint of Deep Purple, I'm going to find you, and kill you.
    Well, for starters it's Rod Evans' band. That's the guy in the first 3 Purple records. So no need to even consider killing ZoSo :D

    Post Ironic

    Senior Member
    Feb 9, 2013
    Myopic Void is one of the coolest songs I've ever heard, the most psychedelic thing ever

    Awesome song. Love this record. Picked it up for $1.49 at a thrift store about 7 years ago. :D

    - - - Updated - - -

    I do because it's a passion of mine. A major part of my family are of musicians at some level or another, as am I, of course. My father is a Jazzy/Bossa nova accomplished guitar player himself and I grew up seeing the old man play and listening to his collection. Until of course I started my own. :D

    It's called the golden age for a reason :agree: You had everything and I mean everything; Motown; RnB, Soul, Funk, Fusion, etc... And everybody was at the top of their game, that's the main difference today. Actual musicians and I'm not talking about just being technically skilled but having sense of melody and harmony. Knowing what to do and when to do it. Today any fucker can sit in front of a computer and get a song done in 5 minutes, make a beat, add a repetitive bassline, some strings every two bars or so, add lyrics, done. Genius!!

    Belew (If you're not familiar with the guy, let me just start saying he played for Frank Zappa, David Bowie and King Crimson. nuff said) posted this today, made me laugh a lot. Zappa was an asshole but I loved him :lol:
    That's awesome. Love Frank Zappa too.

    Nice avatar bro. :cry:


    The end of Jihadism
    Jan 16, 2013
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #440
    Myopic Void is one of the coolest songs I've ever heard, the most psychedelic thing ever
    A fun fact, did you know some producers convinced Rod Evans to tour with the name Deep Purple in the late 70's? So this bogus band toured and when people realized that wasn't the Purple they expected, shit hit the fan. Shows were bad, the musicians not up to par and well, Rod Evans isn't Gillan.

    Evans ended up getting sued by the real Deep Purple and lost all royalty rights to his songs. IIRC he left the music business after that :lol:
    @King of Kings

    - - - Updated - - -

    @swag @King of Kings; Speaking of jazz, have you heard of Kamasi Washington?
    Read the story I posted above about Zappa and Bowie meeting up in Germany. I'm sure you'll appreciate it. :D

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