[Poll] Who should replace Capello? (4 Viewers)

Who [i]should[/i] replace Capello?

  • Lippi

  • Prandelli

  • Mourinho

  • Deschamps

  • Del Neri

  • Hiddink

  • Novellino

  • Capello can change his mind!

  • Vialli

  • Le Guen

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"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Erkka said:
He's got only this year left of his contract. Naturally their trying to extend his contract for a really long period, but since many of the bigger clubs might change their coach after this season, you never know... Remember what happened with Terim?

And my Italian is very insufficient.
I could see Prandelli taking over for Ancelotti at Milan, however depending on the situation with the Triade Capello will most likely stay here in Turin. Apart from those two clubs I don't see Prandelli going anywhere and it would make more sense to stay at La Viola who will probably be playing CL football next season.

Your Italian might be insufficient, however I assume you can at least understand a few things.


approaching curve
Oct 3, 2004

Juventus is about class and respect, on and off the pitch. Mourinho is not class, he's a smart clown. I don't respect him at all, I pity him.


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
pecker said:

Juventus is about class and respect, on and off the pitch. Mourinho is not class, he's a smart clown. I don't respect him at all, I pity him.
Are you quoting novellino or is this your opinion on the most gifted manager in the world today?If its Novellino, id like for him to tell us what he has won and how can he pity someone who has everything
If its from you, what do you care? Its never bothered you to support ppl like the high classed Moggi in the past now has it?


approaching curve
Oct 3, 2004
denco said:
Are you quoting novellino or is this your opinion on the most gifted manager in the world today?If its Novellino, id like for him to tell us what he has won and how can he pity someone who has everything
If its from you, what do you care? Its never bothered you to support ppl like the high classed Moggi in the past now has it?
Did you see quotations? Of course its from me.

I don't agree with people calling Moggi a scum, I never said he was one. I think he's class, definatly the best on the market today and he always speak with good manners (okay there are a few lies but come on, he's in marketing). Why would you say Moggi deserves as little respect as Mourinho? Its a big difference between these two.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
Tutti per uno, uno per tutti

Fabio Capello diffida del Treviso, annuncia che Buffon potrebbe giocare in coppa Italia e afferma: "Il mio futuro alla Juve è legato a quello di Moggi, Giraudo e Bettega: siamo i quattro moschettieri"

TORINO, 26 novembre 2005 - "Dobbiamo riportare l'attenzione sul campo, in questa settimana sono state dette tante cose, e ci sono state tante supposizioni. Siamo la Juve, non dobbiamo pensare a ciò che è stato scritto o detto, andiamo avanti per la nostra strada con l'umiltà e la determinazione che ci contraddistinguono. Pensiamo a giocare per conquistare tutti i nostri obiettivi". Fabio Capello non abbassa la guardia nemmeno contro il Treviso. Le polemiche sul possibile ritorno al Real Madrid, a fine stagione, il tecnico bianconero le ha già dimenticate.
Il tecnico bianconero si schiera dalla parte della Triade e lancia un chiaro segnale alla società Juventina: "Il mio futuro è legato a quello di Moggi, Giraudo e Bettega, siamo i quattro Moschettieri. Giraudo ha detto che è un momento delicato? Dovete chiedere a lui, non posso rispondere per qualcun altro. Sono contento che Montezemolo abbia detto che non andrò via dalla Juve prima di aver conquistato 8 scudetti e 12 coppe dei Campioni, ma sarà un po' difficile, sono già vecchio. Per ora non mi interesserebbe un incarico alla "Ferguson", faccio l'allenatore punto e basta. Il mercato lo facciamo tutti insieme, io do l'indirizzo tecnico e poi alla trattative ci pensano gli altri". Deciso e diretto come sempre, Fabio Capello mette per un attimo da parte le questioni della società per riportare l'attenzione alla prossima sfida di campionato, domani pomeriggio contro il Treviso.
"Buffon è pronto al rientro, se se la sente potrà scendere in campo giovedì in coppa Italia. Anche tutti gli altri giocatori stanno bene, Ibrahimovic oggi non si è allenato a causa di un leggero indolenzimento muscolare ma domenica sarà in campo regolarmente. C'è il pericolo psicologico di sottovalutare il Treviso, i 26 punti di differenza in classifica non vogliono dire nulla: è una squadra che ultimamente è migliorata moltissimo, come modo di giocare mi ricorda il Bruges, forse un po' meno rinunciataria. Ha giocatori di qualità come Pinga, dovremo stare attenti al contropiede e ai calci da fermo".
Subito dopo il Treviso ci sarà la doppia sfida di campionato e coppa Italia con la Fiorentina: "Partiamo col gruppo al completo per la partita di giovedì e rimarremo fino al week-end per il campionato, non valeva la pena tornare a Torino. C'è gran voglia di fare e molta concentrazione da parte di tutti. Non c'è stato nessun chiarimento tra Del Piero e Trezeguet in questi giorni; David dopo il Bruges è uscito dal campo arrabbiato, ma sono cose che devono rimanere tra di noi". Dalla Roma arrivano parole di stima di Chivu per Capello, il tecnico bianconero ringrazia: "Certe cose fanno sempre piacere, con i giocatori mi piace creare un rapporto di reciproco rispetto, io cerco di conquistarmi la loro fiducia, spero che lo capiscano. Bisognerebbe guardare più al mercato dei giocatori italiani e non aspettare che sia Lippi a valorizzare i giovani. Merito al Palermo, una delle poche squadre italiane che ha trovato e puntato su giovani talenti la maggior parte dei quali italiani".
Alberto Mauro


