Nick Against the World (206 Viewers)


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
Jeeks said:
On Eurosport 2

Well, the formation is only on paper, there was actually no formation on the field; it was total chaos. Boumsong was a totaljoke actually, had it not been for Buffon we would have left with no points.
i got arrezzo-mantova game on eurosport, and their schedule siad it was Fecking hockey on :faq1:

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
swag said:
Sam Beauregarde: "Don't talk to me about K-mart lingerie and the tailpipes of Chevy Suburbans, Wonka, I use them myself. They're strictly for suckers."

Unable to +Rep you, but you get serious + Wonka Points.

And . . . I love you.

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
IncuboRossonero said:
Andy I bet you love this guy now that he plays for Italy despite being born and raised in PADOLAND aka Jersey :pint:


The hungry and the hunted
Explode into Rock & Roll bands;
They face off against each other in the streets


f**king hot prospect
Mar 5, 2006
I was looking through pictures in my camera
And EHHH oh look, pictures of Merdeka (Independence Day)
I totally forgot about them! Gawshhhhh :D

So uhhh,

Happy Belated Birthday, Malaysia

*another nervous shrill laughter*

So, there it is, Happy 49th Birthday, you old fart!

But I don’t reckon 49 years of independence would render a country “old”.

Still young, still young. *nods head*
But how often do you get to wish someone (or something) a Happy 49th Birthday,

and then call him an old fart without getting bitchslapped

*hugs imaginary Malaysia*
View attachment 31090
BDW, thats me and ma girlfriend..!!! whoohoo!!!

View attachment 31091
Gaaahahaah sudden random pic of the towers

Was passing by KL one night and gawshhh, it's sooo beeeuutifuulll...

BDW people.....Yet Another *Crocodile Hunter Got Pawned*
On Monday, 4th September 2006, someone (I can’t remember who)

told me the news.

“Ehh, did you hear about the crocodile man?”

“What crocodile man?”

“There, the one on Animal Planet or something, Steve... Steve Corwin, is it. There, the one that jumps on crocodiles going 'WHAAAHHH!’”

*chuckles* “Oh, the crocodile hunter. Steve....... Irwin, I think.”

“Yayaya Steve Irwin. Anyway, he died.”

“..................Shut up.”

“No really! It was all over the news today!”

“But, that fella cannot die wan! Wow, so a crocodile finally killed him.”

“No. It was a stingray.”

“WTF?!? Damn random, right?”

But in the back of my mind,
It still felt too surreal to be true.
I mean, c’mon, that dude cannot die wan lah. *pfft*
Superman cannot die, you know
And c’monnn, a stingray? *ppffffttttttttttt*

you think i stupid ah?

but what the heck? ITS TRUE........!!!
The dude really did get killed.

By a stingray. (WTF?!?!)

He was like, one of those people on TV whom you thought would never ever ever die,

you know?

Or at least, a death by a stingray. (WTF man!!)

He would know, when a croc turns whichwhich way that means it wants to attack,

and when it does whatwhat thing, the croc wants to roll over and play dead.

Or something like that la.

But apparently stingrays are not his area of expertise.

(WTF!!! I still find it hard to believe. Oh the randomness )
I’m gonna miss the bugger so much.
Every once in awhile when there’s nothing on TV,
Last resort switch to Discovery Channel and Waheyyy, there’s the crocodile hunter pulling some stunts again
Bloody good entertainment.
But thanks to him, I will probably never know anything about crocodiles.
How to pay attention to the crocs, you telllll me,
When there’s a big, round, damn cute, loud, and funny-as-hell Australian dude wearing short short shorts jumping onto crocodiles?

But I took him for granted. We all did.

We all figured the heavy-accented Aussie lang will always be there for our entertainment needs, wrestling crocodiles and saving the world.
I might just start downloading his documentaries.

And uhh, start paying attention to the other not-killed-by-stingray wildlife conservationalists on TV.

Not *yet* killed by stingrays, at least.

Pay tribute to the late Steve Irwin and eat a stingray today.

Make sure you stab them back repeatedly with your fork before chowing down

on them.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Andy said:
I was not able to see the game, however I still do not like the straight 4-4-2 with the players have at our disposal. And the acquisition of Boumsong was really, really smart.
Hey at least your team didn't get its ass kicked by Everton 3 days before it plays PSV.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
IncuboRossonero said:
Andy I bet you love this guy now that he plays for Italy despite being born and raised in PADOLAND aka Jersey :pint:

Nick, you're just finding this out? Come on man this is old news. Perhaps you could surprise us with something we didn't already know. Good try though. :D

PS. If the kid wishes to ride the bench for Italy, that's his deal.
Forza Ass Splinters:pint:

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