News that makes you say WTF! (13 Viewers)


Sep 23, 2003


Sep 23, 2003
Wasn't it Trent Lott or someone who once showed a photo of a Smart car and with an accusatory finger basically said, "This is the kind of car they want you to drive in Europe!" as if he were pointing to the murder weapon in a courtroom? :lol:
Yep... it was...
Two moments stood out in that memorable 2002 debate. Mr Kerry said something both sensible and prescient: that American carmakers fighting higher fuel-economy standards were actually fighting the need to make cars that would be competitive in the future. And Mr Lott said something that was also a bit prescient, but not quite as sensible. To illustrate what he clearly felt was the un-American outrage of attacking gas guzzlers, the Mississippi Republican showed colleagues a large photograph of a purple Smart car, a tiny two-seater city runabout from Germany which in 2002 was unknown on American streets. Referring to the Smart car as a "Purple People Eater", Mr Lott declared: "I don't want every American to have to drive this car."
A decade later the guy was driving a Mini Cooper.

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