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2004
denco said:
I am no fan at all but why whould he wanna go after 2 seasons?
If he wins everything this season, why should he stay longer considering that his closest friends there might be leaving too?

RochemBeck said:
I could see Prandelli taking over for Ancelotti at Milan, however depending on the situation with the Triade Capello will most likely stay here in Turin. Apart from those two clubs I don't see Prandelli going anywhere and it would make more sense to stay at La Viola who will probably be playing CL football next season.

Your Italian might be insufficient, however I assume you can at least understand a few things.
Never underestimate inter and the power of money in things like this.

pecker said:
Its a big difference between these two.
Then where is the difference? Both joke always joke about weaker clubs, Moggi loves to talk trash about inter while Mourinho does the same with Arsenal. Both always say that they didnt deserve to lose. Both lie, Moggi even breaks the laws while at it. Where is the difference then?


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
I'd like Guus Hiddink to replace Capello when the time comes. He's IMO right up there with Jose Mourinho as the best coach in the world and we're not going to get Mourinho.


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
Eaglesnake_1 said:
Even recognizing Mourhino skills as a formidable tactician (almost as good as Lippi) i find disgusting and insulting thinking about such egocentic and scandalous bastard managing juve. Even being a genious, Mourinho is a show-off bitch that would not suit Juventus standarts and policies.....
You can say that again!!:agree:


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
How some people can bash Mourinho while cherish Capello at Juventus is beyond me...same with what Erkka said about Moggi and Giraudo. Mourinho might like to express his opinions for show, however in reality what is the difference between what he says and what some members of our club do as well? That's right, nothing. Capello is more reserved in the media but still not exactly the epitomy of class...Moggi and Giraudo lie to the media all the time and take shots at opposition clubs. To be honest I really don't see a difference between the lot.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
RochemBeck said:
How some people can bash Mourinho while cherish Capello at Juventus is beyond me...same with what Erkka said about Moggi and Giraudo. Mourinho might like to express his opinions for show, however in reality what is the difference between what he says and what some members of our club do as well? That's right, nothing. Capello is more reserved in the media but still not exactly the epitomy of class...Moggi and Giraudo lie to the media all the time and take shots at opposition clubs. To be honest I really don't see a difference between the lot.
In fact, Mourinho is a lot more classy than Capello. Mourinho simply doesn't like fake modesty. IMO you're classless if you're bragging about things you can't make true. That never happened to Mourinho.


approaching curve
Oct 3, 2004
Erkka said:
If he wins everything this season, why should he stay longer
Then where is the difference? Both joke always joke about weaker clubs, Moggi loves to talk trash about inter while Mourinho does the same with Arsenal. Both always say that they didnt deserve to lose. Both lie, Moggi even breaks the laws while at it.
I did not say they don't have similarities.

Where is the difference then?
How dare to treat Moggi with such disrespect? One is a marketing genious and one is a media fool. Mourinho could act differently in the press and yet be as succesful, Moggi could not.

Yes he did brake the law, but wasn't that when he was at Lazio?

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