Nick Against the World (104 Viewers)



Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #19,093
    For those of you who don’t know I did indeed make the trip to Istanbul for the Final and returned today.

    Yes I am in shock, disbelief and bitter over the loss however as time passes the bitterness is the fact that this Milan team lost the Scudetto and CL Title to inferior teams: actually, Juve was much more deserving of the Scudetto than Liverpool was of the CL title.

    Apart from 10 minutes of play Milan dominated the first half…the first 7 minutes of the second half..the end of the second half and extra time. They let their guard slip AND unlike Liverpool did not have that extra ‘luck’ on their side.

    What luck ?? I don’t mean a ball hitting someone’s back and taking three bounces .. I mean that when even the official is caught up in the momentum of the COMEBACK that he too fails to make the right calls:

    Here is what you DID NOT see on T.V.:

    - Second Goal: that long shot which surprisingly Dida missed. Why did Dida miss it? Simple he did not see the shot right. Why did he not see the shot because Milan Baros and another Liverpool player (who I forget) were both a FOOT offside when the shot was taken and interfering leading Dida to believe they would deflect the shot and hinder his view: THIS IS BEING PART OF THE PLAY…This DOES NOT fall under the offside exemption: both players were very much involved in the action. In fact, watching the replay today you will notice that Baros purposely moved his hand out of the way at last minute so as to cover Dida…this is PASSIVELY OFFSIDE?

    When that goal was scored many of us were actually relieved ..


    BECAUSE THE FUKIN OFFSIDE FLAG WAS UP!!!!!!!!!!! And the ref choose NOT to consider the linesman and called it a goal. Unbelievable.

    Then the third goal…people suggest that Gerrard would not dive as he had a clear shot…CLEAR SHOT MY ITALIAN ARSE.
    Before he even lined up the shot he had Cafu inches to his left and Stam a foot to his right..he would have barely had time to LINE up the shot before Cafu slid into the ball or Dida stopped any possible Angle. Gattuso was accused of pulling his shirt but Gerrard’s legs gave out.
    No excuse for that call…PERIOD. You don’t make a call like that in a CL Final unless you are absolutely certain. I respect Gerrard very much but like many players I respect (such as Zambrotta) he realized he would not have enough time to line up the shot and choose to fall because he was touched.
    The momentum..the comeback..the crowd....all got to the official who made an irrational call.

    Don’t get me wrong..there was no conspiracy against Milan or Italian football: simply a case of the official being caught up in the moment….

    BOTTOM LINE (and no they were not robbed)

    To win a game like this after being down 3-0 a team needs HEART (which Liverpool had) Perseverance (which they had) character (God did they have it in Gerrard) and something going their way: these were not BLATANT calls but they did change the pace of the game in 7 minutes.
    Milan had no excuse for letting them pick up the momentum. By the way Paul, arrogance? No respect? Please don’t get up in the hype. What in Milan’s performance showed arrogance?
    Did you fail to realize that minutes before the first Pool goal Sheva had almost made it 4-0 on a free kick?? Did they really stop playing…people have their own version of the second half in their heads.

    In retrospect we should have never allowed this sub-par team to get this far…we had them beat from the first minute. I cannot blame the players nor the coach for the loss because ANYONE being up 3-0 and playing as they did will naturally due to human nature breath a little….its the way it goes.

    Liverpool played for the shoot-out…Liverpool ripped a page in the ‘supposed’ Italian text book of ‘catenaccio’ so as to keep Milan at bay. In extra time they did absolutely nothing and I really believed a goal was on the way from Milan…in fact, it was a miracle Sheva didn’t score .. Liverpool let them have those opportunites in the dying minutes of extra time…that is a team that deserves to win..
    Give me a fukin break.

    People imply that because Liverpool came back from the 3-0 deficit they deserve to win regardless of what happened the rest of the game: bullshite. People are happy because either: the non-Milanistas in Italy just want to see Milan go down or Liverpool was the football version of “the little train that could” and “did” and regardless of whether they played catenaccio (for which Milan and Juve has been cricitized for years) and created little apart from those 7 minutes they deserved it.


    P.S. To answer the jack-asses here: NO I don’t know how you feel losing in shoot-outs..why? Simple
    You lost to US not to some foreign lost to your biggest rival in the CL final. That is a feeling we thankfully do not share.
    Secondly, NO ONE (not a critic not even Juventini’s I know) dared say Juve played better in the CL 2003 Final. Milan was the better team that night…Milan was the better team last night. However, last night Milan lost. In 2003 the better team WON. So no..I don’t know how you feel.

    And yes, the game KILLED ME and probably took 5 years off of my life. (That will make many people here happy).

    That said,

    I have nothing but respect for the REDS.

    PAUL: that hand ball was a crock of shite....NESTA was on the ground and if you watch the replay it a) grazed his elbow in which he was actually turning to get it away from the ball and it was kicked directly on his body while he was on the ground ... if that is not an INVOLUNTARY HAND BALL (in my opinion it was not even enough to call a hand ball) I don't know what is.

    I'm off to smoke a thousand cigarettes and kick the sh*t out of my Vespa


    Senior Member
    Dec 23, 2002
    Its always the same. Milan looses and Nick comes up to blame the ref. Against Juve, the ref should have called two penalties for Milan and yesterday, Liverpool scored two iregualar goals.

    Dude, try better.
    I really think that Milan has to blame themselfs. They went with 3-0 to half-time, and in the locker room, Ancelotti maybe told the guys to open the champagne or start the party, but to me it seemed that Milan forgot, that a game lasts 90 minutes and you will have to concentrate for the whole 90. Milan should have done better, both defensivly (Big marking error on Gerrards goal) and in offense (what was wrong with Sheva?).
    The team with more passion and heart won.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    ++ [ originally posted by Padovano ] ++
    Martin, do you really agree with every word? I only ask because my opinion of the penalty that was called - total crap. I watched the legs of the players and saw no contact. The LFC man dove as if has ankle was pinned down and I could clearly see daylight between the player's legs.
    I am convnced about it, yes. Diving also makes no sense, it would be total lunacy, that was a 100% goal as I see it, only the tackle prevented it.

    I have to admit tho that I'm not all that sure about the mechanics of these situations, sometimes it's hard to tell whether it was an actual scuffle or not.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    ++ [ originally posted by Jeeks ] ++
    I am watching the final of Royal League now, they are on a penalty shootout at the moment, shooting the 13th penalty
    I saw it too, it took 28 shots to finally decide it. And my verdict on that is given how well they shot those penalties, they just couldn't have been under much pressure, it looked like a training session. The keepers were poor too.


    May 11, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Martin ] ++

    I saw it too, it took 28 shots to finally decide it. And my verdict on that is given how well they shot those penalties, they just couldn't have been under much pressure, it looked like a training session. The keepers were poor too.
    I noticed that too, almost all the penalties were fabulous, even the ones that the goalies shot.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Seven ] ++

    Hmm. If I had been Ancelotti, I would have brought Rui Costa and Inzaghi on after 45 minutes. They wouldn't have played as arrogant as the others en they would have actually had something to play for. I'm pretty sure Milan would have won 4, 5-0 with them.

    Wudda, cudda, shudda.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    BTW Andy, you keep talking about how Dudek cheated, and how rules should be strictly reinforced, yet you say nothing about Nesta coming into the box to early on Xabi Alonso's penalty, and not only him. If he had gotten to the ball and it wasnt a goal, do you really think the ref would have ordered it to be retaken?

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