News that makes you say WTF! (50 Viewers)

Jul 1, 2010
I don't know to be honest. Every single politician in Montreal and its surroundings turn out to be corrupt pieces of shit these days.

Hopefully the place will be cleaner by the end of the Charbonneau commission in two years...


Sep 23, 2003
Montreal's interim mayor was arrested today for corruption, and that's 'the fuck' worthy because he replaced a mayor who resigned also for, you guessed it, corruption. He's charged with 14 offences.

Montreal is so corrupt.

@Trequartista do you think Montreal should be put under guardianship (sous tutelle)?
You guys have no clue what the Illinois governorship equates to. :yawn:

Arrests are for wimps. The real hardcore corrupt leaders go to prison.
Jul 1, 2010
The real hardcore corrupt leaders boast that no one can touch them. Lol, you naive mundoprimeros :p
Check out this guy, the former mayor of Laval:

"MONTREAL - The disgraced former mayor of Laval, Que. -- who is charged with gangsterism -- is suspected of using mules to smuggle kickback cash into Swiss bank accounts, QMI Agency has learned.

Three highly credible sources from three separate Quebec police forces told QMI Agency that some of the people Gilles Vaillancourt allegedly used to smuggle cash to Europe were minors.

Quebec police claim Vaillancourt has hidden about $15 million that he allegedly received fraudulently through kickbacks from construction companies that won municipal contracts in Laval, which is just north of Montreal.

Vaillancourt, who resigned in November after 23 years as mayor of Quebec's third-largest city, was among 37 people arrested in May and charged with fraud and gangsterism.

"Gilles Vaillancourt and his family had too much money that came from the collusion," said one police source. "He didn't have any other choice but to hide the cash as far as possible so that no one could find it."

An RCMP source told QMI Agency that the federal police force had been investigating Vaillancourt's alleged cash smuggling "way before the year 2000, and way before the (corruption squad) starting investigating."

The RCMP files allegedly show that Vaillancourt smuggled cash oversees on more than one occasion and not only to Switzerland, the source said.

Police sources said someone in Vaillancourt's entourage would give cash to a close friend, who would have their trip to Europe pre-paid.

Often, there were minors among these cash mules who would accompany the adults on the trip. Part of the smuggled cash would be hidden in the minors' luggage."

His nickname is "The Monarch" :rofl:


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
The issue is how corrupt they are, not how stupid they are to brag about it on the phone. :shifty:
and thats the irony in my opinion :D i mean its there own tongue that gets them in this pickle at the end of the day. example Nixon, carlos, etc etc they r the ones that get the attention drawn at them instead of getting it off you. i think they dont just get there pockets corrupted but also there minds.

i think the real wtf part of this issue is the simple fact he hid 15 million $ i think there are some guys in this part of the world laughing and saying wow what an amateur just 15mil :lol:

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