Roberto Baggio (45 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Yes this is the only goal he made by freekick this season!
Unusual... but better late than never :) It was a perfect one!


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
A wonderful goal indeed :) But what the hell was wrong with Brescia's defence? :shocked: Modena made a fun out of them, such easy goals.


The Rival
Jul 21, 2002
just like all season...

except wen they had that amaizing run of games without losses...

it seams wen the attack work, the defence suck.. and the other way round..

too many draws for this team!!!
they should be at uefa cup


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Brescia defence was ridicolous 4 all the first part of the season, but they were not bad in the second IMO.
They just "relaxed" themselfs too mutch in the last 2 match (Lazio and Modena) till they permanence in serie A was matematic.


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Roby is now in holyday in Argentina :) his future is given by media like "unsure" and it probably will depend by what Mazzone will do. Of course Brescia fans hope that he will stay also in case the coach will change...


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Roby recived the Eurochampion award as the best career :cool:

About his future... looks like new coach De Biasi will do his best to convince him to stay in Brescia, but Modena President said he is trying to take both Roby and Mazzone. Others media spoke about the oportunity of the 2 togeder going to Bologna or Roma.
But ther's also some rumors about Roby to retire or to go to play in Japan :down:
Anycase... ther's so many rumors right now... many of them I guess are just fantasy, 4 the moment Roby is somewheare in Argentina and we just have to wait 4 him to be back to understand his thoughts...


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
This is really horrible news! :down: I cannot imagine Brescia without Mazzone, nor without Roby :frown: The only thing I can hope now that they won't end in Sensi-cazo's hands :yuck:


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Ther's a hight risck that Mazzone will :down: but Rome is his homeland and Roma "his team" so... good 4 him...

Now all the media say that Roby will leave Brescia 4 sure that he will go there, here, everyweare, but IMO he will not go to Roma, 4 all his career he wanted to stay near to Caldogno, so his kids didn't have to change school everytime... why to do it now?
And also I don't think that, at 36, he will feel like changing city, jersey and everything again... IMO if he will like the team Corioni will build up he will stay in Brescia if not he will quit...
Anycase now he is "desaparesido" in his Argentinian ranch and we will not have any news by him till the end of June, probably.
So let's take the rumors 4 what they are (nothing) :D Roby probably doesn't even know about all the staff they are writing about his future right now...


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
I don't know :confused:
I really hope he won't, cause he had such a good season, and he is still the onlyone around with such a pure skill, but I'm afraid ther's some chances... cause we all know his right knee is going every year worst (looks like he can't even keep his leg straight) and cause as I told you is difficolt to think about him changing team again.
If I was in him I will see if Brescia will make a competitive team who do not risck too mutch the relegation (De Biasi isn't a bad coach but looks like they want to sell half of the players) and than decide or to stay or to quit... but I'm not Roby :D so who knows... he reserved his fans many "surprises" in his career so everything can happen..
Anycase as soon as he come back from Argentina he will do some accurate tests on his knees in Isokinetik, this will influence his choice 4 sure, if the situation is desperate he won't go on... he's not the kind of guy who will accept to do something if he knows he cannot give the best 4 it...


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Today Bresciaoggi newspaper came out with the silly idea that Roby may go to play in Brazil next season. (

Since Roby left 4 Argentina media spoke about him to:

-stay in Brescia
-go to Modena
-go to Bologna
-go to Roma
-go to Japan (the teams who want him are Verdy Tokio and Kashima Antlers)
-go to Quatar (in Al Arabi, the team who just signed Batistuta)
-go to Brazil (in Palmeiras, who will be helped by Diadora 4 the cousts)
-go to Vicenza, his first team as a professionist (he played there from 1982 to 1985) and the nearest to his house, if they will make it to come in serie A
-go to Fiorentina (his dearest team, who signed him when he was 17 and waited him 4 more than 2 years to recover from an injury) even if they are in serie C, just to thank them 4 beliving in him when he was given as a "broken young talent with no hopes".

Thers's too mutch bla bla bla around him I guess :D

But Roby prevented it and infact before leaving he left this message in his official web site:

"As every year it's yet happened, in the present period, being near the moment of the players-market among the teams, some rumors about my future have been spread.
I'm not surprised about that: if those voices should be true, in the last years I had to go round the world at least twice to fulfit all false engagement they had invented for me.
So now I want to remind you my site is born also to be the only and unique official voice about my personal and professional activities and to avoid the spreading of false, uncontrolled and groundless rumors about me.
Eight years ago I had entrusted and delegated all my affairs and business to my international manager Mr. Vittorio Petrone, stopping the gambles of false middlemen. Mr. Vittorio Petrone is the unique man authorized by me to represent me in Italy and in the world.
Others managers, other true or false friends, other football-professional aren't authorized to speak from me. They haven't my authorization to represent me. So I desire now to underline one more time that concept and avoid that someone can take advantage of my name and his interlocutor's confidence, saying false things using my name.
Apart Mr. Vittorio Petrone, everybody else speaks from me, he is doing that without my authorization and without the right power of attorney."

So... the "soap opera" will finisch just when he will be back (looks like it will be the end of June) and hopefuly say something about what he will do ;)


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
Well a bit of rumours is allowed, they do have to make a living with something now that they can't talk about the games as the season is finished :D


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++
Well a bit of rumours is allowed, they do have to make a living with something now that they can't talk about the games as the season is finished :D
Yes, but Italian media, sometimes are too mutch :( especially when it's about Baggio :groan:

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